Full On Lagalization


New Member
Went to the meeting I posted a link to in the no more dispensary thread. Seems we have a group on the same page.

  • Full on legalization.
  • No special interest groups backing us
  • Organize Now
  • Attack Once Fully Organized
  • Collect Donations - Pay Circulators
  • Better Written Petition
I think it's going to work this time. We learned from our mistakes and from the mistakes other states have made in legalization efforts. We also know what worked for the 2 states that did pass legalization. Not that I totally agree with either states legalization rules but we have a couple successful rough drafts to work from.

It's on now and the time has never been better for legalization!


New Member
Went to the meeting I posted a link to in the no more dispensary thread. Seems we have a group on the same page.

  • Full on legalization.
  • No special interest groups backing us
  • Organize Now
  • Attack Once Fully Organized
  • Collect Donations - Pay Circulators
  • Better Written Petition
I think it's going to work this time. We learned from our mistakes and from the mistakes other states have made in legalization efforts. We also know what worked for the 2 states that did pass legalization. Not that I totally agree with either states legalization rules but we have a couple successful rough drafts to work from.

It's on now and the time has never been better for legalization!
who is heading this up jc?


Active Member
who knew we all saved cool picture with pot. good work guys. thanks for sharing. legalize what?

corporate control of a plant? better start defining your terms and not relying on bumper sticker phrases.

regulate and tax like parsley!


New Member
watching. would volunteer to collect signatures around jackson area sans payment per.
Thanks Cory and trevor. First we will need help fund raising and organizing. Also need to start deciding what kind of language we want to have included on the petition.

I'm thinking auctions, and possibly telemarketing. Have a friend who owns a t-shirt printer might be able to get him to print some legalization slogans on some t-shirts and sell them. Could put a certain percentage of each sale into the legalization fund. Any other ideas would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I will support likely only one path forward to Legalization. the Jack Herer path. That is to say, No Regulation, No Taxes, No Rules, No Limits, No Prohibition, No Penalty of ANY Nature.

100% Decriminalization and Legalization in the State of Michigan for Any Adult the age of 18 and older, in any amount, any form, for any purpose.

It is an herb, it should be treated like any other plant that can be utilized for industry by anyone that so feels compelled to utilize its properties.

Hemp Building Timber

Henry Fords first Model A was built utilizing Hemp Plastic where possible, and the engine was designed to run on Hemp Diesel Fuel. the fuel was 75% cheaper to make than normal crude fuels, burned more efficiently, and created less harmfull byproducts (burnt fuel residues). The Hemp Plastic was more durable than steel, cheaper to produce, and would never rust or wear out, and took tremendous force to crack/break the pieces made from the hemp plastic.

HempCrete/Lumber (Processed Lumber) is 10x and 8x stronger compared to their more common counterparts. On top of being a stronger material once processed, it also brings with it insulating properties that far exceed current Insulation material properties for providing a thermo barrier between inside and outside temperatures. It also is proven to last longer and stand up to weathering far better....

I know many think this needs to be sold as a Tax and Regulate structure, but in my personal opinion, that is akin to cutting your nose off despite your face.
Taking the Power of Control out of the States hands by means of Legalization/Decriminalization, only to give it to right BACK to the State to implement Rules/Regulations and Taxes is the Epitome of Ignorance or Insanity.

Doing the same thing over and over and Expecting different results. This can be Good for Science, Bad for Living by when you are hoping for a different outcome.


New Member
Joe Cain? Man, I'm kinda sketchy about this guy. Do you know him bloody, and if so what are your thoughts on him?
i think there was alot of bs with him at 3ma.he runs the jackson market and he is very active in the mmmp..ill hold personal thoughts for the better of the act .someone has to grab the bull by the horns