Fungal, insect or nutrient? Tan spots on leaves...


Active Member
Hi Folks,

Having trouble deciding what is causing this problem (photo attached): small tan circular spots on otherwise healthy leaf top surface (does not penetrate leaf and no insect sign on reverse). Jack Herrer, outdoors in Hudson Valley, in veg about 8 weeks now. I use a mix of Serenade and Actinovate every other week for botrytis; fertilize weekly with weak solution of FloraGrow; don't see any webs, eggs, or other insecty spots; and the plants are otherwise healthy looking (and magnificent!). If you've seen and treated this, would appreciate the ID and help! Grow on!
tan spots.png
Leafhoppers. I have em too. You probably won't find the eggs, too small. The adult is red and blue, and will try to hide on the underside of leaves, and if that doesn't work will jump away. The adults have wings too, and will use them to get more distance from the jumps. The young are mostly the same shape as the adults with one form being white and the other white with a couple small orange spots. Insecticidal soap works if you hit them directly. Not sure about neem oil. Google leafhoppers if you want to see a photo, if I see them I kill them. Here's a pic of the leaf damage I have for comparison.


  • bkrsleafhopperdamage.jpg
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Just googled them. Never seen one of those before. Learn something new every day. I'm still sure mine are from leafhoppers though. I kill a couple on my plants every day. Kaputnik, you seen either of those on your plants?