General Organics Product Line


This is so confusing. I thought the Chloramine/Chorline (You can't evaporate Chorlamine which my town uses) would immediately kill everything in the soil?
Hope this helps, I recently found out we also have Chloramine in our water too but learned that a KDF85 or KDF55 carbon filter will reduce the chloramine levels by about 99%. I just put one in my dechlorinator after replacing the standard one it came with and my plants seem pretty happy with the change.


Well-Known Member
I just got my order of the GO line today, I ordered it like 2 weeks ago and was literally down to the point where I was going to have to use something I had as I planted my clones figuring I had 7 days before I had to give them some kind of nutrition but black friday and cyber monday sales got me all screwed up but it came in time, the only products as far as nutes are non organic nutes so I didnt want to start them on that. The only thing I didnt get was the ancient forest stuff, does anyone use that stuff? I've read nothing but all good about it, any opinions of it? How about the marine product? I ordered both the bio-thrive grow as well as the squid juice. I hope my TGA ladies like it thats all, I think they should though.

It wasnt as expensive as some other lines out there like AN or just about any of them really, as well as its just about as veganic as I can get (I'm kinda still a newb and learning)and the closest thing I'm going to get to cannabio for now. With some ewc's per everyone and their mothers recommendation as well as whatever other veganic amendments I can get a hold of ontop of FF ocean forest and happy frog, not sure what else if that aint enough shit, LOL. (but I'm posting all this shit for any suggestions as well without starting a new one).

I was going to with cannabio but I changed my mind mid-online purchase and went on a 3 hour research tour of the interweb and ended up settling on the go line due to of availability and cost aside from anything else. I figure I'll use the GO for awhile and then incorporate the better products out of the two lines, seems like the best idea to me anyhow. I have some soluable sea weed I bought and never used I figure I'll throw into the mix in bloom as well as the bio bud I ordered.

(A few final questions from my 28 gram single tray of brownie tirade, I ate the first one about an hour ago as ya'll can probably tell...sorry)

What kind of run off should I be getting when I feed the GO line? Also, what is the prognosis on using hygrozyme or any other enzymes with the GO line? I've seen mixed suggestions as far as that.

Last one, so theres no PH-ing right? I'll probably be using either a 50/50 RO/tap or just aerated tap once I get sick of my RO unit and its $50 filters. And do you guys check PPM/ec? If so what kind of PPM's are you seeing @ full strength feeding?



Active Member
im glad to read some people have posted about this product line. i was advised to check it out from a buddy in BC who swears by it. a lot of good info to take into consideration


Well-Known Member
I have a couple of plants I am trying the GO ferts on and I have nothing but good things to say about them so far. I normaly use Age Old Oganics or EJ but got the GO grow, bloom, bioweed, bio bud, CaMg+, and bio marine for free from my local shop. First things first... The bio marine is the most rank stuff I have ever smelt and will fill your whole house with the rotting smell of fish if you grow indoors. I used it once and flushed it out 20 minutes later, it is that BAD smelling! The GO is very easy to use and I am having great results so far.

Jack The Ripper grown with just the CaMg+, veg, bioweed, and bloom using the 2tsp light feeding schedule. Soon to add their Bio Bud



I'm using the GO line in my hydroponic set up. Everything is going well, except the usual reports of CaMg deficiency. I mixed in a tablespoon of OMRI certified epsom salts in to see if this makes a difference. I'll post soon with an update.


Well-Known Member
I have a couple of plants I am trying the GO ferts on and I have nothing but good things to say about them so far. I normaly use Age Old Oganics or EJ but got the GO grow, bloom, bioweed, bio bud, CaMg+, and bio marine for free from my local shop. First things first... The bio marine is the most rank stuff I have ever smelt and will fill your whole house with the rotting smell of fish if you grow indoors. I used it once and flushed it out 20 minutes later, it is that BAD smelling! The GO is very easy to use and I am having great results so far.

Jack The Ripper grown with just the CaMg+, veg, bioweed, and bloom using the 2tsp light feeding schedule. Soon to add their Bio Bud

I agree with the bio marine statement, I used it once and only as well, sadly I purchased a gallon. I had a ewc tea brewing and I decided to add some of the GO products before giving them to my plants. All of the products I added my tea continued to bubble and keep getting all foamy etc... I added the bio marine and poof..........all the foam disappeared from that batch of worm tea and didnt return by adding more molasses or humbolt honey es. Everything else I have to say is good in my experience so far, I'm still in veg but I am going to go all out and say I've never seen my plants looking so good since I started using GO, the worm teas are helping as well as the partially amended soil (ocean forest/happy frog, ewc's, lime) but the GO products are some good stuff. The only thing that I think is better (without ever using it) is the canna-bio line.


Active Member
Yeah the BioMarine is rank stuff. I like the idea of feeding my girls processed squid however... I have a sealed tent so I only smell it when I open it up. or spill it.. *blech*

I was following the GO soil feeding chart, using the heavy feeding type and was feeding the plant every water.

I decided to do a feed, feed, water schedule and my plant has started to show signs of deficiency.

My question is this, can someone with GO experience please tell me if it's ok to use nutes every feeding?

Can a plant in soil become accustomed to continual feeding and require it from that point on?
I used the GO line with Hygrozyme added in. I was feeding every water and wanted to cut down but after hearing what you have to say I might re-consider.


Well-Known Member
I used the GO line with Hygrozyme added in. I was feeding every water and wanted to cut down but after hearing what you have to say I might re-consider.

I'm kinda wondering if I should feed every watering myself, my soil mix is a little hot at the moment still. I've put 4-5 waterings/feedings through my plants so far since I've transplanted into 5 gallon smart pots and I'm still getting 1500ppm in my run off out of some of my girls, meanwhile I'm only putting in 750 or so with 100ppm being my water.

What kind of deficiencies are you guys seeing? I was thinking I was seeing the beginnings of deficiencies but it was actually over fert due to my soil being kinda hottish on a couple, I'm imagining that a few chunks of worm castings didnt get spread out enough or something.

But before I go adding anything, I realize that its going to take awhile to build up the soil biology in order to get the micro beasties doing their thing. May I ask what kind of run off you guys are shooting for? If you are pushing out a lot of run off, you pushing out more micro life. Prior to using GO (this is my first grow using it or anything organic) I would be using 2 gallons of water/nute solution for 1 plant in a 5 gallon pot shooting for 30-50% run off, now I'm using like 1 gallon for 2 plants in 5 gallon smart pots. I throw a little on the soil to get it wet and then let it sit for awhile and come back pouring 16oz at a time, and usually after I let it sit, I'll pour 1 cup on and I'll get a little runoff letting me know the soil is saturated. But anymore than that I think I'd be waisting nutes as well as micro life so I try to let as little runoff out as possible, but with the plants being recently transplanted, I think I need to leach out some of the initial fert blast the fox farms ocean forest/happy frog is giving, but again, I dont want to waste any of the micro life.

But you (kalebaiden) should take a look at that. In order for your plants to get the nutrition they need using the GO line, you need to get the micro life in your soil up and running. My opinion is you should hit your plants with some kind of compost tea or something else with a lot of microlife in it. I have been hitting my girls hard with EWC tea, but I'm doing that because I'm trying to stay veganic with this grow so I wont use any guanos or any of that, but depending on where you are in your grow, look for a guano to accommodate either bloom (higher P and K) or veg (higher N), from there throw that and whatever else in a sock or stocking with 1tbs per gallon of molasses (I use humbolt honey ES rather than molasses) into a 5 gallon bucket with an air stone for a minimum of 24 hours, strain and give it to your plant. Also, try to keep the tea @ or around 68 degrees, any warmer you'll loose out on oxygen, cooler it slows down the process.

I'd also suggest putting your general organics products in a bucket with an air stone prior to feeding as well to help the microbeasties multiply, some of the GO products have molasses in them but a little added molasses or humbolt honey ES will help move microlife along, especially if its in a bucket with an airstone as I mentioned.

You need to leave the mentality of pouring in your nutes and the plants instantly absorbing it, it doesnt work like that with organics, there is an additional step that has to take place in order for your plants to eat like they need to. Feed the soil microbial life, and they in turn feed the plants which takes time to get the amount of life and root system going on, so stick it out and you'll see why everyone talks about organic the way they do.

One last suggestion, let your plants dry out to the point of almost falling over dead.....This way your root system will get as big as possible, the dryer you let the soil get the farther the plant is going to go looking for it producing a larger root mass each time you let the soil dry out.

Good luck, sorry if I went off in too many directions, I started out with a question and ended up spewing...LOL....
Hi there, sorry I am late to this thread but I thought I would share what I am doing right now with the GO line.

I was going to do an organic run at first and bought the Ocean Forest soil, which has guano in it, so this crop isn't 100% vegan. Ocean Forest is HOT and I had to give my girls 2 1/2 weeks of just PH'd water when they first came home with this soil. I will not be using it again. I will be mixing my own mix next time around that is 'dead' so I can start dosing asap. After reading over lots of Kyle Kushman forums and other forums on Vganics this is what I have found to be a great setup for me.

Mix the granular pure, fresh, live mycorhizae (Mykos) from Xtreme Gardening whenever you are transferring plants into different pots as directed. Maybe even a little more than directed (from clones in Dixie cups, dose, then to 3gal smart pots dose again)

Follow the GO line (without Marine and Diamond) and mix with distilled or RO water. Add in some Superthrive as well. Feeding around 2x a week if plants feel light. I use around 1 gal of mixed nutrients per 4 plants every feeding. I dose EVERY watering. Obviously you will need to increase the frequency of watering when they get bigger and start producing.

I add 2-3 cups of 2 day brewed compost tea, per plant, per week (So around 3 different feeding per week including the GO I use the tea as its own small feeding)

I spray some mixed fulvic acid as a foliar application 1x per week during veg only. Spraying during bloom doesn't work when plants begin to produce flowers.

After the transition week going into bloom, I re-innoculate the soil by dosing a water soluble mycos solution. I am using Roots Organics "Oregonism" line but there are several on the market to choose from. This recolonizes the roots with more symbiotic fungus, just in a water soluble powder form and not granular.

Continue dosing the GO bloom sequence as directed with a slight overdose from the recommended feeding amount in the "mid bloom" stages.

Flush with regular fresh PH treated RO water in the last week, or use a flushing solution if you prefer.

=Delicious, cheap, super healthy, fool proof medicine!

The added humic acid in the compost tea and the few fulvic acid sprays in veg makes it so I do not need to does the Black Diamond. With all the mycos in your soil you are allowing the plant to open up to its full potential for nutrient uptake so the PH range doesn't need to be perfect. I actually only checked my run off PH in the later bloom stages to make sure the PH was not getting too low. Other than that my Milwaukee was collecting dust through the whole cycle. This is what I was told to do from a GO rep directly when I called them after I mixed my first nutrient solution and it showed 5.2 PH! o_O I thought there was no way the girls could handle something that low but they assured me they were fine. They loved it! VERY IMPORTANT to only use RO or Distilled water when dosing and making tea. If there is chlorine in it you are going to kill off all that good stuff in the tea and in your soil. With a little super cropping and this dosing schedule I was very pleased with my results! Plants stayed green and healthy all the way through with no burning. Next cycle I am going to try out Xtreme Gardening's Azos nitrogen fixing microbes on top of all this. 'Like' Xtreme Gardening on Facebook and ask for a care package on their website here: and they will more than likely send you their line fast. Don't use their cal carb stuff or anything else they might send other than what I have directed as it is not needed when using GO. Hope this helps in some way to anyone looking to start some V'ganic crops. Happy gardening!

Cpt. Plant it

Active Member
I asked GO about there OMRI certification and they said that OMRI wanted their exact recipe. GO said they didnt feel comfortable giving away their exact recipe. I did look up all the ingredients and they are certified organic. The micronutrients in the GO line are the same as the ones in Mineral Matrix. And Mineral Matrix is OMRI certified.


I am useing th go line on canna and rockwool . I think I have found out a feeding recpit for the canna . Does anybody have a good recpit for rockwool go line please. thanks


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear it. I did some more research, and reading up on the whole PH deal and here is the General Hydroponics Blog with the staff answering questions specifically about this line.

Questions & Answers from the GH staff about General Organics Go Line

Hope this helps out the next person searching. :peace:

In order to properly use Organic nutrients you need to first understand why you are using organics and how they lead to plant growth.

Synthetic nutrients focuses on force feeding your plants to grow, Organic nutrients feed your root zone in turn feeding your plants.

When you are running 100% Organic nutrients like the GO line up you DO NOT need to PH your nutrient solution. The reason for this is because you also need to use microbes and bacteria which in turn consume and break down the nutrients balancing your PH of your media via their waste products which is alkaline. Fungus breaks down to acids and bacteria breaks down alkaline. So creating these microbial colinies and bacteria sources constantly feeds and produces wastes which break down and balances out your root zone (rhizosphere).

I just started using the GO line up exclusively, and I am finding that a nutrient feeding, followed by a watering using the sub culture M for veg and B for bloom, than back to a nutrient feeding (repeating process) will work the best for most applications. Since im running a peat/coco blend I am also using cal/mag at 7ml per gallon at every watering regardless of a nutrient or sub culture day. It is VITALLY IMPORTANT that you are innoculating your medium and rhizosphere every other watering or at least 1 time per week. Thats an absolute MUST!! If you arent doing this then you are going to have problems especially PH and micro nutrient lockouts because the nutrients arent getting broken down properly. The only thing I HIGHLY RECOMMEND is in addition to the feeding schedule I RECOMMEND using the General Hydroponics Ancient Forest Humus!! This is full of natural humic and fulvic acids that will also buffer your rhizosphere and help break down unused nutrients which will be consumed and used as a source of food for your bacteria which is the MAIN part of growing organically.

IF your medium isnt being innoculated with fungus and bacteria you are setting yourself up for failure as that is the most important part of growing organics and the catalyst for healthy robust roots and vibrant lush green foiliage.

Cheers and happy harvests!!!


Well-Known Member
If u want a really good organic fertilizer thats a higher end product, there no better organic nutrient i have ever used other than bio-canna and the canna mix which is hard to find but is absolute best with their nutrient as it is designed for it.

Anytime ur running organics and want all omri certified products i highly recommend using Organa-Ad its the absolute shit! Gives serious results and is a great source of nutrients for your plants. U can literally see the difference when using it!! Also alot of the organic nutrients dont have enough of the npk we all strive for so using products such as natures nectars npk for your strains needs i find is another must. On top of that if u wanna develop a great natural organic PK booster. Using humboldt natural 0-10-0 mixed with techna flora soluable seaweed 1-1-16 during bloom creates a diverse nutrient ratio that is perfect for organics and can dramatically increase flower size and yields.


Well-Known Member
My boy just got head growing job at state run facility where im located finally got mj approved medically here and all the use in GO line up. They r pulling down 2+ lbs per 1000w on a commercial level and those who know big grows is not an easy task. The smaller garden easier it is to get more gpw. Especially having 1 person per 40-50 lights to maintain reaching 2 pounds per light or the 1 gpw ratio on an all organic line is incredible. I believe they r running primarily east coast sour diesel, pineapple fields, and white fire og. They have few other strains they r beginning to use but this is the main platform right now and reaching those numbers on the GO line says alot about that product. I just switched over to it and so far so good. I really like it alot and the smells and aromas coming off these plants is fuckin ridiculous compared to synthetic nutrients ive ever used period.