Gaia greens and autos and ph

So I got 3 autos about 4 weeks I didn’t add any Gaia greens 4-4-4 cause soil comes with starter feed. I see there starting to flower can I just jump right to adding some bloom? Also I’m using greenworld vpw420 do I need to adjust ph when watering? Inknow peat likes 5.8 but wondering if it’s got stuff that buffers the ph
Thanks a lot
Mix half bloom with half veg for the first one then usw just bloom once stretch is done. Phing shouldnt be an issue unless youre way lowless than a 5.5 or higher than 9.5 imo
Alright thanks
My tap water is close to 7.5ish I have been ph;down to 6.3 but if there’s something in vpw 420 to buffer ph down then I won’t bother adjusting it .