Full Grow Done with Procyon...


Well-Known Member
Well, I have been following this thread for a bit...and the results are pretty interesting...

LED growing- An instructional grow log - Cannabis.com Forums Message Boards - Medical Marijuana, Cannabis Club, Dispensary, News

Short summary...
These couple of guys bought 3 Procyons...(I believe it got mentioned in HT) and have done a FULL grow with high power LED's.

I'd suggest those who are interested to browse what they have done. It is a damn fine grow...and not just 1-2 scraggly plants either. The vendor says they aim to replace a 400HPS. The growers who use it say at LEAST a 400HPS and possibly between that and 600HPS.



Well-Known Member
He also mentions that he spent 1800 bucks on the lighting, and that he feels he needs additional strips of LEDs to suppliment. I am very excited about the progress that is being made with LEDs, it is just so damn expensive now for a GOOD LED setup. In a few years I bet it will be the norm.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but he bought three in order to cover the space he would have used for 3 600HPS. Also, while it is expensive, the electricity is a fraction of 3 600's, as well as no heat issues. 3 600's in a 2X8 space would be HOTTT.

The yield is pretty impressive though. I would not mind upgrading my 250hps to one of those.


Well-Known Member
To have a discussion about what something costs, you need to consider all of the information that we know. We know that light fixture companies and light bulb manufactures are not going to go out of business, and they are making their investments in LED lighting, not trying to improve hid lighting. Maybe we should look a little closer. VV


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I contacted the makers of the Procyon 100, and they let it slip that there is a Procyon 300 in the works, it should be powerful enough to replace 1000w HID's, but with still a hefty price tag of somewhere under a grand.

Give it another two years, and the prices cut in half, and maybe everybody will be doing LED Grows.

It certainly may be next light I upgrade to.