Fungus or mushroom in grow pot


I watered my pot on my regular schedule yesterday and noticed this morning that a yellow fungus or mushroom is growing in the bottom of my grow pot. It is visible in the pic below of the water overflow lip. Does anyone know if this can hurt my plant. Anything I need to do?5536DB84-0C16-4675-9ADF-597B5F3C3500.jpeg14514B76-9860-49A4-B018-DA2A5C9E0D1C.jpeg
Additional info. I used water reclaimed from my dehumidifier which probably explains where the spores came from. I just checked the remainder of that water nut mix jug and I can see some whisky looking floaters in it. Again, I think the why is answered here. Just still need to know what if anything I need to do?
That's pretty crazy looking.. I have always been told mushroom growing in your soil is a sign of very healthy soil.

googling based on appearance and I think you have; "Leucocoprinus birnbaumii is a species of gilled mushroom in the family Agaricaceae. It is common in the tropics and subtropics. However, in temperate regions, it frequently occurs in greenhouses and flowerpots, hence its common names of flowerpot parasol and plantpot dapperling. It is considered to be toxic if consumed."