G13 White Widow


Well-Known Member
Not I sir but I have grown and smoked their poison dwarf, ok to smoke, a joke to grow actually a waste of lumens...


Active Member
Figure I'll chime in on this since there's not much about it anywhere. I got a single seed as a freebie awhile ago from attitude probably a year and a half and it just kinda set around in my collection. Decided to grow it and man it's awesome! I let it veg until it showed sex probably about 42 days. It's kind of a slow vegger, (I almost hulled it but I just let it grow.) Then I flowered for about 55 days (I wanted more of a cerebral buzz). I love this strain, it grew like an indica (stayed short, and it didn't really stretch that bad at all). I didn't even top it and it stayed under 3 feet, probably 2.5 feet total if that. It wasn't finicky whatsoever with nutes also! Mine had a low odor as well, however after the cure the stuff is dank! Loads of crystals and very sticky!!! Great buzz too, decent yield! Wish I would have cloned it. That one seed would make me order a pack! I'd grow again. Just my 2 cents. :mrgreen: