fusarium wilt.


Active Member
Hi. Can you still smoke the weed from a canabis plant affected by fusarium wilt. Please and thanks
Have you confirmed that it is in fact F. Wilt? ..............cut/spit the stem lengthwise and observe the red/rust brwn tissue.

I would say chuck it out and sterilize yourself and everything else you and/or your plants have come into contact with. Bleach!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea it is definitely fusarium wilt . About 25 plants affected. Most of them are between a week to 4 weeks before they finish flowering. Only about 4 plants have completely been taken over. The other plants have early simptoms where one or 2 branches have started to wilt. This is an outdour grow. So I don't want to chuck anything out unless I have to. So far I have noted that the best thing todo is stop any nutrients and only water vary rearly. That seems to slow the progress of the virus.


Well-Known Member
Well I think you'd be alright. Figure you're cooking it(should kill the virus) then straining the solids out of the oil so I say go for it. May taste different(bad) though bro.


Well-Known Member
There are 2 types of fusarium wilt. the one where bacteria gets into through the stem and the other thru the roots, this is very rare in Cannabis and in Australia generally due to its dry climate, UK yes Canada yes Australia, Southern California no, but not impossible, in both cases treat as per mold and cut the fucker out, in some cases you may keep the plant on life support by going dwc or bubblecloner, until harvest, but no more than a month at a time.

For consumption treat again as mold, smoke if you want, but many will use in in hash or cooking

The bacterium is in the soil get rid of your soil, off your property even trash it


New Member
Hi man,

I'm first time grower and worried I have a hemp virus. I'm trying to figure out how to post pics so please bare with me.

My symptoms are, wilting-usually last few hours before lights of then when light comes back on they perk up then wilt at the same time next day. Purple line streaks on stems, two shades if green on new growth/light green with dark grey green. Rust spots on my lowest fan leaves.

I'm running dwc with canna nutes, these keep my ph in check. I've given higher feed and lower feed still no change, increased air flow into bucket still no change. Fed Epsom salts and regular res change every 7 days maximum.

Plant is growing at a faster rate then my others in coco but then again it is dwc. I've been experiencing these symptoms for awhile now and unfortunately they coincide with many other deficiencies and toxins.

But having tried methods of cure unsuccessfully I've researched incurable viruses and now think this may be my problem.

I'm puffing a spliff and making a wish that this doesn't come true.

I'm all ears and thankful to anyone with time and experience willing to help. Also anyone going through same issues we can support each other through these turbulent times.

Sorry for long post/read


New Member
Need a pic buddy. How are the roots? Pic
I can't seem to work out how to post pics on this forum... My roots seem fine no slime or smells but not pearl white more a creamy colour. I thought it might be root rot damn I've thought it could be every deficiency going. But since I've come accros hemp virus I'm thinking it may be cannabis HIV. :(