GC's 2016/17 outdoor season

Lol, yeah you would think so. I met a few hippies when I was up there for work, they grew big outdoor plants and had never had any issues. One of them said the plant he was growing was the mullum madmess that Shanti first created. It was some crazy weed hey, almost anxiety inducing sativa but so cerebral in effect, I got some seeds off him but sadly I forgot about them and they got old.
sounds awesome that mullum madness, it never passed my way but heard plenty about it, ive got a buddy that lives about 200km south of nimbin in the mountains in an area nowhere near as notorious as nimbin, & he is half insane with paranoia from polair helicopters buzzing his area, he reckons they grid search the area sometimes 3-4 times per year...so i dont get it what those hippies were telling you about no probs?
sounds awesome that mullum madness, it never passed my way but heard plenty about it, ive got a buddy that lives about 200km south of nimbin in the mountains in an area nowhere near as notorious as nimbin, & he is half insane with paranoia from polair helicopters buzzing his area, he reckons they grid search the area sometimes 3-4 times per year...so i dont get it what those hippies were telling you about no probs?
Yeah she sure was some crazy shit mate, I found it hard driving back ha ha.
I dunno either bro, he said he'd been growing massive plants for years and never had any issues. I found it weird too!
sounds awesome that mullum madness, it never passed my way but heard plenty about it, ive got a buddy that lives about 200km south of nimbin in the mountains in an area nowhere near as notorious as nimbin, & he is half insane with paranoia from polair helicopters buzzing his area, he reckons they grid search the area sometimes 3-4 times per year...so i dont get it what those hippies were telling you about no probs?

Fuck there is nothing like the noise of a helicopter round this time of year really gets the adrenaline pumping (not in a good way hehehe) I've had them sitting above the house that low you could see the pilots face . No sign of em this year so I'm guessing they will only be doing one run .
Fuck there is nothing like the noise of a helicopter round this time of year really gets the adrenaline pumping (not in a good way hehehe) I've had them sitting above the house that low you could see the pilots face . No sign of em this year so I'm guessing they will only be doing one run .
No shit man? They come down that close? Fark that's scary shit! Hope they stay away for you this year!
Fuck there is nothing like the noise of a helicopter round this time of year really gets the adrenaline pumping (not in a good way hehehe) I've had them sitting above the house that low you could see the pilots face . No sign of em this year so I'm guessing they will only be doing one run .
ive had that happen too man...very very bad feeling!...its a strong point for an indoor grow lol
Not sure if they use it round here but I've heard that they do use FLIR (forward looking infra-red radar) that can pick up on the heat signature of an indoor grow.
Oh yeah, that's what they do over my place, they map out the heli flights on a website, you can see them doing circles over specific hotspots. I've sat there and watched them using the infra red gear, then 15 mins later there's a thousand cop cars swarming the place! If you have your grow in an insulated house though it's really difficult to pick up, they only do the heli flights over me in winter when they can pick up the signature easier :)
If you have the exhaust exciting under the house (if the house design allows it of cause) then you safe from the infa red radar as there is no hot spot in the house.
That's a good point actually, makes sense! I just had mine going back into the room and it was sucked through the heating!
If you have the exhaust exciting under the house (if the house design allows it of cause) then you safe from the infa red radar as there is no hot spot in the house.
What about hot spots from the lights on 18 hours a day (or whatever the schedule)? Doesnt ample cooling in the room diminish those hot spots?
What about hot spots from the lights on 18 hours a day (or whatever the schedule)? Doesnt ample cooling in the room diminish those hot spots?
Not sure man. I just saw a vid an ex DEA guy did and with the exhaust under the house the whole house is the same colour. When the exhaust is in a room or roof it creates a hot spot. And thats what they are looking for. Ill see if i can find the vid.