Funeral Plans


Well-Known Member
Having just lost my mother and going thru the funeral planning..... I didn't realize how freaking expensive conventional funerals were thank god my mom had the forethought to get an insurance policy that was for funeral expenses . I just don't see how the average family can afford a funeral without some kind of financial help and I think that's a shame. I have 2 younger brothers one offered to help with some of the expenses where cash was needed for flowers,opening the grave, paying the preacher that kind of thing but the other brother was only interested in what mom was leaving him never offered to help with anything and that really pissed me off but before I get into a brother bashing let me say this make as many plans as you can while you're still among the living it sure makes it easier on those left behind.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mum, and your right funerals are expensive these days, I have a funeral plan in place but I doubt it will be enough when the time comes, we have just buried my father in law and although he had pre paid his funeral their was still a lot to pay for that wasn't included in what he paid. Being a funeral director is very profitable nowadays.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about losing your mother.

I agree with what you said,the less burden on someone the better...
I'm getting turned into a pile of ashes(:


Well-Known Member
My condolences and I agree. Dad died a while back, got a bit senile and had a younger gold digger girlfriend with power of attorney. Left her with the majority of his estate and I had to pay for all the funeral and arrangements and clearing out of his condo. The cunt didn't spend a penny once he died. I, then attached a rider to my to my pension to cover all of mine