g13/haze gigabud purepower


Active Member
im a little behind on keeping up with my jornal i started all this on 3-1-09 i will try my best to keep up with it this is my outdoor portion for now i have a lot of other pics ill get them up sometime but for now let me know what you think!

pure power


another shot of the gigabud

one of the g13haze

my veg nutes

all of em for now

so thats what i have for now pics are from my phone so they arent the best quality.


Active Member
so i put some g13/haze clones into flower what a neat looking plant looks so pretty even the little female hairs are pretty very feminine lookin, ill get some pics up. the stems are all red and the leafs are a really nice green, i put a giga bud and a pure power into flower too they are nice looking, i used some bud blood they started showing the next day. the g13/haze took about a week


Active Member
we have been having about 3 days rain 2 days really good sun cycles i try not to look at em on the sunny days just so i can have a surprise on the rainy days they just are growing like weeds

this one i didnt anticipate the fast rate of growth out side and had it too tight when i was training it and the man stalk snaped

the gigabud is looking really good the canopy evened out on its own i just topped it about 8 or 9 nodes high the nodes were so close and tight i used 6500k for veg

the purepower was slacking for a bit but it has sure turned out nicely im impressed i didnt cut and shade leafs off or anything on this one i did top it though

this g13/haze is the only plant that hasnt had a major shock i did cut off the shade leafs the other g13 has been through a lot, ph burn a light fell on it and messed it up for a bit and i broke the top off while training it, but this one is looking really nice


Active Member
wow these things got big!!! 4' tall wow i didnt see them for 4 sunny days and the g13s just grew i threw a screen on the tallest trying to controll height, 18 gallon tote will equal a big plant i think. then the medical center called and said my medical card was approved and i go in on the 5th to get my card!!!! so i think im just gonna let the other one grow tall.


Active Member
here are some updated pics i also put some into flower on the 5th of may so here how everything is looking

outdoor scrog shots g13/haze

some gigabud in flower, 5 weeks should be dont next week

i think this was around 4 weeks

some g13/haze in flower

i did some LST on this one it responded very well!!!

just let this one do its thang!

there are more i will get pics of up later

the ones im flowering are in a 2x2x3 dresser loaded with 10 26w 2700k cfls and some big fans for mass air exchange!
im gonna have my 600w and my good shit set up soon, i just wanted to taste the g13/haze! smells so good!!!!

can i get some replys? i just want some feed back or something!!! tell me my shit sucks! i dont care anything is better than nothing!


Well-Known Member
Woo first reply? Your plants look good, I'm excited for my gigabud now. Too bad there isn't a picture of the finished product.