Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

cmon. dont bring that shit here. i just said that no arguing on another persons thread.(even thos your points are very valid, he could just read about it or do it himself and learn) gas tanker thats good news sometimes those last minute clones or only survivor clones taker forever to root. and when they do they have lost too much foilage, well good luck with the harlequin, what is that exactly too? never heard of it.

Increased CO2 levels will make plants grow faster. Hard to argue with that. How much it helps one particular persons grow and whether it is worth it for them can only be answered by that individual person. Not much to argue imo.

Harlequin is one of the originally identified high CBD strains with a 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC. According to my friend it's the clearest narcotic high he's ever experienced from bud.

With the utmost respect .....
soz about steppin on some toes there! didnt mean to express my opinion in Gas's thread like that! sorry Gas. My mentor used to use C02 in his grows. chooses not to now as the rewards seemed minimal to him. He has over 25 years experience, someone with alot of trial and error up his sleeves. I only say this because there are people out there that think C02 will double their yield and crap like that and make things grow twice as fast. Yes it helps, ofcourse it does, but it's not a miracle super idea. great for gigantic setups in warehouses where there Could be a significant increase in turnover....Not to mention expensive to setup. If you have small grows it will take a while to pay for itself compared to other options to increase yield

The Harlequin, sounds amazing :) that would make some killer oil, all that CBD!! pure sleep material , that i like the sound of, i always have trouble getting to sleep and it usually take a good dose of some hardcore oil/hash combo. Good work Gas! glad to hear your clone is surviving! good luck :)
Oh I really don't care if you guys discuss stuff on my thread as long as everyone is civil. Just no name calling :)

My plants are finally flowering! They all look great except for the old clone that's been in there; its infested with mites and looks like it flowered for ~3 weeks and then re-entered veg... Not sure if I want to throw it out completely or keep it in there so that the mites eat it versus the rest of the plants - they definitely seem to favor it.
Oh I really don't care if you guys discuss stuff on my thread as long as everyone is civil. Just no name calling :)

My plants are finally flowering! They all look great except for the old clone that's been in there; its infested with mites and looks like it flowered for ~3 weeks and then re-entered veg... Not sure if I want to throw it out completely or keep it in there so that the mites eat it versus the rest of the plants - they definitely seem to favor it.
:shock: mites!!! aaarghh!! not again :( i would move it out imply to keep bug population down, they may only like it cause its the easy one to get to maybe?? damn, suks

Glad to hear the rest are fine!
I supposedly won two 10 packs from Royal Queen Seeds :)

Going with their OG Kush and their auto NL. Love NL and been wanting to fuck around with autos for a while now. I dunno about the OG - everyone's naming at least something OG Kush just to jump on the bandwagon so it'll be interesting to see if it's any decent or just another poor knockoff.
in my opinion man the OG would not be my first choice just for that reason .... but it is a good test :D those NL auto's are gonna be cool for sure though :D and at the end of the day you did win em so why not right :)
in my opinion man the OG would not be my first choice just for that reason .... but it is a good test :D those NL auto's are gonna be cool for sure though :D and at the end of the day you did win em so why not right :)

That's my logic - I won em so I can waste em if need be. Not sure I'd ever spend my money on autos or an og in seed form - but for free I can justify it :) To be honest I've never heard of the breeder and wasn't wowed by the descriptions of any of their other stuff. Seemed like mostly skunk doms which I've done before.
had the same vibe from em man they are a new company probly just starting up i think , i didnt think auto's were something i would want to fuck with but im from BC (just above you :D) and our summers here are short and sept and oct have shit loads of rain so i was thinking outdoor auto's to have em finish up quick :D.
I'm not so sure about autos inside but I think they could be a ton of fun as a bumper crop outdoors. I'm thinking I might even try to grow em outdoors during the winter - no need to worry about thieves that way :)
Can't go wrong with Northern lights in my opinion it is easy to grow , bug resistant and telltale pretty much everything you throw at em
Ditch the infested clone , it will get covered in eggs and take ghold everywhere

How did them buns taste ?
Cookies are great. Old picture but the plant in the back left is the clone.


So if it has mites the rest do as well. I'm just thinking they would rather eat the weak plant than the hardy ones with Azamax, but if I remove it they'll be forced to eat the good plants.

I think I've decided to grab some LEDs. It would be making two DIY fixtures based on a 100w cool white array and a 100w warm white array. I'd be going cheapo Chinese everything just to see how it all works. 200w of no name Chinese DIY = $150 but 200w of CREE Chinese DIY = $600. Someday perhaps.
man you just do not have any luck when it comes to them mites huh.....

i would ride it out till harvest trying to controll them the best you can then fumigate the shit out of the attic, do it like 3 times every 3-4 days. start out with some fresh soil and possible even go as far as baking it in the oven (or just bake the old soil)

plants look good though, have you tried the habenaro pepper spray, they say it demolishes mites but it can be some nasty stuff if your not really carefull with not getting it in your eyes and make sure if you do try it you wear gloves as the oils will stay on hands and when you take a piss or rub your eyes you will be reminded!!
No luck at all. I seem to take them with me wherever I go regardless of how careful I am. Will definitely bug bomb and put up the no pests strip after this round but I have a feeling it's not going to help. My mites have been through both already...

I ordered my LED gear :)
cycle your poinson what in your arsenal atm?

i switch between poisnons ever 3 days. i use trinconzonal(aka mathalion 2 week decay) , pymethrins (2 week decay) and neem concentrate.
I'm using a three part treatment as well. Amazmax, Azatrol, two pyrethrums, and a third organic family of insecticide which I can't seem to name atm. I should probably rotate spinosad into there as well but I never had much results with that stuff. I tell you these things are like tanks. After this round I'll clean everything and give any clones/ seedlings an alcohol dunk.
never had much luck with spinosad either, they seem to go right thru that stuff. the tricnonzonal works, but only for a while, im thinking i need to go to a four art sytem but they havent got to bad yet. im just constantly cycling, thats the best bet
There are so many mite prevention products on the market that do actually work.
fighting them once you have them is very hard work as they become immune to some products very quickly.
Making your area a place they don't want to infest is a lot simpler in my view.
Following weekly dosage and directions correctly i have never seen a spider mite.
If left to luck they will always come.
good luck though gas.