Full LED grow room/aeroponic system. first attemp


Well-Known Member
i thought i read somewhere that they were hellaexpensive. maybe if you buy em brand new from a garden store


Well-Known Member
Hey bud, thanks for stopping in! You're quite a bit closer to budding than I am, make sure you check back and let me know how things are going. I'm curious to see what kind of yield you'll get off that plant.


Well-Known Member
Liking the thread. Going with you on the journey. I am ordering 4 of these, they are 28 watts each, full spectrum.
Postscript; The sales person got back to me and said it would take a 5 lamp kit to replace a 400 watt setup


Well-Known Member
One of the best and most effeciant leds...

Not sure where to purchase or pricing...

CREE | XLamp LEDs, leading the revolution in lighting

Holly $#!t natmoon those 5watt led stars are about 27 us dollars a bulb... ??

Thats over 500 us dollars for a 100W setup in bulbs alone not including all the other parts you will need to assemble a panel of them... =O

Once again holly $#!t... =O


Well-Known Member
Well, once again I almost made doo doo in my pants this morning when I looked in on the girls. I noticed that the bottom leaves were drooping quite a bit. Immediately checked my Ph, it was 6.08, no worries there. Wondering if it was a nute problem ( overfeeding) By chance my bud stopped by who's a dirt farmer, lol. Told me its natural that the bottom leaves do that then usually die and fall off.

the tops are all perky still and the color is great, no spots or anything, thats kind of why I ruled out the overfeeding idea. I dont have an EC meter but I was told they're not really necessary as long as you follow the directions for the nutes and maintain the pH. Keep in mind this is my first Aero grow so I'm just trying to figure things out, lol. I've grown outside a few times as you'll se by ma avatar, hehe, but have never been around to watch the beginning stages of vegging and such, just planted from seed. I'll post some pics in a bit as soon as my camera battery recharges.

Rez-38L w/pH at 5.85( I lowered it a touch to see if they would eat more.)
Room temp 22.5*C/72.6F
Rez temp-20*C/68*F
R.H. 36%
Lights 24/7
Flush and clean next Friday.


Well-Known Member
Went out last night and forgot to take some pics, so here a few today. pH has gone from 5.85 to 6.01 over night so thats a good sign that they're eating. I'm gonna bring it down again tonight and see if it does the same. Maybe this strain prefers a lower pH.



Well-Known Member
wow looking good. Im a skeptic about led's right now. Ill definitely be watching your progress. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Sweetness. the pH went up a full point overnight. I'll keep it down from now on so they eat more. Have to raise the lights today cause a few of them are less that an inch from them now, lol. they grew some overnight, hehe.


Well-Known Member
They seem to be coming along pretty good, a little slow but who knows. I did make some mistakes early on. Roots are looking real good, bout 6" long or so.

Room temp- 22*C/71.6F
Rez temp- 20C/68F
pH- 5.95
R.H.-Fluctuating between 40-53 (the snows melting outside, hehe.)
Air exchange- Fan on 24/7
Watering cycle- Flushing tomorrow.

I love farming, lmao



Well-Known Member
They aren't going that fast but look pretty healthy. I really want to see hoe these LEDs turn out, I was thinking about investing in a BUNCH of these for my next grow (depending on how well this one goes). You should stop by and check out what I've got going on.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what the yield is going to be for these, I'm going to be switching them over to bud in about 2 more weeks. As for the lights, Ive got 2 of the panels on them and 4 spots, lol. I think that'll be enough for budding, but we'll see, hehe. That will be the fun part.

I didn't use a flash for the first 2 pics so you can see how bright it really is. It's alot brighter being right in the room. Like coming inside after being in direct sunlight after I leave the room, hehe.



Too many brownies
I still think those leds should be a little closer. Ive seen them where they are almost touching the plants.

Looking healthy but a little slow.
Whats your ppm and PH at?
