General Wiring question for Lighting


Active Member
I would like to wire a Lightsocket to a lightswitch then to plug it directly into the wall. the light switch has 3 wires when i was looking at the store today. I think it was 2 red and 1 black. so how can i do this? sorry for the crude picture, drawing is not my speciallity.

Thanks ahead of time,


Well-Known Member
Tbot: then you need to make friends with one or hire one. The DIY alternative might result in you burning your house down. I don't know where you live but here in my part of California its red, black and white and I have seen green, black and white, so someone with good intentions might well give you advice from a place with different wiring color codes that turns out to be a recipe for disaster. You can talk to the folks at The Home Depot. They usually have one person who knows what they're talking about in the electrical department. Tell him or her what you want to do and they might be able to help you. They also sell books that show you how to do it. I hope that helps. HSA