Garage door opener recommendations

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Loud is a feature, not a bug.
Haha, your right! Yeah I get that now, I missed the point. Didn't realize you were looking for a side or shift drive or something different than conventional. thought it was just a new opener. Side drives are nicer than that shit hanging from the middle, the only issue I can recall is with heavier designed doors...wood or smart board facade finish (not made exclusively out of aluminum or fiberglass). They burn out quick... but we always hear about the bad news, never the good. Im in homebuilding and my rep said not to do it for my door cause mine is the heavy type. Hope that helps.
Haha, your right! Yeah I get that now, I missed the point. Didn't realize you were looking for a side or shift drive or something different than conventional. thought it was just a new opener. Side drives are nicer than that shit hanging from the middle, the only issue I can recall is with heavier designed doors...wood or smart board facade finish (not made exclusively out of aluminum or fiberglass). They burn out quick... but we always hear about the bad news, never the good. Im in homebuilding and my rep said not to do it for my door cause mine is the heavy type. Hope that helps.
I went with a side drive Chamberlain. It's the same as the Liftmaster 8500W. Now to install all those electrical outlets my garage doesn't have LOL
Liftmaster is a chamberlain line. Electrical is easy, check out youtube .
Thanks, I don't need to. I know how to do electrical. I just dislike doing it. Although I prefer it to concrete and I need a concrete foundation for some brick work so I'm procrastinating. Anyway I've procrastinated on adding outlets to the garage. So this is long overdue. Anyway faced with doing the footing or putting in a few double gang boxes guess what choice I made LOL.