Fumble's First Grow


Well-Known Member
I just can't bring myself to do it tonight. Even though I could drag the DeWalt out there to see with. I'm too scared about the mold. What a puss.


Well-Known Member
I wont need the alarm. I usually wake up around 4 or 4:30. then try and go back to sleep. I will just get up and out of bed tomorrow!


New Member
I wont need the alarm. I usually wake up around 4 or 4:30. then try and go back to sleep. I will just get up and out of bed tomorrow!

i used to but im old and a slow starter now
got to sip coffee and have a smoke and my quiet time to reflect


Well-Known Member
just a few of the worms I got today. The other things are white fly eggs and larvae I think? I thought mites at first, but it's not mites.
Hey Fumble, that don't look good. From reading your other posts looks like your on a very tight budget. This is what I would do.
Invest your $10 (think I paid $14) in "Green Light Fruit tree spray" , I got mine at Lowes or Home Depot. It treats Mites, worms, powdery Mildew, here's a link to the label. Read for yourself, check page 5 for what it fights. Good stuff, not the best, but on a budget, that would be my 1st choice. I spray with it when I found the first signs of mites, wiped them out, and taking care of other issues at the same time.
I know your further along then I am, I don't spray after 3-4 weeks flowering.
Just my 2cents....


Well-Known Member
Thanks TMB. For some reason my computer wont let me bring up the link. But I did get the Green Light BT Worm Killer. And the things that look like mites...the only reason I think they may not be mites is because they are elongated little effers. Aren't mites kinda round? I have been picking off all the leaves with these on them and spraying the eff outta them with the EcoSmart. Gonna hit it with the ES when I get up at the ass crack of dawn.

Ps. I was looking at that stuff at Capital Nursery!


Well-Known Member
That stuff will take care of 95% of all plant issues, mites, flies, aphids, mildew, caterpillars, worms, all kinds of crap.
Good Luck...


Well-Known Member
Go to the nursury and get a bag of ladybugs. The will kill all of them. about $10 for 1500 of them.



Well-Known Member
them are aphids for sure. again i use neem and lady bugs for these and some times i even go around just smashing the fuckers with my fingers. i was in my veggie garden smashing some last night as a matter of fact.


Well-Known Member
Get em fumble! I give mine an early morning mist daily. Either before I leave for school or work. Neither of my two girls in the ground get direct light til 1, so I can spray pretty late lol. Hope you defeat the bugs, I'll be watching.


Well-Known Member
Ladybugs work great if in a greenhouse. No greenhouse how you going to contain them? They'll just fly away to the neighboring plants.
Good luck on your fight, uphill battle for sure.


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere a guy was spraying his ladybugs with canned cola before releasing them in the evening. The soda is supposed to prevent them from flying.


Well-Known Member
If there is a food source most will stay. Spray with soda and they cannot fly for 2 days. Laying eggs during that time.


Well-Known Member
OMG it just keeps gettin worse for ya huh? yea forget the ladybugs at this point yoiu got a infestation your doin the right thing...spray the hell outta them, and then spray em' again, kill kill kill them fuckers!! THEN you can release some bugs to help keep em' clean. Sounds like you got it covered though. good luck!!