Games you've spent >1000 hours playing

Novalogic's Delta Force - Land warrior all the way thru Joint Ops but mainly Black Hawk Down, For a tad over 3 years, at least 25hrs a week, sometimes a bit

Damn that was a badass game to play online, have not found one that feels as neat to play as that game, but then, I am old as hell


9k/hrs in guild wars 1
2.7k hours in GW2
rolled every timmer in FF series minus online type and crystal cronicals<which to me was not a true FF>
Ole' school before timers probably "Rragar" damn game not 1k/hrs played but i left my NES on almost a year once to beat it.
wow,final fantasy tactics,bf bad company 2,bf3,counterstrike,darksouls,gta games,zelda games ive deff played thew most of them multiple times
Shining force 2, Rings of Power, Civ 3-4-5(1000s each), WOW, Age of Empire 1, C&C, Dune, Warcraft, Road Rash :) , Sonic, BF2, Total War series except shogun 2(1000s on each) and that's all I can deff remember putting in over 1000 on each, some would be way more than 1000 lol, cant beleave so few play civ and U call urselves stoners tut tut :P

O yea how I forget GTA series ;)
back before there was online gaming good ole n64.go over friends get all baked and play golden eye 007,perfect dark,mario party1-3,wcw vs nwo,