

Active Member
You wont know the sex of your plant until you begin flowering it, females have white hairs, males have balls.


Active Member
well if you want to know what the sex of ur plant is take it inside and start 12hours on/12hours off light cycle, a picture would be nice, if i was you id just wait unless your in a urgent need to find out what it is.


Active Member
If you're plant is only a week old. I would suggest holding off on the flowering. I would veg it for a little longer like another 2 to 3 weeks. It's probably not mature enough to show sex any how.


Active Member
no need to hold on the light, but definatly dont overwater it, only water it when the soil is looking and feeling dry


Active Member
What ever you do. Don't hold off on the light. The soil from what I can tell does look a little saturated. Is it on a 18/6 light cycle? What kind of lighting are you using?


Well-Known Member
Is this thread a joke? Most people know more about plants in general even before they get on this site. Have you never seen something grow before?