Wow, I have made such a mess of my curing untill now. I used to just dry the living crap of of all the buds. Funny thing is, I was always super stoned. Of course the buds burned a little quick but no biggie.
Now I am going to tr to do it right because I don't smoke as much as I used to, and I don't sell andy of my week, so I am anticipating having this harvest (1 plant est. 1 oz once cured) around for a while. After reading as much as I could digest, I started. The first thing I noticed is the increadable range of humidites we experience here in the north east. Summer time we are always in the 80 to 90% RH. Sometimes higher. Now as it is Febuary 1st, the RH in my house is a comfortable 35%. So it makes sense to develope a proper curig method, I am going to have to control the conditions year round.
It seems to me that if I am shooting for 55% in my finished product, it makes sense to dry and cure in as close to that 55% RH as I can manage. As I said before I do this growing quite casually. n fact I bud in a window. (See pic for currnet harvest)

At 35% RH I am afraid my outter bud will dry to a crips to quickly. Then I will jar them and wait for the inner moisture to rehydrate the outter bud. However, I am trying to dry the bud in a higher RH than what is naturally occuring in my house. Enter the hygrometer! By drying inside various sized cardboard boxes, I can somewhat control the RH. Plus it keeps the plant in the dark. Fan blowing through gaps keeps air moving.
It is a fine balencing act I am sure. I hope my buds cure proper and smell and taste better than any weed I have ever grown. Wish me luck and I apprieciate any pernant advice you'd care to give.
Now I am going to tr to do it right because I don't smoke as much as I used to, and I don't sell andy of my week, so I am anticipating having this harvest (1 plant est. 1 oz once cured) around for a while. After reading as much as I could digest, I started. The first thing I noticed is the increadable range of humidites we experience here in the north east. Summer time we are always in the 80 to 90% RH. Sometimes higher. Now as it is Febuary 1st, the RH in my house is a comfortable 35%. So it makes sense to develope a proper curig method, I am going to have to control the conditions year round.
It seems to me that if I am shooting for 55% in my finished product, it makes sense to dry and cure in as close to that 55% RH as I can manage. As I said before I do this growing quite casually. n fact I bud in a window. (See pic for currnet harvest)

At 35% RH I am afraid my outter bud will dry to a crips to quickly. Then I will jar them and wait for the inner moisture to rehydrate the outter bud. However, I am trying to dry the bud in a higher RH than what is naturally occuring in my house. Enter the hygrometer! By drying inside various sized cardboard boxes, I can somewhat control the RH. Plus it keeps the plant in the dark. Fan blowing through gaps keeps air moving.
It is a fine balencing act I am sure. I hope my buds cure proper and smell and taste better than any weed I have ever grown. Wish me luck and I apprieciate any pernant advice you'd care to give.