Funny plant.. Root rot?? Please help (with pics)


Well-Known Member
Hi guys.

This plant had really healthy white roots and them they went slightly brown and the plant growth slowed.this happened after a nute change. Also I don't think I hade enough air going through, so I put another air stone in.

Under 400 hps in air cooled
Temp ~22 c
Water temp ~21 c
Dwc 10 litre with 5 litres of nutes
Ec 1.5-1.6
Ph average 5.8 but it rises
Used great white.
Fan on pint for 30 mins on 30 off day and night

Any help or tips would be handy. Oh and the roots don't seem slime at all. They are normal to the touch... Just a little brown and not full of white growth like I want em to be.



Active Member

The roots do look brown, the water temps are too high. You ideally want them around 18oC.

The plant looks like it's suffering from deficiency, this can be either a nutriant imbalance or the roots are unable to uptake the nutriant due to root damage.

I would change out the water, lower EC to around 1.0.

Have a look in this thread and maybe post your picture in there.


Well-Known Member

The roots do look brown, the water temps are too high. You ideally want them around 18oC.

The plant looks like it's suffering from deficiency, this can be either a nutriant imbalance or the roots are unable to uptake the nutriant due to root damage.

I would change out the water, lower EC to around 1.0.

Have a look in this thread and maybe post your picture in there.
Why lower the ec??
dude i wouldnt even trip, thats deffinitly not root rot. If you wanna be extra carefull id recomend the hiesenburg thread at the top of the page that saved my ass as a newb....Try hand feeding ocasionaly on the side of the net pot with no roots to encourage them to go that way. Also, trim those big fan leaves off and those shoots will grow faster. I mean atleast the discolored ones at the bottom .


Well-Known Member
dude i wouldnt even trip, thats deffinitly not root rot. If you wanna be extra carefull id recomend the hiesenburg thread at the top of the page that saved my ass as a newb....Try hand feeding ocasionaly on the side of the net pot with no roots to encourage them to go that way. Also, trim those big fan leaves off and those shoots will grow faster. I mean atleast the discolored ones at the bottom .
Just not as white as I woukd like or have seen


Well-Known Member
Nutrient stain. Completely normal in DWC. I normally ignore, but you can add O2 via bigger pump, or H2O2 to fix.

But that upper growth....
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Well-Known Member
Looks like overfert to me TBH with the curling yellowing tips. Which can cause root issues. They do look a bit brown and your water temp is high.


Hi guys.

This plant had really healthy white roots and them they went slightly brown and the plant growth slowed.this happened after a nute change. Also I don't think I hade enough air going through, so I put another air stone in.

Under 400 hps in air cooled
Temp ~22 c
Water temp ~21 c
Dwc 10 litre with 5 litres of nutes
Ec 1.5-1.6
Ph average 5.8 but it rises
Used great white.
Fan on pint for 30 mins on 30 off day and night

Any help or tips would be handy. Oh and the roots don't seem slime at all. They are normal to the touch... Just a little brown and not full of white growth like I want em to be.
another good source that I use is current culture's UC Roots it helps break down unwanted material and provides a protective zone for your roots and in my personal opinion u would want ur water to be about 18 c water temp 64-65 Fahrenheit. But than again every body does there own ways of doing stuff. Watch this vid. This guy is amazing. Happy to help in any way let me know if this helps.



Well-Known Member
Id be at .6EC-.8EC still

400w is not a very powerful light. I use 600w and rarely go past 1.4EC peak flower
another good source that I use is current culture's UC Roots it helps break down unwanted material and provides a protective zone for your roots and in my personal opinion u would want ur water to be about 18 c water temp 64-65 Fahrenheit. But than again every body does there own ways of doing stuff. Watch this vid. This guy is amazing. Happy to help in any way let me know if this helps.

Thanks guys. I lowered ec and dropped temp a little. Things are looking better, although not liking the structure of this kosher kush plant. The og and purple og were better.

I was using 400 mh before amd switched the plant to 600 hps a few says back. It seems to love it. Have moved to 12 12 now, got to finish asap as I have to move house. Peace


Well-Known Member
So the HPS raised the temps in the res. I moved the air pump outside the tent so the air is colder... Should have done that before.