Well-Known Member
So, if someone is fourteen, do they have sex on the complex plane with two guys?
like twostroke would even get the joke.
So, if someone is fourteen, do they have sex on the complex plane with two guys?
you speak out of both sides of your mouth and lie at will.
what part of "tax and regulate the shit out of me" don't you understand?...
i am john galt, i get that. i hate being john galt....
so much for that talking point of yours.
So, if someone is fourteen, do they have sex on the complex plane with two guys?
what's the matter, twostroke? did you exhaust your very limited mental faculties?
last night, your buddy in racism said that sexual orientation wasn't a civil right, it couldn't be. now tonight he says it should.
you happy to defend that one?
Well, lets say, for illustrative purposes, that an atheist gay couple owns a bakery.
Some Westboro Baptist Church members attempt to patronize this bakery and want to have a cake baked on which they request many of their hateful and wackadoodle slogans be emblazoned.
Should the gay bakers comply?
And if they do not want to, should the Government compel them to do so?
I admit to extreme ambivalence on this issue.
It is not that easy.
last night you said that sexual orientation was not a civil right, now tonight you say it should be.
you speak out of both sides of your mouth and lie at will.
my stated position is that sexual orientation should be a civil right. posted by buck -
Being gay is not proven to be biological, so how can you make that statement?
It doesn't matter to me if they are born that way or not, and even if some were, I'm sure it's a choice for others.
I think every american should be able to choose the lifestyle they want to live.
I was under the understanding that businesses open to the public could not discriminate against people regardless of sex, race, color, creed, or national origin.
like twostroke would even get the joke.
you literally said that blacks come from "an inferior lot". what's the opposite of inferior?
and last night you said that sexual orientation was not a civil right, now tonight you say it should be.
you speak out of both sides of your mouth and lie at will.
go be a white supremacist elsewhere.
I actually thought only Doer (or maybe Tyler Durden) would get that one.
I was just considering the derivative, too.
dy/dx = 1/(x-15)^(-1/2)
It's all over for the women by the time they're ~25. At that point, they're only getting a guy every 3 years.
If one figures they go through the 12-18 month 'lust' cycle, that means up to 2 years of loneliness is the result before the next Mr. Wrong comes along.
What terrible abuse of math!
It's borderline misogyny![]()
There is a lot of evidence out there to suggest that black people have a lower average intelligence.
This means that someone needs to be engaged in some sort of homosexual activity in order to be outted.
If a black man walks into your diner, you know he is black when he walks into the door. He should allowed to enter, and the diner ought to be required to serve him.
If two dudes walk into the same diner, it is often impossible to tell if they are gay. I think the diner might should be allowed to reserve the right to allow homosexuals, but prohibit homosexual activity. In other words, they two dudes can eat there, but you can refuse to serve them one milkshake with two straws, if you get what I'm saying... If not, I think a place should be allowed to disallow public displayes of affection, no kissy kissy.
and parents should be able to go out to dinner, without having to explain to their 5 year old why two guys are kissing.
i was only barely smart enough to get the reference to i.
damn, has it really been that long since i was doing multivariable calculus, linear algebra, and the like? apparently it has.
what do they even use this stuff for?
American values and basic decency
Same thing for heterosexuals? If a straight man and woman are kissing each other during lunch, should a business owner have the right to not serve them/kick them out?
What gives them that "right"?
It's a right not to NOT serve whomever you don't want if you own a business.