Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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New Member
heres a cutting i have topped in the same way i have done the big ones, except this one was a bit bigger when i topped it:)DSCN0055.jpgDSCN0057.jpg topped this about a week ago and now her she is..............DSCN0722.jpgDSCN0721.jpg
for now i will wait till i top her any more till she goes in the tent in her own 5 gallon bucket! :)
And then i will top it every were i can possibly top, reason being i want monsters and i am limited to the amount i grow so imo why not make monsters :)


Well-Known Member
yer irts 2 plants
Holy cow! I have been following this for quite some time and totally forgot that you only had TWO plants!! By the pics, I was figuring MANY. Did you super crop or prune to get that many flowering heads?

I have one waterfarm. Im at almost week 4 from sprout. Things are looking good so far now. How long do you run the water lift pumps. Im pretty sure you run the air pumps all the time.

Your plants look stupendous!


Well-Known Member
This is my baby at 30 days.

Im trying to decide when to put her into flower. She is 4.6 weeks from sprout. Nodes are still symmetrical, I read today that a plant is ready to go into flower when the nodes start to alternate. I have no idea if that is true. yet ....


New Member
Holy cow! I have been following this for quite some time and totally forgot that you only had TWO plants!! By the pics, I was figuring MANY. Did you super crop or prune to get that many flowering heads?

I have one waterfarm. Im at almost week 4 from sprout. Things are looking good so far now. How long do you run the water lift pumps. Im pretty sure you run the air pumps all the time.

Your plants look stupendous!
topped them in sevral places all the way threw the veg stage :)
i run my pumps 24/7 and thanks pal :-P


New Member
This is my baby at 30 days.

Im trying to decide when to put her into flower. She is 4.6 weeks from sprout. Nodes are still symmetrical, I read today that a plant is ready to go into flower when the nodes start to alternate. I have no idea if that is true. yet ....
she is looking really nice! :);-):mrgreen::blsmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

you choose when to flower her mate, no one else. just remember that they will double if not tripple in size in flower, so if you only got a small space i would flip early, if you got space veg longer :)


New Member
looking realy good wimb now with them few buds you will have a little tester of your grow
thanks man, what do you think of the trimming, never went wild did I???:-P

Yer i have had 2 shottys and i dont feel fuked of me head i can feel it but it catches up on ya feel it more as i am typingg, will be better at harvest!!!


Well-Known Member
topped them in sevral places all the way threw the veg stage :)
i run my pumps 24/7 and thanks pal :-P
I think Im gonna try not topping, just to see what happens. I have yours to compare too .... No mater what I do, I dont see mine coming anywhere near what you have there mate.

I run my air stone 24/7, but I only pump water during the light and only for a half hour at a time at 2 hour intervals. The plant does not seem to mind. Im thinking that the crop is tolerant of a very wide range of conditions. As long as you stay in that range, she will be ok. I think the same holds for nutes too.

I just did a res change, flush the clay with 6 liters of plain water. Bumped my nutes up the GROW blend (about 1000 ppm). Never had them that high before. My fingers are crossed ......

Are you using GH nutes? Thanks for all the postings! I dont feel so alone!


New Member
yo green you can also just pinch the very top of plant pinch it one way then pich it other way then let it fold over flip it to flower :)) then you could very easily get a few colas rather then just one on top as well the 2 week period flipping into flower mode it will take off and you will notice more preflowers coming up where you pinched reason for this is lower ones will fight to become the top :))


New Member
no bother mate u am here to help and if i can i will :)
if yours was my plant this is what i would do;
1st - Top it at the very top so you get 2 main kolas
2nd - let her veg for another 2 weeks and let that top recover and the flip
3rd - i would drop the ppm to aroun 700-800, 100 ppm is a taj high for me

no i use advance nute sensi grow/bloom 2 part solution and overdrive later on on flower


New Member
yo green you can also just pinch the very top of plant pinch it one way then pich it other way then let it fold over flip it to flower :)) then you could very easily get a few colas rather then just one on top as well the 2 week period flipping into flower mode it will take off and you will notice more preflowers coming up where you pinched reason for this is lower ones will fight to become the top :))
you see green i was right :) lol thanks doc :)


Well-Known Member
Dr and Wiimb, since you both are recommending topping, I just mite have to do that! The plant growth is so tight that I have trouble seeing the center top bud. Time to get my magnifying glass out and my Xacto knife. Maybe even try the FIM technique.

W, I see other growers using much higher PPM nutes and swearing by them. Ill probably just add back plain water the next couple days.


Well-Known Member
I mean, I really appreciate the ideas. Thats how you learn. We all learn here from other peoples successes and mistakes. Thats one of the great things about this place. Again, thanks for the advice!
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