Gas Chromatography


Active Member
What are the legal requirements to own/operate a Gas Chromatography system, and would there be any legality to open a site that accepts and tests public samples, would they be required to verify legality of senders marijuana? I've seen they range anywheres from 3,000+ for random used ones.

This isn't really about a profit sense of a "business", more so a site to accept and test thc, and also perhaps document some THC degridation with samples of nugs exposed to different intensity wattage lights ect. Just thinking about how you can't really test THC content anywhere readily available, it seems like there should be a place where you can safely do it, or have it done for you. I'm actually surprised they have not had something more simple and less accurate made like many other generic test kits. Maybe there is not really a high demand among public/general populations for non-legalized and the like?

meh if you have discussed this before chime in, I've seen plenty of threads about it on other forums, just not much substance. I would think its legal to own, but sketchy on testing random samples n sending em, technically I guess it would be sending marjiuana through the mail illegally pretty much unless they were medical card holders.


Well-Known Member
its about 10k for the machine. most of us are pretty smart on here but there is A LOT of brains that go into the human factor. i picked it apart as a business venture and every qualified person i found to run it (any college chemistry major) didn't want to go anywhere near it. Too much legit work for someone with that training


New Member
Thanks for sharing nice stuff. I do like your comments that "I picked it apart as a business venture and every qualified person i found to run it (any college chemistry major) didn't want to go anywhere near it. Too much legit work for someone with that training"