General Hydroponics Flora Series

i know this was awile back, but them sum beautiful ladies, could u (Growbigorgo) give us some more info on the amounts of each GH product u use and in what weeks. Again, awesome grow!
Yeah brother, Its pretty simple, I use the whole lineup except for the flora shield. I use both Floralicious plus and floralicious grow and floralicious bloom. I use a combination of they're two expert systems. One is a drain to waste and is pretty low feeding, the other is the recirculating schedule and its very aggressive. I lean more towards the aggressive side but with these ladies right here, the Warlock, Mazar, and Cheese I never really exceed 2.2 maybe 2.3 ec. Which is still pretty aggressive, you could always add in the whole recirculating regimine, then add water till proper EC is achieved. I have thought about that this throws off the additives a little as far as per gallon but its pretty insignificant overall. Now I balance between the two and try to peg it on the head. Basically the recircurculating schedule was used but watered down to proper levels. The only secret weapon I would say is that in week 3 of flower I drop the Kool Bloom and add in Atami Bloombastic at 2 ml per gallon and every feeding I up it by .5 - 1 ml till I reach the max of 4 mL per gallon. I do use a little Kool bloom but not too much as to not over do it. I follow this schedule till the last weeks when I do a really good flush with clearex then I flush it all out with clean water. I fed those ladies every watering but I always gave plenty of runoff as to not spike the salts in the medium. If you don't want to do the runoff you could always alternate like feed/feed/water and that should be great too. Let me know if this was any help. I also like Calmag plus and Silica Blast from Botanicare but they weren't used on that grow.
In the beginning I think I made it sound like I used all floralicious prducts in bloom but I do not. I use the Florlicious Plus and FLoralicious bloom, in veg I use Floralicious plus and Floralicious grow.


Active Member
thats great info, i have done 8 soil grows w various diff types of soil and just not happy w results, so this sumer is big leap into a 6 plant tote system w 3 part gh, i have read to start at 1-1-1 ratios then go to 3-2-1 then back to 1-2-3 i was just trying to see how ppl w great results are doin it. thanks
Hello to everyone. I have been doing my homework to find the best overall additives and bases in every department of grow and flower, and YES value plays a role. I was wandering since this is the GH lovers thread if anyone compares Kool Bloom powder to AN Bud Blood. I think looking at them they appear to be damn near the same product except for Kool bloom is 10,000 times cheaper and MORE CONCENTRATED. Not only that but it has just a bit of nitrogen to help out. After looking them over Bud blood is even used at 2 grams/ gal over KB 1.5grams/gal. I know that kool bloom says ripening but I believe it could one hundred percent be used in place of bud blood and do as good or better of a job. I really think AN is overcharging for nearly the same products.