General Election- Dr. Bob

47% of people didn't vote. That amazes me. You get the government you deserve I guess. In Clare Co alone, of some 13,500 voters, 3500 voted straight ticket republican. Thanks for fighting for that Democratic Party. You demolished any chance you had in N. Michigan.
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47% of people didn't vote. That amazes me. You get the government you deserve I guess. In Clare Co alone, of some 12,000 voters, 3500 voted straight ticket republican. Thanks for fighting for that Democratic Party. You demolished any chance you had in N. Michigan.

I'm old enough that I was taught civics in public school and actual know the basics of how government works. I think they stopped teaching it because the government likes the people ignorant and uninformed. Most people don't have a clue and believe anything they here on tv enough times. Just keep repeating it and they believe it. It's a sad day in America and 47% of the people are more interested in the Kardashians than their future or their children's future.
I'm old enough that I was taught civics in public school and actual know the basics of how government works. I think they stopped teaching it because the government likes the people ignorant and uninformed. Most people don't have a clue and believe anything they here on tv enough times. Just keep repeating it and they believe it. It's a sad day in America and 47% of the people are more interested in the Kardashians than their future or their children's future.

I'm sorry CM, I just couldn't help myself :bigjoint:

In reality many do not understand or care to understand civics and that's their right in this country. Imagine if you will a few elementary civics questions being required to vote? Competence is important no?

Most establishment propaganda machines exploit this ignorance and if they were able to achieve the herd mentality they seek (80-90% turnout) it would not be a good nor democratic thing IMHO Dictators and communism come to mind in a historical context ...
Well I didn't burn my signs and 2018 isn't far off. I got 13,000 votes on my first run, with no help or funding. Now they know I am around and next time I can build on that and hopefully double the votes.

Dr. Bob
47% of people didn't vote. That amazes me. You get the government you deserve I guess. In Clare Co alone, of some 13,500 voters, 3500 voted straight ticket republican. Thanks for fighting for that Democratic Party. You demolished any chance you had in N. Michigan.
I hear this argument a lot. What makes you think the 47% that didn't turn out would've voted differently?
The Dems in this state vote for transport laws. What makes you think that more dems would help towards legalization? Libertarians and green party maybe but Dems JUST LAST YEAR added a "path to legalization" to their platform. Neither party represents the will of the people.
a "path to legalization" is more than the republicans adding porn to their "public health crisis" in their platform.

a dollar short and a day late but yeah. bernie platform for sure. which means dems could go against it like they do single payer
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"path to legalization" could very well be with travel bans("locked in the trunk" is what they all voted for here), extreme taxation and no ability to grow for yourself.

Neither party is going to change if we won't vote for other parties. They prefer to have a 50/50 control with each other.