"Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...

The walking dead is coming back on soon. Yipee!
You're so full of it, troll fail. If it was ice cream girls then they left the video. Naw I think it was skunkdoc talking about his man crush that did it. Ya know hateful comments directed towards another user thus breaking the rules. Bushleagures 3 foot cock got deleted no thread lock. Sooo ya that's my point.

I gotta warning for that one.
The Head Case Farm put me in detention a couple of years ago... for nothing. I did not violate TOS, no fights, no foul language.

My offense? Failing to buy seeds from the head mobster in charge. 'Logic', indeed...

I NEVER, EVER MADE ANOTHER POST ON THAT GARBAGE SITE AGAIN. If that's how they treat people who bring good content to their site, they don't deserve me.