General Hydro products question


Active Member
im Usen the Flora Series(micro,grow,and bloom) for the 1st time and was wondering the best way to use them..silly question i guess because there are instructions on the bottle..but do you really use all of them at the same time just in different amounts?? and when should i start usen them ,right after they pop out of the pellet..Ill be usen bubbleponics when they root..small set up so it will be just mixen a gallon at a time....thx:bigjoint:


Active Member
Just remember ALLWAYS mix you GH nuits in this order..Brown(micro),Green(grow) then Red (bloom). This is needed to have all the nuits "bond" correctly.

Remember, Brown,Green,Red.

Also, NEVER let the nuits touch each other in an unmixed form, as it will react.
So, just rinse your measuring cup between the brown/green/red.