Gelato auto in a bathtub

Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
Finally got around to moving the drivers for the Marshydro TSL2000 from the top of the light to above the enclosure...temps already more reasonable.

Running the larger branches along the outriggers horizontally is going to pay some dividends I hope. I’m gonna try a spiral on the next ‘grow too...


Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
Splitting the portraits up to abide by 10 photo limit per post. These are in decreasing order of “maturity), highest to lowest. Plant #4 worries me...

this is plant 1


Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
Plant 4. I might have spied some nanners, so will have to keep close tabs. This was the runt at seedling stage, and eventually caught up size wise but is way behind in forming colas. Maybe late flowering is a male trait? I didn’t hit my stride until my mid 20s...


Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
Plants 1, 2, 3 chugging along. #1 is way ahead and has some awesome individual colas above the underlying canopy. some light defoliationmthis morning and a dose of Terpinator (3 tsp/gal) for their watering, 800 ml each. They don’t smell too much, yet.


Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
Plant #4 is odd; showing some white pistles, but seems stuck in second gear. I might move outside soon (1 Jul can’t get here soon enuff); would help arrange plants 1 2 and 3 better in the tub too...

planning is underway for a legit outdoor grow soon...that’ll be fun.


Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
Quick update, plants 1/2/3 in this post. plant 1 has stopped any vertical growth, and is stacking its colas, aNd the hairs on some of them, are turning brown. Plant 2 is still stretching a little, and developing some nice thick colas. Plant 3 is catching up.


Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
Plant 4 is a mystery. It was the runt of the litter at the seedling stage, and eventually caught up in terms of size/volume, but the bud development is way behind. It almost looks like a different plant. So, jumping the gun a bit here in sunny VA, she is spending daylight hours on the patio and overnighting in the tub with her siblings for now. it does make it much simpler to manage 3 plants in the tub, so she might finish outdoors. Solves a timing problem for me as well since I need the tub cleared in about a month...


Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
Plants 1/2/3 seem to be doing well; I defoliated a bit to clear some shadowed bud sites, and remove some yellowing leaves. Have read yellowing leaves are normal at mid to late flowering stage as the plant sends energy to the bud sites, but noticed some Of them have burnt tips and some brown spotting. I think this might be a cal/mag deficiency so I’ll get something to address that.

gave them a good foliar feeding, and they are absorbing that under diffused sunlight from a solar tube I had installed in my kitchen.

they are gonna be on different harvest schedules based on individual maturity, and that kinda screws up some timing/moves I have planned but I’ll make do...


Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
And, here is plant 4. As stated previously, this was the runt at seedling, but caught up in terms of size. I noticed a couple days ago the new growth are all single bladed leaves. The calyxes are developing, but deep in the interior of each cola. I’ve been checking for nanners and male flowers, but haven’t found any yet. Just to make sure plants 1/2/3 are held in isolation, and give me some more room in the grow space, plant 4 is an outdoor plant now. I eased her into the sun with a couple days spent in dappled sunlight (it was ugly hot here last week), and she/he/it is now in the full sun for around 9 hrs a day. not sure where that will lead - if it winds up being a mutant of some sort, I’ll grow it until it gets root bound, and then use it for some bubble hash - it has colas, but they just ain’t developing.


Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
Plant 4 is now a full time resident on my patio, and looks more odd by the day. This photo was taken in the dark and shows several colas (or colae I dunno) developing but they are deep in the single leaf foliage. It started indoors, and when I noticed the single leaf growth pattern it moved outdoors. It might be revegging now so I’ll grow it out just cuz and either get a press, or run it thru a dry ice keif session.

I’m a novice on concentrates (crumble, live resin etc), and usually just added a bit to my bong with weed underneath and above. Could taste the higher potency okay but left something lacking. I’m now testing out my volcano with the steel mesh screen on some live resin and crumble, and think I found the solution.


Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
Plants 1/2/3 are exploding and the colas are growing in girth and height every day. I pulled two Phlizon 1200 watt LED fixtures that were aimed from the narrow ends of the tub at around 45 degrees into the grow area, with a pair of two foot two tube T5 fixtures, with a pair of 10,000k finishing bulbs in each. Right now I have these running on the same light schedule as the other lights and will keep it that way if the plants don’t suffer.
I ordered some new flowering spectrum four foot T5 bulbs for the fixtures that hang on the back wall, and in the enclosure opening. When I drop the front six light fixture down into position it nicely fills the space from the bottom of the LED light to around 6 inches above the tub rim, where I have an oscillating fan pointed into the enclosure with a humidifier behind it. That are a couple other fans blowing cooler air from the floor into the enclosure as well.

I’ll probably keep the two foot T5 fixtures in place and change bulbs depending on what spectrum the plants need; the enclosure is pretty steady at 80 degrees, and when the pair of Phlizon 1200 LED watt fixtures were there it’d climb to near 90 degrees some times.

Never fear though, I have another use for the Phlizons...

gonna be an awesome, wicked fucking, kinda day...


Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
the T5 10000k bulbs I put in the enclosure are pretty damn strong; I scorched some of the leaves so just spent a good hour trimming them off. I had the T5 1000k bulbs on for 15 minutes, twice and hour - gonna cut that back to 15 min an hour for 4 hours in the middle of the light period.

I’m really happy with the result of the outriggers. The colas that developed at the endswhere the plant made a return to vertical are pretty dense and around 4 inches tall. Frosty as a fuck they are...

I have a plan to use the airpots with some dowels run thru them to be outriggers on the next grow, just in the planning stages now...


Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
Plant 4 is probably a reveg, sitting out side for the last week or so. it has braved the glaring sun and is still growing vertically, but not putting on any girth on the colas. It has been growing single leaves for the last month or so. No matter, I have all summer to wait and see what it does...

