gas heater bright red glow during night ?


Active Member
i am finaly instaling a gas heater to my grow room, my question is this :

During the 12 hrs of darkness will my gas heater effect the plants with the light it gives off?

It is quite a substantial light source

Or should i build a heat proof housing using some large concrete floor tiles i have left over - u know make a box of stone hang the heater inside and place 2 stone stripes on top to help deflect some more light back into the box while allowing heat to desperse in room?

what u guys think? would be 2hrs extra set up (hassle) worth it or not needed?



Well-Known Member
The statement -- It is quite a substantial light source -- makes me wonder how low a glow it is. Can you see anything in the room by this light source alone? Read the label on your nutes package?


Well-Known Member
it may cause problems, light may cause hermies, gas heaters can cause fire, anyway if you have a safe way to dissipate heat and not light then do it. personally i would never use such a thing in growroom


Active Member
needs must i am afraid - need heat and have no extra electric so has to be gas

and yeah i can read the labels on things from the glow - problem i really worry about hermies - am in about 5th week of flowering but going slow due to temps

and thanx alot for replys :D