Fucking Hunters

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
hey man, the woods aren't for hunters if there are in my property, the woods are mine. Every sunday morning I have idiots shooting to my window and they wake me up at 6 am with their fucking dogs. My plants are less than 150m from my house, and I have a land of 10km., so law says that if i don't have an enclosure hunters could come far no more than 150m from home, but I'm sure that some fucking idiot will come closer than 150m and see the plants ( that I planted in my land)
Put up a fence, maybe? If it's your land, fence or no, if you post it (put up no trespassing signs) they ought to stay out. If they don't, pop off a few in their direction. In my country, you can't grow pot in most of it, but you sure can shoot trespassers! (Rock Salt & Bacon Rind)

As for public land, I don't backpack, or even LIKE hunting, but I'm with the guys on that one. Stay off public land, or make peace with the idea of losing the crop by discovery. Don't ever defend it with a gun on public lands, thats just wrong.


Yes I know that I'm in right, but there is still the problem, what I should do, decantate the in vassels, or it's too much stress for a plant of about 2 metress in the middle of flowering


Well-Known Member
Fuck those hunters.... its not they're land either... Just keep your fingers crossed these weirdos dont stumble across your weed... probably just being a bit paranoid!!!
We pay to access it unlike criminal illegal pot growers. So, when I do find your illegal grow while I am legally hunting do you want me to kill it or call the cops? Those are your choices and if you dare to wave a gun at a hunter while you try to protect your illegal grow operation, remember, the hunter has practiced shooting his gun and you're most likely to lose that battle. You would be a dead fool to even let the hunter know you are armed.

You knew you were taking a risk when you planted your plants on public property. Knock yourself out if you want to but don't bitch about people who are using the woods in a manner that is intended. That's a YOU problem, not the hunters out there who pay to access that land you are just stealing.

Hope it works out for you and hunters are more focused on game than your plants but really, you have nobody to blame but yourself if things to go down. I am responsible for my own grow and I grow on my own property. I don't need to steal from the public.


but putting fences for 5 km is too much expensive, here growing pot is illegal, but trepassing propreties without fences is legal for hunters, but they have to stay 150m far from home and the plants are 100m from home, the problem is that for sure hunters doesn,t respect the law as me that I grow plants. so can I decantate the in vassels, or it's too much stress for a plant of about 2 metress in the middle of flowering?


Well-Known Member
You are blaming hunters for not respecting the law as you illegally grow pot on public land?

That's too fucking much..........

Around here, we call folks like you Mexicans.


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat the hater's their ignorant young 20 yr. old's more then likely. Everyone has the right to grow we shouldn't need the The Man to say we can. People have been smoking for a long long time before you were allowed to grow. These young kids can't remember this i doubt they even own any land most probably live in the suburb's. With a little 400 watt light going.
Best thing you can do is hope they don't find it. Camo it up the best you can. Don't hurt anyone with traps or other dumb shit.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I don't see as you have much of a choice here. Either dig 'em up and repot them for your own peace of mind, or stress out every day wondering. Something is better than nothing. And if it's a matter of you going to jail if they're discovered, I don't believe you'd even consider NOT doing it.


Well-Known Member
We pay to access it unlike criminal illegal pot growers. So, when I do find your illegal grow while I am legally hunting do you want me to kill it or call the cops? Those are your choices and if you dare to wave a gun at a hunter while you try to protect your illegal grow operation, remember, the hunter has practiced shooting his gun and you're most likely to lose that battle. You would be a dead fool to even let the hunter know you are armed.

You knew you were taking a risk when you planted your plants on public property. Knock yourself out if you want to but don't bitch about people who are using the woods in a manner that is intended. That's a YOU problem, not the hunters out there who pay to access that land you are just stealing.

Hope it works out for you and hunters are more focused on game than your plants but really, you have nobody to blame but yourself if things to go down. I am responsible for my own grow and I grow on my own property. I don't need to steal from the public.
Your a disgrace. I guess before Prop 215 you never smoked in your life.


We pay to access it unlike criminal illegal pot growers. So, when I do find your illegal grow while I am legally hunting do you want me to kill it or call the cops? Those are your choices and if you dare to wave a gun at a hunter while you try to protect your illegal grow operation, remember, the hunter has practiced shooting his gun and you're most likely to lose that battle. You would be a dead fool to even let the hunter know you are armed.

You knew you were taking a risk when you planted your plants on public property. Knock yourself out if you want to but don't bitch about people who are using the woods in a manner that is intended. That's a YOU problem, not the hunters out there who pay to access that land you are just stealing.

Hope it works out for you and hunters are more focused on game than your plants but really, you have nobody to blame but yourself if things to go down. I am responsible for my own grow and I grow on my own property. I don't need to steal from the public.
I'm not talking about hunters that stay far from the legally 150m from home and so they actuallu couldn't see the plants, i'm talking about hunters that come closer than 150m so that are illegally in may land.
I don't know in your country but in mine hunters do what they want law or not law


Well-Known Member
Uneducated kids nowadays, what are we going to do with them splifchris.
I know man... think positively and good things will happen... growing weed is a good thing and you should get good vibes from it... dont give this negative situation credence and it will work out fine in the end!!!

Enjoy your weed man!!!


Well-Known Member
Lots of Cops Hunt. Maybe you'll get lucky.

I just don't understand the mentality that criminal activity is fine and those damn legal hunters are the problem. That's as backwards as it gets and just screams Birkenstock wearing Freeloader. You know who you are.


Well-Known Member
I do get good vibes growing. It's because I'm not breaking the law.

Again, I don't care if you want to break the law or not. That's your call. But don't blame law abiding citizens.

Fuck illegal Growers. They fuck up the woods.


Well-Known Member
Your attitude F@ck's up the community. The guy asked help, no reason to put him under attack.
If you can't help the man stay out of the conversation.


We pay to access it unlike criminal illegal pot growers. So, when I do find your illegal grow while I am legally hunting do you want me to kill it or call the cops? Those are your choices and if you dare to wave a gun at a hunter while you try to protect your illegal grow operation, remember, the hunter has practiced shooting his gun and you're most likely to lose that battle. You would be a dead fool to even let the hunter know you are armed.

You knew you were taking a risk when you planted your plants on public property. Knock yourself out if you want to but don't bitch about people who are using the woods in a manner that is intended. That's a YOU problem, not the hunters out there who pay to access that land you are just stealing.

Hope it works out for you and hunters are more focused on game than your plants but really, you have nobody to blame but yourself if things to go down. I am responsible for my own grow and I grow on my own property. I don't need to steal from the public.
you are a fucking tool. Get off your fucking high horse, he said it was his land and you obviously smoke it so stop making it sound like your better than him. Just because you can grow indoors you don't have the right to bitch at others for growing outside, what kind of horse shit is that? This is a marijuana growing forum, so go to fuckin Cabella's to talk about you hunting and destroying a crop, or god forbid you call the police for something that you do yourself in your own home. eat a dick


Active Member
No, I am a hunter doing legal things in the woods and this guy is bitching about guys like me while he uses the woods illegally as if he owned them. I don't like walking around chasing elk through the woods with the thought that I might run into some guy protecting his illegal crop.

I'm in the right here. Keep your illegal grows off of public land and you won't have any problems with legal hunters.
First of all he's not bitching about your kind of people. He's asking for advice not complains so shut the fuck up, Get this key word "public". The woods isn't only for your kind "hunters". It's not a hunters only property it "public" I'll say it one more time in case you didn't read properly "Public". In your case you don't own the woods neither so stay the fuck out of it he'll keep his plant out of it to. Go hunt on your private property.


Well-Known Member
you are a fucking tool. Get off your fucking high horse, he said it was his land and you obviously smoke it so stop making it sound like your better than him. Just because you can grow indoors you don't have the right to bitch at others for growing outside, what kind of horse shit is that? This is a marijuana growing forum, so go to fuckin Cabella's to talk about you hunting and destroying a crop, or god forbid you call the police for something that you do yourself in your own home. eat a dick
AGREED! i dont think he's worried about elk hunters stepping onto his property and seeing his garden and saying 'oh theres a marijuana garden. i think its more like those stoney elk hunters that would yank a plant at first sight! Or maybe the wrong elk hunter stumbling onto his grow and calling fucking law enforcement. MATFIO is not in the wrong here and im in a simillar boat! and you sir. Fucking BendFucknuts are a HIppocrit. Not everyone is LUCKY enough to obtain a license.
Fuck you