G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope


New Member
hi bwinn, looking real good man, i hope your plants dont turn out hermi man. i like the sound of your G13's, both types lol. the mostly indica one would be a good one to breed from mate. good luck and im praying for no hermi's.



Well-Known Member
thanks everyone. i took the hermie out of the room dont wana take a chance lol. the two g13's have so many hairs all ready some are a inch long. my camra is charging so ill post pic's in a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Your right behind me. Just wait you will see your plant change befor your eyes starting now. My closet is getting crazy! I am sure your space is filling out nicely


New Member
looking good bwinn, the pics are real clear man. im glad you took out the hermi plant so it doesnt screw up your others, especially if you plan on crossing them. keep it up.


t dub c

Well-Known Member
Your right behind me. Just wait you will see your plant change befor your eyes starting now. My closet is getting crazy! I am sure your space is filling out nicely
Tight bwinn and matt, soooooo that means we all have plants that are all about the same age in flowering. ohh bwinn buddy, you'll have no other hermies, knock on wood. lookin soo nice though bro.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
im gonna germ another red diesel tonight. and only 3 more days of useing bud blood then its on to big bud lol. ill see everyone later.


Well-Known Member
ok i germinated 2 of them and this time i tryed something diffent. one of the red diesel seeds i coated with soilox from advanced nutrients its time released oxogen the other one im germing normal. im useing the paper towel method. so far i had 100% germ rate useing this method lets hope it stays that way lol.


Well-Known Member
Nice Bwinn! I like how you experiment and clue us in on all the good stuff. I am envious of your strain collection!