G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope


Well-Known Member
they look good bwinn..............as always! No updates on how your first plant smoked?
cant wait to hear, do you still have any its amazing on how fast it can be smoked


Well-Known Member
well i dont like the AN at all thats why i would send them all to ya:) Gatta say your plants look good but in my mini experiment the advanced plants did not grow as fast so ?????


Well-Known Member
it made my last plant tast awsome. where you using them right kaya? have you smoked a plant that was grown with advanced nutrients good shit taste awsome and the final phase is killer. my plants grow fast and look real healthy to me. but im shore your plants are killer to kaya. would love to smoke you up with some of this shit.


Well-Known Member
yea i saw the pics whats the smoke report...... Stopped using them all together not impressed. I feel the stinky fishy organic shit makes the plants taste good. I dont know i use so many diffrent things its hard to say


Well-Known Member
yea i saw the pics whats the smoke report...... Stopped using them all together not impressed. I feel the stinky fishy organic shit makes the plants taste good. I dont know i use so many diffrent things its hard to say
it smoked good real up high. sweet but skunky smell and tast wish i let it flower longer because i like a down high. and the people at advanced nutrients been hooking me up with good deals and lots of free stuff lol. heres some pic's of my plants today. all pics are of my g13's just useing mother earth super tea grow and nothing else.



Well-Known Member
well well,,besides smokin yur own,,you been a busy beaver,,how ya been bwinn,,whats the ages of the bigger ones,,I looked,,but not hard,,:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
well well,,besides smokin yur own,,you been a busy beaver,,how ya been bwinn,,whats the ages of the bigger ones,,I looked,,but not hard,,:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin

good to see you hole. my oldest is 14 days and the other two are 8 days. my hollands hope and red diesel are 4. i started this as a hobby and now its my passion. just know when im not growing here im growing somewhere lol. thanks for stopping buy hole. are you still useing advanced nutrients?


Well-Known Member
and buy the way hollands hope is a outdoor plant and is one of the plants i will be growing outdoors this year just wanted to see how it will do indoor. i heard is produces huge amounts of bud lets hope lol.


Well-Known Member
good to see you hole. my oldest is 14 days and the other two are 8 days. my hollands hope and red diesel are 4. i started this as a hobby and now its my passion. just know when im not growing here im growing somewhere lol. thanks for stopping buy hole. are you still useing advanced nutrients?
I started 9 in https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/48123-new-beginning.html made a cab and a cool tube,,my Advanced count is growing slowly,,my babies were stunted for about 5 days because they got root bound in the starter tray really fast,,but they are doin better now,,finally

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
i added panda skin in my grow room what a diffents it made i also sealed all the little cracks and made it light prof. heres some pic's. sorry about your plants as long as there doing good now. i checked out your new grow cab i love it. good luck hole im gonna check out your journal now.



Well-Known Member
looking good bwinn...glad to have you back...:mrgreen:
thanks bongspit. i have alot of catching up to do lol. how are your plants doing? just put my little ones in the grow room. anyway im off to read your journal see you there. thanks for the welcome back.


Well-Known Member
heres a pic of all my babys. theres gonna be a jungle in my room lol. the two small ones are feminized seeds red diesel and hollands hope the rest are g13 armogeddons reg seeds. the red diesel is from barneys farm the hollands hope is from dutch passion and g13 armogeddon is from g13 labs. wow just relized i can add more then 4 pic's at a time.



New Member
heres a pic of all my babys. theres gonna be a jungle in my room lol. the two small ones are feminized seeds red diesel and hollands hope the rest are g13 armogeddons reg seeds. the red diesel is from barneys farm the hollands hope is from dutch passion and g13 armogeddon is from g13 labs. wow just relized i can add more then 4 pic's at a time.
looking at your pics and I see your seeds actually come packaged with their name on them...everytime I have bought seeds they never come in packs like that. it makes me suspicious when their packed in a plan handwritten package....


Well-Known Member
if you want the seed componys name i go to just look a couple pages back. there awsome and it has never taking more then 7 days to get to me. ill only buy seeds that come in a breader pack. these seeds cost to much to take a chance and the shipping is very stealthy.