general help from the lady mad hatter


Hey there Yogi Bear.

Ok being I am a research junkie, here is some of what I learned and hope it helps.

Drying, ok you were told to dry till the stem cracks NOPE dry just before and then cure in a dark glass jar. :leaf:Purp meaning open dump out oh say every 12 hours, if the bud feels spongy you know it is working, curing is to remove the rest of the water and to give you a smooth smoke, no hacking.

compost tea,:-P easy get your cooler out hit the 99c store get tubing for fish and bubble wands, they have them, then get a small pump for fish at wally mart, (dont by tubing and bubble wands there cost way more) ok now get some compost and molasses, put compost in a net bag fruit comes in, and pour molasses on it, hook to cooler, oops 1st fill cooler with water and your bubble wands. Place pump near the cooler you will figure it out. Once ya hook in the bag let it bubble for oh say 2 days and use up do not leave it sitting around. Your garden will love you.

Potency :weed:ok so you say tricomed up, did you ever ask yourself why so many tricomes yet not potent? Well it is in the stem, if hollow the more potent, if solid the more fiber hemp, so the more hollow the more potent, sure you can control some of it but genitics is what it is.

Fan leafs,:!: ok some say they take them off, for light purposes, ok but you should not remove unless dire circumstances, that is where they get the love juice from and take in the light. Yes roots eat, but hey we can function without arms but do you want to?

Seedlings, :-ook you can spend big bucks for soil but the 99 cent store has soil and I researched it, it is from a major company that supplies the world and help poor nations grow food. And organic. I research the number and it is very very low npk. Using now with my seedlings and they are green and no burning.

Genitics, :owell this is a big ball of wax 4 way should really be call 26 way, if you trace the genitics, like for say bubblegum which is afghani x blueberry well so is cotton candy, and avalon, and shikaberry, exactly! And you would not believe the ones that are skunk x afghani ok some crossed back to skunk and changed papa for mama but still the same genitics, heavy duty fruity, big bud, alp king, b52,hog, and many more.
Afghani blueberry skunk= blue candy, blue bottle, hardcore, and more. afghani norhtern lights x skunk= bogglegum, baldy ,big bud, grapefruit, magolian, , see the picture? so if you want a certain strain check out the genitics, you might just be able to get it under a different name cheaper. Like jack herer phenos are cindy 99 and genius, nlxhazexskunk See you can get nl x haze and cross with skunk so nl haze = electric haze, the dope, n-bright, farout. And you dont have to pay 200 dollars for 10 darn seeds. Being it is the pheno's of jack well most are the pheno of something, and there is no saying that you will get it being unstable. Then way back it is all but 6 or so major strains for everything. Here is a list::hump:

Oaxacan ... minty spicy tingles throat stay open no cough
Culidcan .... bunk airy weak
Santa Martha ... excellent not psychedelic like mexie
Lowland Columbian ... Knock out no high
Jamician... wonderful
Hawaiian.... LSD trippy
Thai--- Hash maker icky high
Punta Roja --- LSD trippy
Columbian green--- Black harsh

Seeds, :-Pwell my friends, from my chemistry book in the 70's, small seed wild gentics, marbled indica dominate genitic, smooth sativa genitics, I have some that are the perfect look that seed should be, dark marbled nice, not pale green or white immature seeds.

Trying to add a picture but it wont do it, stalls. If you want to see how they look email me I will send pics of topped plant, and seeds. If you would like a chemistry pdf, grow bible pdf, closet grow pdf, cooking pdf, let me know a few duckets can help being I am disabled :clap:

I am just trying to help out so more to come! Please no back lash ok if you do not agree then you dont no need to hurt anyone ;)

peace love and god bless


That was an interesting read, thanks for the post.

I'm kind of curious about the genetics part though. Just because two different strains can be traced back to the same cross doesn't mean they can't have major differences. When one strain branches off from another is really kind of arbitrary and that's why I think it's important to buy from a seed company that you can trust. Here's an example to illustrate what I mean. If you take one strain and breed it for 20 generations selecting for specific characteristics, the resulting plants with probably look a lot different from the original. At what generation is this considered a separate strain? At some point it becomes obvious that it's vastly different, but there's a lot of gray area leading up to that point.

Maybe somebody with more experience than I have can weigh in on this?