Gas Mask


Well-Known Member

some wont work and are only the frame, you will spend at least 150 for it

and also make a note of what kind your getting, the old school ones used a charcoal filter


Active Member
yeah x 2 on the army surplus. i think my friend got them from there, well from an online one.


Well-Known Member
use a resoeriator for painting cars thats what i did then i put a hose clamp to hook it to the steam roller


Well-Known Member
try a sandblasting helmet . it uses an air line and feeds fresh air directly into the helmet (or smoke if blown into the air fitting). I tried it once years ago and the smoke just lingers around your whole head.


Active Member
Are you trying to accomplish like what the guy did in knocked up where he puts the bong into the opening of the gas mask, and fills it with smoke? In that case you only really need the frame, which you can pick up for a quick 6 bucks at your army navy surplus store, as mentioned.


Active Member
my friend stole one from the Chemistry building at the college i attend (UW-Madison). the piece that connects the filter fits snugly into the opening of my bong named Walter the Rhinoceros


Active Member
I bought one from Ebay. im converting it into a bong but i need a big enough tube...ill post pics when its done...only been 3 weeks into conversion lol