Fungus Gnats


Well-Known Member
i have what i think to be fungus gnats??
not an infestation but a few flying around my girl

are these brows spots formed form the bug i have? or r these from mag def

the spots are only confined to 4 or so leaves on my entire plant which has in the hundreds :)

so can anyone identify the bug?
r these spots from it? or something else.
and if its another bug, possible remedy's

i will be giving sum +rep for anyone with sum info

week 7 flower - check journal for any other info


Active Member
They look a lil big for gnats, but not sure. I use yellow aphid sticky raps, and fly tape works also (i need some myself)....are they walking in and out of the soil when you water?


Well-Known Member
hang a shit load of sticky traps around
keep ur girl dry (within reason), only water wen shes dry, gnats love it wet
theres always a few gnats around, as long as u keep the numbers down they shouldnt bother u too much


Active Member
Fungus gnat larvae feed on the roots, hatch and then the adults suck leaf juice and lay eggs is moist organic material. Like was said already, sticky traps for adults, and let your soil surface dry out so they don't have a nice place to lay eggs.
Neem oil or pyrithium are supposed to kill the them, but you probably don't want to spray this late. A layer of dry sand on top of your soil will preclude adults from laying eggs. A layer of diatomacious earth does the same thing, when they touch it it pierces their shell and they "bleed out." Diatom. earth dust is bad for you though. I used sticky traps and a layer of dry perlite (use what's on hand, right?) Seems to be working, 5 days later no gnats!


Well-Known Member
I had fungus gnats, to find out if thats what you got just disturb the top layer of soil and see if little bugs fly around. If they do go to your garden center and buy something food safe to drench the soil with (dont spray the ladies just the soil) and that should kill them all withing a day or two. Those gnats stall your plants growth.


Well-Known Member
ok everyone this is the second time this week im telling someone how to deal with these guys. first when using soil cook it to kill bug eggs. place in plastic bag add water close up and place in the sun for a hole day. or dump boiling water in a bucket on top of the dirt. always leave 2 -3 inchs of space at the top of your pots. sometimes u need to add soil to hold ur girl up this gives u that extra space. or in your case add 2 inchs of sand or perlit 2 the top of the pot. they cant lay there eggs in the soil then. also stretch duct tape over your pots sticky side down. leave a small space for air flow and watering beteween strips. any bugs that hatch and fly up will get stuck on the tape. oh and clean ur messy grow room up.


Well-Known Member
sorry shizz, not really after a solution, i already know how etc etc
what im worried about is if said brown dots are caused by these bugs
i need to know, so i can act accordingly


i have problems with bugs all the time get some red wine in a bowl or rubicon mango juice in a bowl they will go into it and drown themselves :p:peace: tell me if it workl put the bowl quite close to the plant so it acts as a lure so instead of zombiefying ur lady they will kill them selves in the mixture put few tablespoons of salt in the solution to it kills them quiker :joint::mrgreen::mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
The best way to get rid of FG is to use Azamax. Period. If you fuck around with all the fancy treatments youll be sorry. Before you know it they will be all up in your clones and young ones....And they cant take it like a mature plant. I use it everytime i get em and it dont bother the plant one bit. Use it as the instructions tell you.


Well-Known Member
ok one time i had a hole outdoor crop get those brown spots. luckily i found a near by plant that had the same prob. so i took it a greenhouse landscape center to ask. they told me it was from fungus spore. they gave me some fungus spray witch wasnt marijuana friendly. and almost killed everything. i found that putting sulfur in my spray bottle and soaking my plants works the best. not alot of sulfur just a little also put some in the water and soil. the fungus i had was buckeye something. o and never take plants that are sick to a green house with out it in a zipplock bag they almost killed me for doing that.
maybe. ive seen bug problem rooms and also noticed spots like that on the leafs. but i have had gnats and never had spots like that. could be thrips? not sure. get rid of the gnats and see if the prob stops. are the spots increasing in number?


Well-Known Member
nope the spots have remained the same for a good week now, so im not worried at all
ive put sum yellow sticky traps out

and less than 2 weeks till harvest so its not really worrying me having a few litle gnats fly around once every few days or so