General Hydroponics - BioRoot

Dandilion Patch

Active Member
Hey all, just starting a thread to appreciate this gift that General Hydroponics has gave us. I used BioRoot on the seeds I just germ'ed and the proof is in the pudding. I germ'ed the same seeds recently under identical conditions (without the BioRoot) and had 2 of 2 pop in 2-3 days. Tap root was only a cm long or so in both seeds. Using same seeds and same method with BioRoot, my seeds popped in 20 hours! The tap roots were an inch long as well. Bottle says it is great for cloning and seedling's so I plan on trying it on some clones in the near future. I will update when I try it!


Well-Known Member
Using a diluted dose of rooting hormones never did anything for my seeds. I tried it a few times.

Back 35 years ago when I started doing this I had no problems germinating seeds. Now, I have experienced a lot of problems for the last 5 years or so until I bought a used AeroGarden. Now I have NO problems with germinating:shock:. Pour in water, turn on machine, add sponge(s) and seed(s). Two or three days seedlings appear.

Dandilion Patch

Active Member
True, although i have had 100% success with all my seeds, i didn't ever use bioroot. In no way was i intending to shove it down peoples throats. Just simply putting out there a shotty experiment that I thought showed good results. I recommend it but it is not needed.


Well-Known Member
Bio Root is good stuff. I use it on my clone cuttings along with rooting gel and it really helps to boost root growth and thus plant growth. I also use it when I transplant my plants and all threw veg and half way into flower. For those that asked what is in it: 1% nitrogen, 1% phosphate, 1% potash, derived from alfalfa meal, brewers yeast, potassium sulfate, rock phosphate, sea kelp and soybean meal, nothing special It is not some great super nute or anything, I could go without it but I feel it is a good supplement to my nute line up. Plus anything to encourage root grow is good. Bigger roots=bigger fruits.


Well-Known Member
I use it all during veg and 6-7 weeks into flower. Helps build a nice rugged rootball. Never used it for babies though.

Dandilion Patch

Active Member
Works great, just popped another Critical Kush in it today. Took about 22 hours! Never have I had seeds pop in under a day until I used this stuff. Could be me getting a lot better at doing it, but Im thinking its helping!


Well-Known Member
BioRoot from General Organics is good chit. I use every now and again for an expensive root booster replacement or alternative. Much cheaper than Rhizotonic...Roots Excel....Rapid Root...or Greenfuse Root Stimulator. And I get just as good root development. At about 15 bucks a quart...compared to 60 or 70 bucks for what is essentially kelp humics and other plant extracts for root growth. BioRoot is pretty damn effective.