G13 Haze - HQ Seeds Avalanche - DWC coco crouton 400w grow


Well-Known Member
Hi Divinepower, looking lovely! cant wait to see em grow!

Quick question, has adding a big pump helped ya grow speed?
I definitely feel like it has but who knows if its true or if its a placebo effect. What I do know is that there was a certain level of bubbles I felt that I should have and this setup has gotten me there.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
Sure is. No white hairs yet... going to through all three into a few days of 12/12 soon to figure out the sex so I can declare a mother. Only two of these will have a chance to become mothers... the smallest one even if the only female will just get flowered and I'll pop some new beans.
ahh i see, have you checked how long the roots are yet? they grow fast in DWC so might want to check there not getting tangled together but seeing as iv never tryed DWC yet i wouldnt no so its just a thought ;)


Well-Known Member
The plants come out of the container everyday so that I can check the pH, PPM, etc. The roots get looked over at that time.


Well-Known Member
Plants are getting huge for being so young. (3.5 weeks) Moving them to my flower area tomorrow night or tuesday to see what I have for females so I can declare one the mother.



Well-Known Member
Trying to make the decision if I should take clones and try to flower those right away to see what I have for females or if I should just throw all three in flower... then toss them to 24/0 as soon as I see what's going on.

I'm leaning towards the clone route because I would only want to make a mother of two of these plants and I dont want to add any stress to my mother to start out with. Going to make that decision in the next couple hours.

Built myself a nice little 8 site DWC cloner. Updates pics of the plants and the new cloner will come in a few minutes.


Well-Known Member
Well things continue to progress forward.

I have clones going in the cloner that are looking good. Just waiting on the roots but I'm sure that will be at least another week. Those will be immediately flowered to see if I have females.

Veg container is damn near overflowing with plant. I'll take some pics tomorrow.

Went to the hydro store today to pick up the rest of the things I needed to start up the flower room with my DWC setup. This couldn't have worked out better. Stopped at the primary hydro store... picked up my stuff and left. Went to check out another hydro shop that I had heard about but never been to. They were having a grand opening sale that included 15% off of EVERYTHING. Ran back to the first store to make sure my returns wouldn't get fucked up and suddenly get screwed with two sets of crap. They in turn gave me 16% off for coming back to them. lol Went back to the 15% off sale because they sell Advanced Nutrients stuff. Though they didn't have the box sets everyone is waiting on - I did pick up some Grow, Bloom, and Bud Candy in the new formulation. Can't wait to burn through my old stuff so I can start using that stuff. Picked up a couple other small things and then at the door I get handed a goodie bag full of all sorts of free stuff!!! Some grow fert... bloom enhancer... a whole bunch of stuff... not small bottles either!!!

Fricken awesome day is all I have to say. Came home... the gf did some cleaning while I did a res change. Now its time to go fill up the vape and watch some movies. Probably poke the old lady too. :D

Tomorrow - gonna get the flowering buckets all painted and setup. Can't move them over to the buckets until the ceramic micro pore air stones show up in the mail. Trying something different out for the buckets.


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting on the clones to finish rooting so I can toss them in 12/12 to see what I have for females. I delayed the rooting by a bit because I accidentally left the pump off overnight. They are still nice and green and pretty perky so I'm sure they will still pull through.

Plants in the veg bin are getting HUGE. Wish I knew which one was going to be my mother so I could top the other and let it grow a bit before throwing it in to flower.

Still waiting on my new micro pore air stones that I ordered via Amazon. Taking freakin forever... I ordered them a week ago already. Hopefully they will be in the mail this afternoon - but who knows.



Well-Known Member
Tomorrow the mother is getting put in the closet I have made up for her and the other two are being thrown into flower.

I didn't take a picture of how big the plants have gotten. But from these pearly whites... you can get the picture!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I suppose one of these days I should take some updated pics, huh? lol

The mother has been declared and is in her own closet with 4 cfl's and a 18" fluorescent tube.

Clones are doing well. They are rooted and it will be about another week before they have a really good size root system so I can transplant them to the veg bin.

The two plants both ended up being female as well. I germ'd three so I'd have at least one female and here I end up with three. lol Those two just didn't quite have the growth qualities and root size that I wanted in a mother so they are currently being flowered out. I topped the one because it was just to big and the other I left alone.

Going to take 2 or three more clones tonight. I'm going to have a two week perpetual harvest going so I'll always have the cloner full so i have one ready to go to the veg bin.

Can't wait to see what these babies produce! Looking for 4 ounces a plant. Hoping for 6.