Why would you spend money to get something tested if you wouldn't spend money on a real tube in the first place.
Something doesn't seem right here.
I have a "Real" glass tube and I use it quite frequently I am not fond of it though
1- I don't get the same yield from an "open blast" that I do from a "Controlled Release"..... I spent money to get it tested to check for impurities caused by the plastic, I don't want to smoke chemicals that I don't have to...
2- Temperature control is much easier in a "sealed" container. For both the "incoming" butane (warm-pressurized gas), and for the "chambered" butane (cold-condensed liquid)...
3- I use "custom" half blown 2 liter bottles that I get from a foreman at a local soda bottling plant. He blows 2 liter bottle slugs up in the Gatorade bottle casts....
their burst limit is about 120 psi (determined by the machine that inflates the slugs). 3 cans of butane (@~8oz a can) heated to 95F and highly pressurized doesn't pop 'em, even when the chamber is (10-15F) resting in dry ice...
4- I have gotten at MOST, a dozen uses out of a $100 tube before I drop it on concrete (on my 6th so far)...... ($100/12 uses= ~$8.50 a use).... I get 36 empty bottles for $50 ($50/36 uses=$1.50 a use)... In my experience, my method's yield is as clean as glass can make at less than half the price....
5- In Alaska where I live, manufacturing a concentrate is a class "B" felony, where as up to about 50 plants is still misdemeanor... Even possessing the "dirty components" (I.E. a glass tube with a slight hash covering) can be construed into "conspiracy to manufacture a controlled substance" which is a class "C" felony
6- I like to "get rid of the evidence" when I'm done making hash.... I don't "re-run", I don't save filters, and I use someone else's dumpster to trash incriminating evidence, I even cook in the pyrex dish to get rid of the last little bit that doesn't make its way into a slick container....
I do not want an argument about "what I'm doing wrong" or the way I'm doing it.... It works for me and its my preferred method.