One more "spindly-tally" ....
One more "squaty " ...
Gene Expression altered by light at seedling-young stage or
just way different genome ?
-Or even different reaction to topping ?
-Usually from that 'batch ' of WR seeds ,I get almost 99.99% same -identical plants -...
Of the Squaty pheno .
None of these BS..
It was a " He " ..
Simply another male ....
Test left to be done with one female (the one left is 99% female ...) ...
Anyway ...
These days I'm onto Arduino programming ....
I'm hacking an small oven into a PID microcontroller ,computer controlled reflow oven..
( For
baking leds ,of course !!!!! )
With Everything on board ...(" build -in" on oven ,where OEM thermostat / timer panel was ..)
-Arduino UNO v3
-High Quality precision K-type thermocouple ,glass braided jacket :
-Arduino PID reflow oven Shield :
-A Solid State Relay (needs passive cooling ) :
-And some other smaller parts like indicator led ,push-button switches,small heatsinks ,etc ....
So now I'm collecting all the parts needed ...
Look at a LED I've found today -
at my favourite local electronic supply shop -,
to use as a
reflow process indicator led ...
( @ 20mA ) ..
I like it's ' retro ' looks .....
Kinda from a 60's fallout shelter's emergency alarm ...
..or radio ..Whatever ...
Bulky blinky ,there .....

I'm thinking also for implementing a vacuum pump & Nitrogen Gas Supply racor(s) .....
As also an 220 volt metal fan ,maybe ...
Or even a servo-motor to automatically open oven's door ,when reflowing is done ...
Dunno ..I'll see ...
Anyway ....
next -gen GD-SDS system ,will have -along with it's analog pots -
a digital control option of spectrum/power ...
Through a 4 or 5 pin XLR connector ,system can be connected with an Arduino board
and simulate daily and/or seasonal light changes ...Fully programmable ...
....First I've to "get to know" Arduino ,better ....
New adventures .....