Game of thrones


Well-Known Member
anyone see it? i saw it last night and liked it..looks like a great series. that and justified are looking like the shit.


Well-Known Member
agreed...much better than i thought. i am not familiar with the books..what were those things in the woods at the beginning?


Well-Known Member
That blue eyes "child" in the woods was fucked up! Main chicks got a pretty dope body. Judging by the first episode, we'll be seein plenty of nice titties and bloody battles!


Well-Known Member
It's pretty sick you can tell they put some money into it, I've also been watching The Borgias on showtime.


Well-Known Member
i have seen 2 justifieds..both were good..the hillbillies were very believable, have not seen that borgias any good? i saw 5 or 6 episodes of spartacus and it was great.