General Potency Question


Well-Known Member
I have about 1/4 pound of decent buds that just came down a week or so ago.... Its fluffy/airy and I'm not keen on the flavor of the strain (I've grown it out before and brought it to full cure).....

Long story short,
Do I cure it for a couple weeks and then blow it through the BHO tube or just dry it, grind it, and run it?


Well-Known Member
You can do whatever you like really. Most just want pretty dry really cold herb to blow but you can even do fresh bud. You say general potency, obviously that will be strongest the fresher it is, retained terpenes and fewer products of degradation generally imaprt a more preferred high and of course is stronger. Curing is not drying, it is to a point.. There are 2 aspects to curing, the plant matter and the trichomes themselves or what's in them. Curing the plant will allow a cleaner oil in flavor and appearance that is also smoother in smoke. This happens in but a few weeks and can be called good, if kept sufficiently moist to keep open stomatas and activity know cured to perfection you could then blast if you so chose, without harming the product.. The trichomes will need a bit longer for the flavor to finish developing and really it will continue to evolve.. So most who cure their hash do so after extracting..what we are talking about here is basically what old world hash makers would do to create a superb product, but we do know more now... of course the trichomes will cure and alter faster than the mass they also don't need the amount of fresh air to maintain gas transfer as breaks down the all of this to say, that if you didn't like the cured flavor any moregoing through the extra process to cure the plant and hash or trichomes serves no purpose

A very high quality strain could yield an oz. 15-20% is expected


Well-Known Member
I have about 1/4 pound of decent buds that just came down a week or so ago.... Its fluffy/airy and I'm not keen on the flavor of the strain (I've grown it out before and brought it to full cure).....

Long story short,
Do I cure it for a couple weeks and then blow it through the BHO tube or just dry it, grind it, and run it?
We extract most of ours after 5 to 7 days hanging, or when the small twigs snap. Still decent amount of monoterpenes, but less water to deal with.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I'm looking at getting about 20g from it, I have done 4 runs @ 1/4lb each and got slightly under an ounce of BHO each time. I just wasn't sure about curing before running... @kmog33 20 grams of BHO is enough for me!


Well-Known Member

I hope it's not similar to a gatorade bottle lol.

Like I see how you could do it, it'd work

Back in the day a dude. I knew used gatorade bottles.

The shit we used to do..


Well-Known Member
Why would you spend money to get something tested if you wouldn't spend money on a real tube in the first place.
Something doesn't seem right here.
I have a "Real" glass tube and I use it quite frequently I am not fond of it though
1- I don't get the same yield from an "open blast" that I do from a "Controlled Release"..... I spent money to get it tested to check for impurities caused by the plastic, I don't want to smoke chemicals that I don't have to...
2- Temperature control is much easier in a "sealed" container. For both the "incoming" butane (warm-pressurized gas), and for the "chambered" butane (cold-condensed liquid)...
3- I use "custom" half blown 2 liter bottles that I get from a foreman at a local soda bottling plant. He blows 2 liter bottle slugs up in the Gatorade bottle casts....
their burst limit is about 120 psi (determined by the machine that inflates the slugs). 3 cans of butane (@~8oz a can) heated to 95F and highly pressurized doesn't pop 'em, even when the chamber is (10-15F) resting in dry ice...
4- I have gotten at MOST, a dozen uses out of a $100 tube before I drop it on concrete (on my 6th so far)...... ($100/12 uses= ~$8.50 a use).... I get 36 empty bottles for $50 ($50/36 uses=$1.50 a use)... In my experience, my method's yield is as clean as glass can make at less than half the price....
5- In Alaska where I live, manufacturing a concentrate is a class "B" felony, where as up to about 50 plants is still misdemeanor... Even possessing the "dirty components" (I.E. a glass tube with a slight hash covering) can be construed into "conspiracy to manufacture a controlled substance" which is a class "C" felony
6- I like to "get rid of the evidence" when I'm done making hash.... I don't "re-run", I don't save filters, and I use someone else's dumpster to trash incriminating evidence, I even cook in the pyrex dish to get rid of the last little bit that doesn't make its way into a slick container....

I do not want an argument about "what I'm doing wrong" or the way I'm doing it.... It works for me and its my preferred method.