General Organics Foliar spray?

Jw if anyone with the GO line has used any of it for foliar spray?
What out of the line can you use? would i have to add it with a wetting agent(would that make it nonorganic are there any organic wetting agents)? Any advice would be helpful ive gone thru all the GO threads but no one has brought up foliar spray yet. Much appreciated in advanced!

Just did some more research and found the GO bio Marine can be used as a foliar doesnt say how much though. Please someone if you know the answer to this or about the rest of the line?


Active Member
Any thing can be used as long you keep the mix under 200ppms using distilled water except with teas(no soaker is needed). I found the DM saturator to be the best soaker hands down. I've tried them all.
Thank you helps alot! soaker and wetting agent the same? i havent made it to teas yet will soon be a venture right now, im just getting into the Organics and am doing it with the General Organics line. once i get comfortble with that i will move to the teas. Been reading alot about them and it sounds incredibly interesting! Check my grow if you have a second give me some pointers!


I use 30-40ml biomarine into a quart as a foliar spray about every two weeks in veg then 10ml with nitrozime once four days before I use bush master so right around when I switch to twelve and twelve but since your going all organic I'd just use it once or twice at the start of flowering before buds really form because I don't think nitrozime or bushmater are organic but they work freak with the GO Line of products
I use 30-40ml biomarine into a quart as a foliar spray about every two weeks in veg then 10ml with nitrozime once four days before I use bush master so right around when I switch to twelve and twelve but since your going all organic I'd just use it once or twice at the start of flowering before buds really form because I don't think nitrozime or bushmater are organic but they work freak with the GO Line of products
Isnt 30-40ml of marine to a quart ALOT to be foliar feeding with? What is your reasoning for using the nitrozime and bushmaster?
Thank you for the reply!

Well-Known Member
what is your reasoning for using the BioMarine as a foilar? i see the BioMarine as more of a food source of microbial life. it can be used as a foilar but i'd imagine you'd get better development adding it into the soil. i would also imagine that BioWeed would be a better foilar addition during veg, since it is basically seaweed. just curious.

I have no reasoning behind needing to use it just want to explore the complete options within the box. Very good advice on the marine and weed, thank you! do you have expirence with the line?


Active Member
I like Maxicrop Norwegian Kelp. Great foliar spray that doesnt build up
Molasses is also a great foliar spray which acts as a deterrent to some bugs that like to munch on leaves

Noticeable growth after use of both combined :]

Well-Known Member
I have no reasoning behind needing to use it just want to explore the complete options within the box. Very good advice on the marine and weed, thank you! do you have expirence with the line?
I do, i've currently got some plants going with it. my soil mixture is like 55% FFOF, 35% Ancient Forest EWC, 10% coco chunks. ive been using pretty much the whole GO Box line for this grow.

i didnt really use the BioThrive Grow during veg because the FFOF has nutes integrated out of the bag. but i did begin supplementing the soil mixture right away with the Diamond Black (humic acid), BioWeed (seaweed), BioRoot (root stimulant), BioMarine (microbial food source). I also supplemented with Heisenberg's tea formula. It is the best!!!!!!!!!!!! check it out here:

As they started to pop into flower I followed the chart on the GO Box. gave them the BioThrive Bloom, BioBud (bloom booster), BioRoot, BioMarine, Diamond Black. Also foilar fed DM Liquid Light & Snow Storm Ultra with DM Saturator. When the pistils really started to come in (about 4 weeks after sticking outside), I took the BioRoot out of the mix. I also upped the dosage of the other ingredients to the Heavy Feeding formula on the bottle (about 4x what the chart says). They've responded quite nicely with no burn. I will likely continue to feed the Heavy Feeding dosage until the end of grow and final flush. They are fattening up by the day. And my OG Kush buds look amazing. All the thick white hairs started as a pinkish color, you can see in my avatar. But now they are white on the tips and a vivid red at the base of the hairs. Looks awesome!!!! i may add a little BioWeed to my next feed, only because the leaves on the OG Kush are starting to lighten up a bit, and i'd prefer to keep them until harvest. probably wont need any on my Grapefruit Haze, it is a solid dark green and hasnt changed color since veg.

Anyway just my experience so far with the GO Box. I really like the line, I know some people supposedly have had 'issues' with deficiencies or what not, but I have yet to see anything like this. I'll go as far as to say this is the best little organic grow kit, second only to something like Subcool's SuperSoil.

if anyone else has experience with the GO line, lets hear what youve discovered.

I do, i've currently got some plants going with it. my soil mixture is like 55% FFOF, 35% Ancient Forest EWC, 10% coco chunks. ive been using pretty much the whole GO Box line for this grow.

i didnt really use the BioThrive Grow during veg because the FFOF has nutes integrated out of the bag. but i did begin supplementing the soil mixture right away with the Diamond Black (humic acid), BioWeed (seaweed), BioRoot (root stimulant), BioMarine (microbial food source). I also supplemented with Heisenberg's tea formula. It is the best!!!!!!!!!!!! check it out here:

As they started to pop into flower I followed the chart on the GO Box. gave them the BioThrive Bloom, BioBud (bloom booster), BioRoot, BioMarine, Diamond Black. Also foilar fed DM Liquid Light & Snow Storm Ultra with DM Saturator. When the pistils really started to come in (about 4 weeks after sticking outside), I took the BioRoot out of the mix. I also upped the dosage of the other ingredients to the Heavy Feeding formula on the bottle (about 4x what the chart says). They've responded quite nicely with no burn. I will likely continue to feed the Heavy Feeding dosage until the end of grow and final flush. They are fattening up by the day. And my OG Kush buds look amazing. All the thick white hairs started as a pinkish color, you can see in my avatar. But now they are white on the tips and a vivid red at the base of the hairs. Looks awesome!!!! i may add a little BioWeed to my next feed, only because the leaves on the OG Kush are starting to lighten up a bit, and i'd prefer to keep them until harvest. probably wont need any on my Grapefruit Haze, it is a solid dark green and hasnt changed color since veg.

Anyway just my experience so far with the GO Box. I really like the line, I know some people supposedly have had 'issues' with deficiencies or what not, but I have yet to see anything like this. I'll go as far as to say this is the best little organic grow kit, second only to something like Subcool's SuperSoil.

if anyone else has experience with the GO line, lets hear what youve discovered.

You seem to have a very good understanding of the GO line Mr. bond! your stuff looks fire already! next run with it i already know whats going to happen diffrently. Going to be premixing my soil much more with nutes etc in the soil and possibly start with some teas as well(if i find the room). I was wondering if you had ever had your main growing shoots seem to freeze(stop growing, retarded growth, stunted)? i just started a new thread on it because all i found was boron but im not 100% sure about it. my other feeling is pH but i guess that shouldnt matter since were doing organics here. if you would please be able to check that out and let me know what your thoughts are about my little friends it would be beyond appreciated!


Sorry I was well medicated when I wrote that I meant 15-20 ml per quart of bio marine as a foliar feed I forgot how many ml in a tsp my bad. But I do use it in the soil with my other nutes and I like to use the nitrozime because it helps to unstress your plants and the bushmaster is very potent and can cause quite alot of stress to your girls.