Genetically Modified Cannabis?***=0***

old thread, but i thought it was interesting , came across this from GW Pharmaceuticals

"By manipulating the genes at these four positions, our scientists can precisely control the cannabinoid composition of a plant"


112.jpg :leaf:
geneticly motified stuff can give you cancer but if thc fights cancer cells then maybe it would just even out
but not a fan a geneticly motified foods and stuff
Marijuana is in the top of the most grown plant on earth. With many defenses from its natural enemy's, it also has a pretty good offensive game.. Satisfying almost all of its seed carriers..

I don't think it needs to be modified at all.. seems like its doing pretty good on its own.
moved to a more appropriate forum, genetically modified cannabis has absolutely nothing directly to do with outdoor growing, its more along the lines of advanced cultivation.
The medical defense lol.

And Genetically modified organisms do more than cause cancer, they cause organ damage and all kinds of other problems. My stomach is almost destroyed, I depend on being able to eat and use cannabis products to live...or at least to have any quality of life that I would want to live. Let's not talk about genetically modifying Cannabis as if it could do anything that isn't the opposite of beneficial.

Is Monsanto going to go around and start convincing us that without GMO pot there won't be enough for all the potheads when it's legal?
hold on, i was asking if my friend could get me seeds from his blue dream clone if he fertilized it, and he told me it is sterile. a true clone only. i thought to take seed viability away you need to move around some genetic markers ??
crossing different breeds is genetic modification, its been going on with all plants we eat and harvest since the beginning of mankind.
hold on, i was asking if my friend could get me seeds from his blue dream clone if he fertilized it, and he told me it is sterile. a true clone only. i thought to take seed viability away you need to move around some genetic markers ??

Don't take advice from your friend anymore lol. How does he know it's sterile, did he ask it? He either doesn't know what he's talking about, or he lied to you because he doesn't want to make seeds, which is a lot of work if he wasn't already planning on doing it. You should yell at him :cuss:

crossing different breeds is genetic modification, its been going on with all plants we eat and harvest since the beginning of mankind.

I think most of the posts on this thread are related to bt toxin. I'm pretty sure the person who started this thread wasn't wondering what it would be like to breed to plants together, no offense. If Monsanto is ever allowed to genetically engineer's going to be a big fucking problem lol. Once it becomes bad for us they'll have an excuse to make it illegal again...
Don't take advice from your friend anymore lol. How does he know it's sterile, did he ask it? He either doesn't know what he's talking about, or he lied to you because he doesn't want to make seeds, which is a lot of work if he wasn't already planning on doing it. You should yell at him :cuss:
damn juked again :(. does this mean you have crossed blue dream then ?
I *used* to think that GM cannabis would be a good thing. For instance, what if they modified it so that you didn't get cotton mouth? Or made it so your eyes didn't get red? Things like that sounded important...until I realized somethings should NOT be altered or modified by man. All man has done is F&%@! things up when trying to beat mother nature.

And Monsanto has the world by the balls and many do not even know it yet. :(
the world of genetically modifying is filled with stunted/runt goats sad looking chickens watery tomatoes , and just to be nice. a lot of Pm and blight resistance. so 1 good out of unlimited bads can't be that good . but i bet were not giving up. even after we have destroyed countless ecosystems by introducing genetically modified animals and then they fuck up by multiplying too fast or eating every thing. but we keep doing it. sometimes the smartest people in the world are down right stupid . we don't even have to worry about global warming or asteroids. the Sheldon coopers of this world will kill earth way before any thing natural can
im down for them try genetic modifications to me may as well be willing to try it on the medicine that keeps me from becoming enraged and psychotic. beside who wouldn't want to be genetically modified? do you really think we are perfect the way we are? i think theres always room for improvement.
GMO weed is inevitable but like all the other GMO products it will be realized that it wasn't a good idea to play nature. i think perfecting resin extraction is what needs to be worked on, end up with some crazy product thats like super glue.