Gay Marriage ...


Well-Known Member
Considering the fact that Divorce comes so easily why the issue over gay marriage anyway? Hell i think all people gay or straight should be made to jump through hoops just to have the right to marry. marriage doesn't mean shit these days. married one day divorced the next. the true value of a marriage license has dropped faster then the american dollar:) I consider myself open minded but i question the reason why gays want to be married? is it just another method for becoming more widely excepted? why not a gay union with the same rights as marriage? Why would religion sanction it when the Bible is against it and is church sanctioning going to make them feel more secure? secure from who? God?


Well-Known Member
The problem is that gay marriage results in adoption

and then the sodomizing / abuse of the adopted children...

infantile minds cannot be parents.
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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That is absolutely untrue. Do you honestly believe that crap? Pedophiles are people who rape children. Homosexuals are people who have sex with people of the same sex.For pedophiles, its all about power over a victim who is helpless against them. Are you a parent?
The problem is that gay marriage results in adoption

and then the sodomizing / abuse of the adopted children...

infantile minds cannot be parents.


Well-Known Member
That is absolutely untrue. Do you honestly believe that crap? Pedophiles are people who rape children. Homosexuals are people who have sex with people of the same sex.For pedophiles, its all about power over a victim who is helpless against them. Are you a parent?
If he IS a parent, I really pity the kids. With any luck, they'll grow up to be homosexual satanists with a penchant for patricide.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that gay marriage results in adoption
That's right. There are so many deserving children in the system, any relief is welcome. I can't think of a better place for an adopted child than in a loving home where children are wanted and nurtured.
and then the sodomizing / abuse of the adopted children...
1) You are assuming this never happens in conventional adoptive households.
2) Back up this scandalous statement with verifiable facts. Preferably a readily available source.
infantile minds cannot be parents.
Yet it happens every day. Joe Sixpack knocks up Suzy Rottencrotch in the men's room shitter at the local watering hole. Nine months later: infantile parents.


Well-Known Member
1) You are assuming this never happens in conventional adoptive households.
2) Back up this scandalous statement with verifiable facts. Preferably a readily available source.

Yet it happens every day. Joe Sixpack knocks up Suzy Rottencrotch in the men's room shitter at the local watering hole. Nine months later: infantile parents.
I've heard plenty of stories about heterosexual couples adopting children and then abusing them horribly. Abuse is foster homes is a huge problem as well, and I've never heard of a case where the culprits were homosexuals.

And since when have gay people been the only entities that engage in sodomy ... ?

There are children suffer at the hands of their parents every hour of every day.

Yet, this thread has nothing to do with gays being allowed to adopt or have children via artificial insemination or surrogate mothers. Government. Law. Keep that in mind!


Well-Known Member
Everyone should suffer through the misery of marriage, why not gays and lesbians too :). Im about as right wing agenda as you can get, buti believe that humans have the need to be accepted and to be a part of something. Look as maslows hierarchy of needs, at the third level, it is the desire to be socially accepted, a sense of need and belonging.

Why should anyone be denied self-actualization, which is true happiness? Why be scared of a progressive society, its not like homosexuality is a disease, its just a way of life.


Well-Known Member
The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.
Pierre Trudeau
.... everyone pays taxes, who the hell is it hurting ayway.
enough said.
Ahhh Trudeau, you were one crazy motherfucker but I love you anyway ... Even though you made Alberta a miserable place to live in the 80s...

Hey, anyone who goes to Moscow for a conference in 1951 then proceeds to throw snowballs at a statue of Stalin is a hero in my book.


Well-Known Member
Everyone should suffer through the misery of marriage, why not gays and lesbians too :). Im about as right wing agenda as you can get, buti believe that humans have the need to be accepted and to be a part of something. Look as maslows hierarchy of needs, at the third level, it is the desire to be socially accepted, a sense of need and belonging.

Why should anyone be denied self-actualization, which is true happiness? Why be scared of a progressive society, its not like homosexuality is a disease, its just a way of life.
But many people still consider it a disease. -_- It was still listed as a mental disorder in the DSM-IV until very, very recently.

I think the logic(?) is something like "If the queers are miserable, maybe they'll just go away."


Well-Known Member
The government has no right to invade the privacy of a couple's bedroom, that's true. But marriage is not about sexual relationships. It's a state judicial issue, which has always been seen as a male to female thing. Remember, I could give a shit less if gays marry--all the more power to them. I just don't think homosexuality is natural. That is all..


Well-Known Member
sodomy causes aids

sodomites always sodomize children

the old empire is collapsing in slow motion,

God save the Queen

burn in hell heathens


Well-Known Member
But homosexuality is NOT natural as far as the Human genera goes, and I've yet to read any tests that prove this. Goats, on the otherhand, are the ultimate fudgepackers. Let them get married!
You whole theory dont hold water,what test would prove weather homosexuality or bisexuality is a natural occurance in human beings,there might be some truth to what could help lead a person twords being a homosexual but wtf difference does that make.

If some circumstance lead a person to become a homosexual wouldnt that be a natural progression of that persons life ?

Marrige is important to some people,why should homosexuals be deprived of that happiness if they should chose to go that route,oh i get it,marrige is only for girls who've been dreaming of a white weeding that costs $50,000 just so they can get divorced 2 years later:roll:.

I'd be willing to jump on the no gay marrige bandwagon if it was proven to me that standard heterosexual couples treated marrige as something to be respected, but that is not the case,marrige has become nothing more than a fad,an asswipe peice of paper to be thrown away on a whim,why shouldnt homosexuals be able to take part in something that is so meaningless to so many ?