funny funny

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The second one made me shoot milk out my nose. Pikachu! You little horn dog. Ash likes the ladies so you're shit out of luck.



Well-Known Member

lmao also in other news just registered for all my classes this semester. idk how im gonna pull off 17 units but lets do it!


Well-Known Member
haha funny.
but seriously, im taking english, anthropology, eastern religions, ethics, and french.
im like fuck.... but i only have about two classes a day with 3 classes on wednesday.
doesnt seem too bad but idk yet


Well-Known Member
"I'm like fuck"??
Is that an indication of an emotional state with which I am not familiar? cn
you know when you inwardly realize you may be screwed, then you're like "Fuck...."

As for racer, basically units=credits, and represent how many hours of class you have. ten units=ten hours of class, so about 20-30 hours of work.
ten is full time, and most people who do full time take only twelve, but i had to take french so i was bumped up to 17 units, so 17 hours of class, and about 34-40 hours of work to do.


Well-Known Member
haha funny.
but seriously, im taking english, anthropology, eastern religions, ethics, and french.
im like fuck.... but i only have about two classes a day with 3 classes on wednesday.
doesnt seem too bad but idk yet

what the fuck are you possibly gonna do for a career with this? a librarian at a buddhist monastery in Quebec?