FULLY AUTOMATED GROW.......remote monitor clone to harvest??

, but i believe no more safer then growing in your bedroom

if it is in a storage facilty or on a boat in dock, buried shipping container in your back yard or otrher property, in a shopping mall (lol they never were busted), buy cheap land in woop woop...

How are these not safer than growing at home... when you have friends/ family in your hm, exposure to kids, smells etc,
You can DENY LIABILITY to a degree !
Not likley to be seen not likely to found!
i dont really have to worry since i got a med card, but with the expense going into this project per say your have to turn around and make a profit so the risk is there again, so you have one less risk to add to another risk, im not doubting your idea, i think its a good idea, but kids in the house you shouldnt be growing in my own opinion, if your worried about smell, thats what carbon is for, family doesnt need to be going thru your closets, or in your basement etc, so only person your really hidding from is johnny law, now when buds are done do you make several trips with small amounts, or one large trip with large amounts of bud, instead of not driving with bud your driving with bud, now your more in the public then before, having a large container buried in your yard would be hard to prove it wasnt yours in court, i mean i didnt know someone buried a 40ft shipping container underground in my yard, or i didnt know someone used my boat at the dock for growing
Again this is not really for STEALTH pupose for ME .. I want it so I dont have to go out to my crop as much...
if you had two rooms one flower one veg/clone ....
You will only have to be in there for movement between rooms... SO 3 times.. over life cycle of plant....
Giving me enough time between to CONFIDENTLY go away and i can physically make sure its PERFECT! Being able to log in and look adjust and play.... it would be BETTER than any game ever made !
At the moment i go away and hope for the best.... and it ILLEGAL here!
A shipping container drawing a gigantic amount of power would be pretty suspicious. I think underground would be good for the more consistent temps and less chance of discovery but then you have to dig a gigantic hole in the ground, make tunnels.

If you've never seen the Pot Cave, prepare to be inspired.
A shipping container drawing a gigantic amount of power would be pretty suspicious. I think underground would be good for the more consistent temps and less chance of discovery but then you have to dig a gigantic hole in the ground, make tunnels.

If you've never seen the Pot Cave, prepare to be inspired.

HOLY CRAP !!!!! :hump: that is all inspiring..... the biggest illegal ive seen...
And we were thinking of self sufficent ... desil gen with big tank...
What about growing in a sewer system like the ninja turtles.. i'm sure there's steal-able electricity down there for something. And of course you'd have to regulate the oxygen and CO2 yourself... but just another thought...
If you're going to the expense, why not go LED and reduce the power requirement as well as the excessive waste heat, while also increasing your 'chome-count.

Also regarding, internet access. Look into Tor for anonymizing tech, yet?

Got a lot of wind in your area? Turbine?
If you're going to the expense, why not go LED and reduce the power requirement as well as the excessive waste heat, while also increasing your 'chome-count.

Also regarding, internet access. Look into Tor for anonymizing tech, yet?

Got a lot of wind in your area? Turbine?

LEDS, i keep hearing about them i dont think they have the ability bro, show me ANY COMMERCIAL grow ANYWHERE in the world useing them.....
Chome ?????
Wind turbine ids a good idea but kinda obvious..... in regards to being stealth..

Personally i think another hole for BIG desiel generator and tank... will suit as big grow operation!
k so you got it set up, you go away for the weekend to some nice hotel, log on and see a serious problem, now what still in the same boat as you would be if you just left, now it ruined your weekend, as to if you want to make that long trip back and hope to save them, instead of rolling in on sunday night when you had a great weekend and find dead plants
If you had it setup right it should cut down on problems but not completly eliminate anything. But as far as say PH issues, tempurature issues or the everday stuff you should be able to control remotley or automatically. The thing you would have to worry about is mechanical failure
If you had MULTIPLE setups..... and big .
Then it would be the ULTIMATE online game.......... and give you the ability to run seperate locations...... visiting only a couple of times a month!
it will be possible but more than likely far to expensive for the return you may get

I dont know..... if you are setting up say a house (everyroom) The cost of system lets 10K for remote sys and lights etc 10k - 20k setup....... Your return would be more than that on first crop ! Thats 10 pound... before you start makeing a return ! You would get that out of a big lounge room! LOL...

This is not realistic for the home grower.... but a commercial grower !
I personally think the best idea would just be to rent out a refrigerated storage unit. those places are pretty much air tight to keep the cold in, so with a little extra attention no smell would escape. and you could disconnect the AC unit and plug your lights right into that. The cost for electrical is paid for already because normally it would just be running all the time. Put a water tank in there, if there isnt water already, and run an ebb and flow or something. set everything up on some timers. It really wouldn't be all that difficult, and the cost of rent would easily be outweighed (literally) by your first harvest.
It is not a question of if this is possible.

I guarantee you there are commercial growers using some variation of this technique as we speak to keep physical interaction with a grow site (or multiple grow sites) to the bare minimum.
In light of the recent bust in a primary and shopping mall in the USA...
Its got me thinking about A COMPLETE setup say in a 40ft shipping container.... and HAVING EVERYTHING computer automated.... being that all you have to do is hook it up to a water supply fill the nute` resivior in which the mix`s will be made from.... And run the WHOLE lot from a computer.... You will have to plant - or clone first then close the doors, and they dont get opened again till harvest.....

ANYBODY DOING THIS.... i would be intrested in software/hardware your useing ... how remote? Camera setup?

I guess technically you COULD, but I'm of the mind you're really rolling the dice on your investment. You need to be there daily to check the plants up close, since they tell you what's going right or wrong. What about pest infestation? What if a feed tube falls out of place? What if a light burns out? A pump never turning on, or it stays on? What if HVAC fails? What about training your plants to a trellis to ensure maximum light distribution, and light penetration through the canopy to the bottoms? What about something growing too close to a light and getting bleached or burnt? What about a fire?

I know, I'm a worry wart. Especially in closed-space hydro, I'm just more of a hands-on person and daily spot checks helps you avoid most of these problems before they become problems.

Smartbee controllers has a remote access, monitor, control line via wifi and an iPad app, but it's an addition to physical monitoring, not a substitute.

If you can pull it off, I'd love to see what you did!!!