ok iv read the four year old post for fungle nats and just read this resent thread. iv got2 a say alot of folks reject one anouthers advise alot. i am just starting a new crop and i gotta say those fungle nat's do pose a nucence.(they eat the tender fine roots as well as fungi in the soil) i feal that i can use other plants that have natural imuunite's like chilles and ill see where that go's. people give quite restraind mesurments when instructed how much to use but i feel that you really cant overdose on nicotine or chillles in a plant cause its natural the plant simply wont absorb it. i have used the pest strips and that keeps the adult populus in control. yet i want these bastards out completly. i beleave the part that is most crutal to getin rid of these bastard is to get rid of the larvle stage. i beleave that the reason alot of people have conflicting advise on handleing this pest is dependent upon the region that you are located at.diffrent regions of the same fungi nats mite have diffent immunitys and streanths and weaknesess. so i beleave it would be adventagous to us growers if we identified the regions we are reporting from to proporly associate the type of fungi nats were dealing with. secondly im new and a little buzzed as i wrote. but i beleave i got the basics of what i wanted to say out. anyways the most efective way ive heard are using mosquito dunk but i dont wanna use those toxic and exspensive means so im gonna try my own natural methodes with nicotine and tobasco sause and see how that works and ill be sure to check in with the results.