Fucking Clones


Well-Known Member
are they under lights? good lights?
420 actual CFL watts in the form of 10-42W 6700K's. I also have a sun room, but that's too much for anything in a dome. I tried it once, the UV's cranked-up the heat to about 150...lol. I put the one clone that was wilting last night back into the dome, it's better now.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like they just don't have the root system they need for transplant.

If you can't leave them out of the dome w/o wilting, they aren't ready for travel.
Here's what really messed me up. They were out of the dome for 2 days *before wilting, I figured at some point I needed to dry the soil. When the soil began to dry, they wilted...so I watered and put back in the dome. Now the 2 remaining are fine.

I think I'm not being patient enough, plus I'm doing this in the most challenging fashion from what I am reading here. I have all sorts of different mediums I can try, peat, perlite, worm castings etc.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I can grow any strain of pot known to man, but cannot clone into soil.WTF?, cut underwater at an angle...dip in rooting powder...place cutting into pre-made hole in soil...water...put under humidity dome for a day or 2....remove....then treat as you would a seedling.This isn't rocket science. I'm using the same medium I use successfully for everything else.Why do they keep dying after 3-5 days?.
Hello sunbiz.....I see you have gotten some good advice on clonning....I will share what I do with some pic's.....I can't remember the last time a clone died on me....I don't use a dome....Just a 5 gallon bucket and a 22.00 pump....and some foam plugs....I get roots in 7-14 days .....I have left clones in my clone bucket for up to 8-9 weeks....I use clonex dipping gel...and clonex baby food.....You can make one of these's clone buckets for under 35.00 with pump and plugs....if you have the hole saw's.......This has worked really good for me and it is so simple...IMO........nitro....



Well-Known Member
when are you cutting clones off the plant? is it a mother or a budding plant? how long are the shoots (stem) that your cutting from? I cut 4-5 nodes down and pull any extra limbs from the 4th node down dip in olivia's cloning gell and use a pencil make a hole 1-2 inches deep install clone and i use a pop bottle with the top cut off and put them over each one incase i have slow growers.. after 4-5 days i swap them with bottles with holes for a few days fnen remove the ones that are doing good, but the best way is to make a airoponic cloner.. check the forum and there are step by step instructions.. i have a 95% positive rate in my mister cloner and a 40-50 % in dirt so you might want to think about spending $60 and make a guaranteed thing..............


Well-Known Member
Nice harley! How long was that monster in the bucket? Mine have stayed in the box 3 weeks with monster root system like that...bubbles vs. aeroponic....which is better?


Active Member
You said you are using cloning powder right. Try the gel it should make you feel pro. By using clones gel and rapid rooters with tap water and spraying tap water on the leaves daily I haven't lost a clone in at least 2 years.


Well-Known Member
when are you cutting clones off the plant? is it a mother or a budding plant? how long are the shoots (stem) that your cutting from? I cut 4-5 nodes down and pull any extra limbs from the 4th node down dip in olivia's cloning gell and use a pencil make a hole 1-2 inches deep install clone and i use a pop bottle with the top cut off and put them over each one incase i have slow growers.. after 4-5 days i swap them with bottles with holes for a few days fnen remove the ones that are doing good, but the best way is to make a airoponic cloner.. check the forum and there are step by step instructions.. i have a 95% positive rate in my mister cloner and a 40-50 % in dirt so you might want to think about spending $60 and make a guaranteed thing..............
That was one small detail I totally spaced, all clones were from plants 2 weeks into flower. I just put one under a CFL for an hour and it wilted again...so back in the dome she goes.

Meh, I'll get it right eventually.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Nice harley! How long was that monster in the bucket? Mine have stayed in the box 3 weeks with monster root system like that...bubbles vs. aeroponic....which is better?
The monster clone was in the clone bucket for just over eight weeks....It almost didn't make it through the hole in the lid .. I had to squeeze the root crown and jam it through the hole.....

I only use a pump no bubbles and no aero....just a pump.....

I have to leave my clones in the clone buckets until my crop finnish's blooming...so eight weeks can go by.....There is a little bit of shock from haveing to cut the roots with sizzors that are all tangled with other clones....but they get over it....nitro....


Well-Known Member
Hello sunbiz.....I see you have gotten some good advice on clonning....I will share what I do with some pic's.....I can't remember the last time a clone died on me....I don't use a dome....Just a 5 gallon bucket and a 22.00 pump....and some foam plugs....I get roots in 7-14 days .....I have left clones in my clone bucket for up to 8-9 weeks....I use clonex dipping gel...and clonex baby food.....You can make one of these's clone buckets for under 35.00 with pump and plugs....if you have the hole saw's.......This has worked really good for me and it is so simple...IMO........nitro....
This is sweet, thanks for sharing.


Well-Known Member
The monster clone was in the clone bucket for just over eight weeks....It almost didn't make it through the hole in the lid .. I had to squeeze the root crown and jam it through the hole.....

I only use a pump no bubbles and no aero....just a pump.....

I have to leave my clones in the clone buckets until my crop finnish's blooming...so eight weeks can go by.....There is a little bit of shock from haveing to cut the roots with sizzors that are all tangled with other clones....but they get over it....nitro....
What lighting are you using 4/new clones?...looks like LED's/plasma?.


Well-Known Member
You're letting them dry out.. keep the soil moist, spray the soil with water when the top dries.

And yes they take atleast a week to root before new growth. Keep them alive and the soil moist and in 10 - 16 days you'll see new growth.
He's right you should just use a clone tray and dome the roots like to grow in that warmer water like 80 degrees. My clones always take 7-14 days before they are ready to be transplanted.


Well-Known Member
Nitro..i seen the led spectrum on ur clone roots,cool,i may incorperate that,but i may be lazy enough to not review,but i thought u had a bubbler in a bucket,hence my bubbler vs aero comment..correct me if im wrong,and if so let me have a little more detail..i just put 64 in my newly cleaned box today,and counted 54 in rapid rooters that going in tomorro..my interest is how you think your method would fare on a large scale,and the tech. needed to do it,vs the tech i have now,the effort and $...let me know ur advice...thanks!


Well-Known Member
Was wondering what the humidity is when you take them out of the dome,like in your veg room is that where you move them too and how close to the cfl you got them?


Well-Known Member
Was wondering what the humidity is when you take them out of the dome,like in your veg room is that where you move them too and how close to the cfl you got them?
It doesn't seem to matter, whether near or far they croak regardless. The last one finally died after 6 days this afternoon, the soil was really wet(too wet from what I am reading). There was not one single hint of any root formation when I pulled it. I can't see how it could be the rooting powder...IBA is IBA right?.

The medium is the same I use for germed beans...so I dunno. I see plenty of successful cloning done in soil, for whatever reason it isn't working here.
Wow, I guess I don't need to answer this. Two days is not enough. Leave em domed for 1 to 2 weeks as I am sure you know by now as I am the fiftith person to say.

One fact I did not see mentioned that is worth noting. I mean, besides temp and humitity, is what stage your plans are in. If you clone a plant that has just begun to flower, as you might want to do if you discover your bag seed produced a female, then you are on the longer side. Close to three weeks sometimes. It is always best to clone a plant in vegitative growth. IMO! I have no studies to site here, just has been my experience.

Does anyone have an hard evidence to support or debunk my assertion? I'd like to know for sure.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I guess I don't need to answer this. Two days is not enough. Leave em domed for 1 to 2 weeks as I am sure you know by now as I am the fiftith person to say.

One fact I did not see mentioned that is worth noting. I mean, besides temp and humitity, is what stage your plans are in. If you clone a plant that has just begun to flower, as you might want to do if you discover your bag seed produced a female, then you are on the longer side. Close to three weeks sometimes. It is always best to clone a plant in vegitative growth. IMO! I have no studies to site here, just has been my experience.

Does anyone have an hard evidence to support or debunk my assertion? I'd like to know for sure.
I had the same results with a different strain after almost 2 weeks in and out of a dome...not one hint of a root. Would you like to see a pic of dead clone number 3 before I removed it?. It was dead...lol