General Edible Making Discussion


Well-Known Member
Trying to make that same oil. As close to same steps as possible. I think its slightly more weed this time. I didnt weigh it last time but was 40gs wet this time. Thats about 10gs.

So idk why it was so different if it had a lot of weed in it. Must be the fresh wet processing? Only other thing can think is its single source and never really had edibles with just this strain. Doubt it.



Well-Known Member
Im on a T break switching from store to all home made. Day 2 Im already getting quality buzzes and just overall healthier from it. Still using all day every day just not as hard.

Enough to feel these edibles which were already enough to quit dabbing for a few hrs at a time since already stoned.

Feeling the butter much more right now. I remembered what to compare it to. I never done muscle relaxers but had friends take it for fun.

If its anything like it sounds its got to be a lot like that. Super. Idk what else to say Im knodding out lol.