Genetically Modified Cannabis?***=0***

dammmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!! give me a few minutes im stoned and been drinking its a lil much for my lil brain to absorb but dammmmmm you came back with KNOLEDGE.. for shure... much respect from me..

Lol bongsmilie Thanks man. I was trying to think of ways to describe how they are bad with theory and it was just causing me to be a dick lol, better to just post facts instead of my opinions lol. I have hundreds of bookmarks about GMOs and other nutrition and cannabinoid related stuff, I spend hours a day reading into my health...more for my family I guess than just myself.

I understand why the concept of genetic modification is cool to people, but once it stopped being a concept it needed to stop seeming cool to people. We didn't inherit the world from our parents, we're borrowing from our children and theirs. I think the best shot we have to evolve into bigger, smarter, kinder, more efficient people is to be healthy, and give our bodies what they want, not try to manipulate them into giving us what we want.

I used to work out real hard before I got sick. I had the average American diet. But no matter what supplements I used I could never get my stomach in shape and I always wore out fast. Now I'm disabled rocking a six back looking like a fighter or something and I don't exercise and hardly leave the house lol. I didn't need so-called supplements and extra protein and no carbs and all that shit to trick my body into looking good, I just gave it what it asked for instead and now I get better results.

Here's a list of all the foods that are GMO as well for anyone who is interested. It explains which foods are currently GMO (it may not be completely current) and it explains how to avoid them without having to eat completely organically as well.

Whether genetically modified (GM) foods are safe or harmful is still controversial. Most foods we eat may contain ingredients derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs)--everything from baby formula and food to our dairy to even our meat. If you live in Europe, avoiding GM foods is easier since laws require labeling. However in the US and Canada food manufacturers are not required to label if their food is genetically modified or not. As such, here are some guidelines for steering clear of GM foods in your diet, if that is your choice.

  • 1​
    Become familiar with the most common applications of genetic modification. These are the products (and their derivatives) that are most likely to be genetically modified:

    Ads by Google
    [h=4]5 Foods you must not eat:[/h] Cut down a bit of stomach fat every day by never eating these 5 foods.

    • Soybeans - Gene taken from bacteria (Agrobacterium sp. strain CP4) and inserted into soybeans to make them more resistant to herbicides.[SUP][1][/SUP] See How to Live With a Soy Allergy for more information on avoiding soy products
    • Corn - There are two main varieties of GE corn. One has a Gene from the lepidoptera pathogen microorganism Bacillus thuringiensis inserted to produce the Bt toxin, which poisons insect pests.[SUP][2][/SUP] There are also several events which are resistant to various herbicide. Present in high fructose corn syrup and glucose/fructose which is prevalent in a wide variety of foods in America.
    • Rapeseed/Canola - Gene added/transferred to make crop more resistant to herbicide.
    • Sugar beets - Gene added/transferred to make crop more resistant to Monsanto's Roundup herbicide.
    • Rice - Genetically modified to resist herbicides; not currently available for human consumption, but trace amounts of one GM long-grained variety (LLRICE601) may have entered the food supply in the USA and Europe. More recently, golden rice, a different strain of rice has been engineered to produce significantly higher levels of beta carotene, which the body uses to produce vitamin A. Golden rice is still undergoing testing to determine if it is safe for human consumption.[SUP][3][/SUP]
    • Cotton - engineered to produce Bt toxin. The seeds are pressed into cottonseed oil, which is a common ingredient in vegetable oil and margarine.
    • Dairy - Cows injected with GE hormone rBGH/rBST; possibly fed GM grains and hay.
    • Aspartame/AminoSweet - Addictive and dangerous artificial sweetener commonly found in chewing gum and "diet" beverages. A building block of aspartame, the amino acid phenylalanine, is usually manufactured with the aid of genetically modified E. coli bacteria. This process has been used industrially in the USA for many years.
    • Papayas
    • Farm Raised Salmon

  • 2
    Buy food labeled 100% organic. The US and Canadian governments do not allow manufacturers to label something 100% organic if that food has been genetically modified or been fed genetically modified feed. However, you may find that organic food is more expensive and different in appearance from conventional products. Also, just because something says "organic" on it does not mean that it does not contain GMs. In fact, it can still contain up to 30% GMs, so be sure the labels say 100% organic.
    • This applies to eggs, as well. Eggs labeled "free-range", "natural", or "cage-free" are not necessarily GE-free; look for eggs to be 100% organic.[SUP][4][/SUP]

  • 3
    Recognize fruit and vegetable label numbers.
    • If it is a 4-digit number, the food is conventionally produced.

    • If it is a 5-digit number beginning with an 8, it is GM. However, do not trust that GE foods will have a PLU identifying it as such, because PLU labeling is optional. [SUP][5][/SUP]

    • If it is a 5-digit number beginning with a 9, it is

  • 4
    Purchase beef that is 100% grass-fed. Most cattle in the U.S. are grass-fed, but spend the last portion of their lives in feedlots where they may be given GM corn, the purpose of which is to increase intramuscular fat and marbling. If you're looking to stay away from GMOs, make sure the cattle were 100% grass-fed or pasture-fed (sometimes referred to as grass-finished or pasture-finished). The same applies to meat from other herbivores such as sheep. There is also the slight possibility that the animals were fed GM alfalfa, although this is less likely if you buy meat locally. With non-ruminants like pigs and poultry that cannot be 100% grass-fed, it's better to look for meat that is 100% organic.
  • 5

    GMO-free marshmallows

    Seek products that are specifically labeled as non-GM or GMO-free. However, it is rare to find products labeled as such. You can also research websites that list companies and foods that do not use genetically modified foods, [SUP][7][/SUP], but be aware that information is often incomplete and conflicting interests may not be declared.
  • 6
    Shop locally. Although more than half of all GM foods are produced in the US,[SUP][8][/SUP] most of it comes from large, industrial farms. By shopping at farmers' markets, signing up for a subscription from a local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm, or patronizing a local co-op, you may be able to avoid GM products and possibly save money at the same time.
    • More and more small farms are offering grains and meat directly to customers, in addition to the usual fare (vegetables, fruit, herbs).

    • Inspecting non-GMO cabbage

      Shopping locally may also give you the opportunity to speak to the farmer and find out how he or she feels about GMOs and whether or not they use them in their own operation.

  • 7
    Buy whole foods. Favor foods that you can cook and prepare yourself, rather than foods that are processed or prepared (e.g. anything that comes in a box or a bag, including fast food). What you lose in convenience, you may recover in money saved and satisfaction gained, as well as increased peace of mind. Try cooking a meal from scratch once or twice a week--you may enjoy it and decide to do it more often.
  • 8
    Grow your own food. This way you know exactly what was grown, and what went into growing it.
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  • If you have the land, time, and resources, grow your own food. As long as you make sure you're not buying GM seeds, and aren't near any GM plants which could cross-pollinate, you'll know for sure that the food which comes from your garden is not genetically modified.
  • At chain and non-chain restaurants, you can ask which, if any, of their foods contain GMs, but the wait and kitchen staff are not likely to know.
  • Producers who label their food GM-free aren't making any health claims regarding the product.

You're right...I was just mad because of the job you did of slamming me...

Anyway, I guess since you kinda sorta in a way asked for real GMO information I'll give you some...

If you read that maybe you'll understand how it's hard for someone who can barely eat because of the damage gmo food has done to their stomach to tolerate someone talking about how cool genetically modified cannabis would be...And why the hell is everybody acting like genetically modified cannabis would be bigger you people think that that's what gmo's do to food?

They take dna from fucking fish and put it into supposedly save the company and farmer's money...and it doesn't save anybody money except Monsanto, and it kills people and kills the land.

Maybe this will explain more...

(NaturalNews) In a shocking warning letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, a highly experienced, ex-military pathogen researcher warns that the use of Roundup via GMO crops is resulting in the emergence of a deadly new pathogen -- previously unknown to science -- that's causing widespread
spontaneous abortionsamong cattle. The pathogen appears in high concentrations among even non-GMO crops that are "managed" through the use of glyphosate (Roundup) for weed control.

The letter is authored by COL (Retired) Don M. Huber, a former Emeritus Professor at Purdue University. Huber was also the coordinator at theAmerican Phytopathological Society, an organization that studies plant diseases and pathogens. Huber also sat on the committee for Emerging Diseases and Pathogens, chaired by an Agriculture Research Service (USDA) employee from Fort Detrick, Maryland.

Fort Detrick, you may remember, is also where the U.S. military conducts much of its biological warfare research through itsUnited States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories( A few years ago, deadly pathogens "went missing" from this lab (

Huber, in other words, is not just some ranting civilian. He's someone who has worked around pathogens for many decades and whose warnings about pathogenic threats must be taken seriously. In his letter, Huber warns about a new pathogen, unknown to science,"...that appears to significantly impact the health of plants, animals, and probably human beings. Based on a review of the data, it is widespread, very serious, and is in much higher concentrations in Roundup Ready (RR) soybeans and corn -- suggesting a link with the RR gene or more likely the presence of Roundup."

This pathogen appears to be link to widespreadspontaneous abortionsamong cattle. As Huber explains, "450 of 1,000 pregnant heifers ...experienced spontaneous abortions."

That's a spontaneous abortion rate of 45 percent!

Huber goes on to say that this pathogen "...could result ina collapse of US soy and corn export markets and significant disruption of domestic food and feed supplies. ...This new organism may already be responsible for significant harm..."

Huber's letter was made available to Tom Vilsack well before the USDA's recent decision to deregulate GE alfalfa (, meaning thatthe USDA deregulated GE alfalfa even after being made aware of this severe threat to human and animal health.

The threat to human health

As Huber explains, this previously unknown pathogen causes spontaneous abortions andinfertility."Laboratory tests have confirmed the presence of this organism in a wide variety of livestock that have experienced spontaneous abortions and infertility. Preliminary results from ongoing research have also been able to reproduce abortions in a clinical setting."

That alone means this pathogen may be a huge threat to ranchers and cattle operations, but there's more to this story: The HUMAN threat.

"[The pathogen] is found in high concentrations in Roundup Ready soybean meal and corn, distillers meal, fermentation feed products, pig stomach contents, and pig and cattle placentas,"says Huber.

Guess where soybean meal is used? Throughout the processed food supply. Both soybean meal and GMO corn are widely used in thousands of foods found in grocery stores and even health food stores like Whole Foods. This meanshuman consumers are almost certainly being exposed to this pathogen through the food supply right now, as there are often mistakes in food processing that don't always kill the pathogens through cooking or pasteurization.

Is this part of the explanation behind human spontaneous abortions and rising rates of infertility?

More frighteningly,is this all part of a population control agendabeing pursued by the U.S. government through the USDA? Given the threat that this pathogen presents to both human and animal life, why would the USDA deregulate so many Roundup Ready GMO crops unless it actually wanted to see more infertility and spontaneous abortions taking place?

Pathogen also threatens plant life

It's not just animals and humans that are threatened by this mysterious and deadly pathogen, by the way.Crops are also threatened by it.

"The organism is prolific in plants infected with two pervasive diseases that are driving down yields and farmer income -- sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soy, and Goss’ wilt in corn. The pathogen is also found in the fungal causative agent of SDS (Fusarium solani fsp glycines)."

Did you read that carefully? The pathogen caused by the use of Roundup and GMO cropsdrives down crop yields through plant disease!And yet, the whole selling point behind GMOs was supposed to be "increased yields!" That's why farmers have been strong-armed into using GMOs in the first place. And yet, in reality, what we see are GMO crop failures, not increased yields. See this article by Jeffrey Smith for more:

Huber isn't the only one warning about the toxic effects of Roundup on life, by the way. A paper published inChemical Research in Toxicologyalso concluded that Roundup causes birth defects in frogs and chickens:Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Produce Teratogenic Effects on Vertebrates by Impairing Retinoic Acid Signaling(

An emergency halt to all GMOs

Huber's letter drives home the most important point in all this:We need to STOP GMOs right now, at least until more research can be conducted. As Huber states:

"[We request] an immediate moratorium on the deregulation of RR crops until the causal / predisposing relationship with glyphosate and / or RR plants can be ruled out as a threat to crop and animal production and human health. It is urgent to examine whether the side-effects of glyphosate use may have facilitated the growth of this pathogen, or allowed it to cause greater harm to weakened plant and animal hosts. It is well-documented that glyphosate promotes soil pathogens and is already implicated with the increase of more than 40 plant diseases; it dismantles plant defenses by chelating vital nutrients; and it reduces the bioavailability of nutrients in feed, which in turn can cause animal disorders."

But rather than stopping GMOs, the USDA has approved three new GE crops in just the last several weeks! The USDA, it seems,has decided to risk the sustainability of life on our planet-- plant life, animal life and even human life.The USDA is now becoming as dangerous as the FDA!

The USDA, through its recent decisions, is without questiona threat to life on Earth.

The coming ecological catastrophe

Mark my words, friends: We are facing dark times ahead, thanks in part to these reckless actions being taken by the USDA. We are facing the likelihood ofwidespread crop failureswhich will obviously lead to food riots and starvation. We're rolling the dice on the future of life on Earth, placing our bets on the profits of the biotech industry whileviolating the laws of nature.

Once these deadly pathogens are out in the wild, there's no recapturing them. I predict that, in the years ahead, GMOs will causean ecological catastrophethat results in widespread suffering and death.Everybody is threatened by GMOs- cattle ranchers, dairy owners, pets, children, adults and even the crops themselves. Nothing is safe from the scourge of death and destruction now being unleashed upon our world by these evil corporations ( working in conspiracy with corrupt, criminal-minded government all across the world -- governments that are actively conspiring against their own people to unleash spontaneous abortions, infertility and eventual starvation.

Make no mistake, all of you who read NaturalNews: Your government is conspiring withan industry of deathto roll out GMOs that will result in abortions, suffering, starvation and ecological catastrophe. And they are doing this under the label of "science," claiming that any restrictions of GMOs would be "unscientific." (

They are claiming that GMOs willpreventstarvation and "feed the world!" But the evidence reveals the far darker truth behind the scheme: It's really aboutpoisoning the world, reducing the population, and seizing control over the production and distribution of food.

Why aren't people protesting against GMOs?

The truth about this matter is now becoming increasingly apparent to nearly everyone. But I have a question:When will the people take to the streets to protest this?

Don't you find it interesting that people in places like Madison, Wisconsin will protest threats to their incomes, but virtually nobody takes to the streets to protest GMOs and other threats to sustainable life on our planet? Why aren't the people up in arms over GMOs, marching in front of the USDA offices and demanding the arrest and prosecution of people like Tom Vilsack who have emerged asenemies of life?

It really makes you wonder where peoples' priorities are these days. While they're busy protesting their paycheck in Madison, the federal government is secretly plotting behind their backs to abort their fetuses, starve their children, contaminate their crops and destroy their ranch animals. This is the definition of EVIL, folks. The dark era of "Satanic government" is upon us, and now they're plotting with the biotech industry to literally destroy life on our planet.

You need to understand, this is no longer about mere profits or political power. This isan agenda of deathnow being pursued by the USDA.Government-sponsored pestilence. The four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and all that. This is downright Biblical in proportion because now we're talking about threats to life across the planet.

Below, I've reprinted the full letter from Huber:

Source:I first learned about this letter on theFarm and Ranch Freedom Alliancewebsite:

They verified the authenticity of this letter.

The letter to the USDA from Professor Huber

Dear Secretary Vilsack:

A team of senior plant and animal scientists have recently brought to my attention the discovery of an electron microscopic pathogen that appears to significantly impact the health of plants, animals, and probably human beings. Based on a review of the data, it is widespread, very serious, and is in much higher concentrations in Roundup Ready (RR) soybeans and corn -- suggesting a link with the RR gene or more likely the presence of Roundup. This organism appears NEW to science!

This is highly sensitive information that could result in a collapse of US soy and corn export markets and significant disruption of domestic food and feed supplies. On the other hand, this new organism may already be responsible for significant harm (see below). My colleagues and I are therefore moving our investigation forward with speed and discretion, and seek assistance from the USDA and other entities to identify the pathogen’s source, prevalence, implications, and remedies.

We are informing the USDA of our findings at this early stage, specifically due to your pending decision regarding approval of RR alfalfa. Naturally, if either the RR gene or Roundup itself is a promoter or co-factor of this pathogen, then such approval could be a calamity. Based on the current evidence, the only reasonable action at this time would be to delay deregulation at least until sufficient data has exonerated the RR system, if it does.

For the past 40 years, I have been a scientist in the professional and military agencies that evaluate and prepare for natural and manmade biological threats, including germ warfare and disease outbreaks. Based on this experience, I believe the threat we are facing from this pathogen is unique and of a high risk status. In layman’s terms, it should be treated as an emergency.

A diverse set of researchers working on this problem have contributed various pieces of the puzzle, which together presents the following disturbing scenario:

Unique Physical Properties

This previously unknown organism is only visible under an electron microscope (36,000X), with an approximate size range equal to a medium size virus. It is able to reproduce and appears to be a micro-fungal-like organism. If so, it would be the first such micro-fungus ever identified. There is strong evidence that this infectious agent promotes diseases of both plants and mammals, which is very rare.

Pathogen Location and Concentration

It is found in high concentrations in Roundup Ready soybean meal and corn, distillers meal, fermentation feed products, pig stomach contents, and pig and cattle placentas.

Linked with Outbreaks of Plant Disease

The organism is prolific in plants infected with two pervasive diseases that are driving down yields and farmer income -- sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soy, and Goss’ wilt in corn. The pathogen is also found in the fungal causative agent of SDS (Fusarium solani fsp glycines).

Implicated in Animal Reproductive Failure

Laboratory tests have confirmed the presence of this organism in a wide variety of livestock that have experienced spontaneous abortions and infertility. Preliminary results from ongoing research have also been able to reproduce abortions in a clinical setting.

The pathogen may explain the escalating frequency of infertility and spontaneous abortions over the past few years in US cattle, dairy, swine, and horse operations. These include recent reports of infertility rates in dairy heifers of over 20%, and spontaneous abortions in cattle as high as 45%.

For example, 450 of 1,000 pregnant heifers fed wheatlege experienced spontaneous abortions. Over the same period, another 1,000 heifers from the same herd that were raised on hay had no abortions. High concentrations of the pathogen were confirmed on the wheatlege, which likely had been under weed management using glyphosate.


In summary, because of the high titer of this new animal pathogen in Roundup Ready crops, and its association with plant and animal diseases that are reaching epidemic proportions, we request USDA’s participation in a multi-agency investigation, and an immediate moratorium on the deregulation of RR crops until the causal/predisposing relationship with glyphosate and/or RR plants can be ruled out as a threat to crop and animal production and human health.

It is urgent to examine whether the side-effects of glyphosate use may have facilitated the growth of this pathogen, or allowed it to cause greater harm to weakened plant and animal hosts. It is well-documented that glyphosate promotes soil pathogens and is already implicated with the increase of more than 40 plant diseases; it dismantles plant defenses by chelating vital nutrients; and it reduces the bioavailability of nutrients in feed, which in turn can cause animal disorders. To properly evaluate these factors, we request access to the relevant USDA data.

I have studied plant pathogens for more than 50 years. We are now seeing an unprecedented trend of increasing plant and animal diseases and disorders. This pathogen may be instrumental to understanding and solving this problem. It deserves immediate attention with significant resources to avoid a general collapse of our critical agricultural infrastructure.


COL (Ret.) Don M. Huber
Emeritus Professor, Purdue University
APS Coordinator, USDA National Plant Disease Recovery System (NPDRS)

Learn more:

These are examples of IRRESPONSIBLE GMO practices. YES! GMO's can be designed to do anything, including higher yields. All GMO means is that 1 or more genes have been merged with the current sequence. Like fast forwarding evolution. We could easily introduce properties like disease and pest resistance, cold and heat resistance, LARGER FLOWER FORMATIONS, faster finishing times, Etc.

Your upset at what we have done WITH FOOD CROPS and livestock thus far. Don't hate the Technology, just the few scientists hired to use the technology in a capitalistic irresponsible manner.
I take it you didn't actually read all the info you just posted, or you wouldn't have just told me that we could easily introduce properties like disease and pest resistance, cold and heat resistance and faster finishing times...

The whole post was about Monsanto trying to do all those things lol. And it obviously doesn't work. And we've proved that on a large scale. Cannabis is about patience. Nothing can be safely done to genetically modify cannabis to make it bigger and better, and it doesn't need to be.

What the hell is wrong with some of you?? Cannabis is the most amazing plant in the world that I know of. It singlehandedly saves peoples lives. Sativas already grow bigger than 14 ft outside, how fucking big do the fucking buds need to be??

I get it guys, you want bigger buds so you can make more money. Instead of supporting GENETICALLY MODIFIED CANNABIS why not support LEGALIZATION instead? Then you can grow as much as you want of your greasy strains right in your yard...wait then it will need to be genetically modified to be more potent right?

Not that we can't already turn it into concentrates that send us to the moon.

You know what I honestly think? Anyone that thinks cannabis needs to be genetically modified....NEEDS TO LEARN HOW TO GROW IT RIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE. Not many people that know what they are doing would want modify their plant in any unnatural way, we're usually already blown away with our results.

And it's totally not fair to blame the scientists, some of them didn't even know their research was going to be used the way it has. Monsanto is reknowned for corrupting scientists.

Research corrupted
Independence of EFSA’s GMO risk assessment challenged

March 21, 2012
Testbiotech, supported by Corporate Observatory Europe (CEO), is today filing a new complaint with the EU Ombudsman questioning the independence of the chair of the panel of experts tasked with assessing the risk of new genetically engineered plants entering the European Union.
Food agency revamps rules to boost transparency
The European Food Safety Authority, seeking to deflect criticism over the independence of its work, yesterday (5 March) announced moves to clarify disclosure rules and guidelines on who can serve as scientific experts.

Conflicts on the menu

No seeds, no independent research

Companies that genetically engineer crops have a lock on what we know about their safety and benefits.
Soybeans, corn, cotton and canola - most of the acres planted in these crops in the United States are genetically altered. "Transgenic" seeds can save farmers time and reduce the use of some insecticides, but herbicide use is higher, and respected experts argue that some genetically engineered crops may also pose serious health and environmental risks. Also, the benefits of genetically engineered crops may be overstated.
GM products : Comission places comercial aspirations above consumer health
EU Petitioner highlights deficiencies in GM assessment process

Corrupt Research, How the Toxicity of Dioxin was Concealed.
How Monsanto falsified research studies to hide the cancer-causing nature of dioxin.

Scientific ethics corrupted: the affair of Richard Doll

South Dakota State University’s Director bought by Monsanto

Monsanto ’faked’ data for approvals claims its ex-chief
The debate on genetically modified (GM) brinjal variety continues to generate heat. Former managing director of Monsanto India, Tiruvadi Jagadisan, is the latest to join the critics of Bt brinjal, perhaps the first industry insider to do so.

GM Crops Go to US High Court, Environmental Laws on the Line
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday in its first-ever case involving genetically modified crops.

Potato Lobby: Monsanto-linked scientist punts GM foods again!

30 July 2011
Jonathan Jones, the John Innes Centre scientist with links to Monsanto via his company Mendel Biotechnology, promotes the JIC’s GM potatoes in an article in The Guardian.
Two EFSA’s experts hide their links with the food indsutry!

September 13, 2011
Two NGOs, the Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) of Belgium and the french Réseau Environnement Santé (RES) revealed today by a press release the links of two experts of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with the food industry.
VIDEO: What you should know about EFSA - in 3 minutes

December 2011
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A 3 minutes animation allows you to find out more how EFSA operates and to what extent this benefits the big food, biotech and pesticides corporations such as Monsanto, Syngenta, Unilever, Nestlé...[/FONT]

Here's a vid, haven't watched the whole thing yet

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][video=youtube_share;nVyvLWizg5E][/video][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
Here, now our kids can learn how to destroy the world too!

Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, and five other major biotechnology companies and associations have collectively released theBiotechnology Basics Activity Book, a colorful guide designed to reeducate children into the false dogma of biotechnology.

The 16-page guide -- which includes word scrambles, fill-in-the-blank puzzles, and matching games -- contains an introductory paragraph that claims biotechnology boosts crop yields, improves environmental conditions, and leads to more nutritious food. Throughout the book, children are told that biotechnology is changing the world for the better, which is a complete contradiction to all available independent science. And yet this guide is reportedly slated for inclusion in some school curriculums.

"This is an activity book for young people like you about biotechnology -- a really neat topic," says the first page of the book. "Why is it such a neat topic? Because biotechnology is helping to improve the health of the Earth and the people who call it home."

Learn more: sBqh9FF

I don't think anyone who actually reads the info I posted is still going to agree that GMing Cannabis is a good idea.

I take it you didn't actually read all the info you just posted, or you wouldn't have just told me that we could easily introduce properties like disease and pest resistance, cold and heat resistance and faster finishing times...

The whole post was about Monsanto trying to do all those things lol. And it obviously doesn't work. And we've proved that on a large scale. Cannabis is about patience. Nothing can be safely done to genetically modify cannabis to make it bigger and better, and it doesn't need to be.

What the hell is wrong with some of you?? Cannabis is the most amazing plant in the world that I know of. It singlehandedly saves peoples lives. Sativas already grow bigger than 14 ft outside, how fucking big do the fucking buds need to be??

I get it guys, you want bigger buds so you can make more money. Instead of supporting GENETICALLY MODIFIED CANNABIS why not support LEGALIZATION instead? Then you can grow as much as you want of your greasy strains right in your yard...wait then it will need to be genetically modified to be more potent right?

Not that we can't already turn it into concentrates that send us to the moon.

You know what I honestly think? Anyone that thinks cannabis needs to be genetically modified....NEEDS TO LEARN HOW TO GROW IT RIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE. Not many people that know what they are doing would want modify their plant in any unnatural way, we're usually already blown away with our results.

And it's totally not fair to blame the scientists, some of them didn't even know their research was going to be used the way it has. Monsanto is reknowned for corrupting scientists.

Research corrupted
Independence of EFSA’s GMO risk assessment challenged

March 21, 2012
Testbiotech, supported by Corporate Observatory Europe (CEO), is today filing a new complaint with the EU Ombudsman questioning the independence of the chair of the panel of experts tasked with assessing the risk of new genetically engineered plants entering the European Union.
Food agency revamps rules to boost transparency
The European Food Safety Authority, seeking to deflect criticism over the independence of its work, yesterday (5 March) announced moves to clarify disclosure rules and guidelines on who can serve as scientific experts.

Conflicts on the menu

No seeds, no independent research

Companies that genetically engineer crops have a lock on what we know about their safety and benefits.
Soybeans, corn, cotton and canola - most of the acres planted in these crops in the United States are genetically altered. "Transgenic" seeds can save farmers time and reduce the use of some insecticides, but herbicide use is higher, and respected experts argue that some genetically engineered crops may also pose serious health and environmental risks. Also, the benefits of genetically engineered crops may be overstated.
GM products : Comission places comercial aspirations above consumer health
EU Petitioner highlights deficiencies in GM assessment process

Corrupt Research, How the Toxicity of Dioxin was Concealed.
How Monsanto falsified research studies to hide the cancer-causing nature of dioxin.

Scientific ethics corrupted: the affair of Richard Doll

South Dakota State University’s Director bought by Monsanto

Monsanto ’faked’ data for approvals claims its ex-chief
The debate on genetically modified (GM) brinjal variety continues to generate heat. Former managing director of Monsanto India, Tiruvadi Jagadisan, is the latest to join the critics of Bt brinjal, perhaps the first industry insider to do so.

GM Crops Go to US High Court, Environmental Laws on the Line
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday in its first-ever case involving genetically modified crops.

Potato Lobby: Monsanto-linked scientist punts GM foods again!

30 July 2011
Jonathan Jones, the John Innes Centre scientist with links to Monsanto via his company Mendel Biotechnology, promotes the JIC’s GM potatoes in an article in The Guardian.
Two EFSA’s experts hide their links with the food indsutry!

September 13, 2011
Two NGOs, the Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) of Belgium and the french Réseau Environnement Santé (RES) revealed today by a press release the links of two experts of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with the food industry.
VIDEO: What you should know about EFSA - in 3 minutes

December 2011
A 3 minutes animation allows you to find out more how EFSA operates and to what extent this benefits the big food, biotech and pesticides corporations such as Monsanto, Syngenta, Unilever, Nestlé...

Here's a vid, haven't watched the whole thing yet


Here, now our kids can learn how to destroy the world too!

Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, and five other major biotechnology companies and associations have collectively released theBiotechnology Basics Activity Book, a colorful guide designed to reeducate children into the false dogma of biotechnology.

The 16-page guide -- which includes word scrambles, fill-in-the-blank puzzles, and matching games -- contains an introductory paragraph that claims biotechnology boosts crop yields, improves environmental conditions, and leads to more nutritious food. Throughout the book, children are told that biotechnology is changing the world for the better, which is a complete contradiction to all available independent science. And yet this guide is reportedly slated for inclusion in some school curriculums.

"This is an activity book for young people like you about biotechnology -- a really neat topic," says the first page of the book. "Why is it such a neat topic? Because biotechnology is helping to improve the health of the Earth and the people who call it home."

Learn more:

I don't think anyone who actually reads the info I posted is still going to agree that GMing Cannabis is a good idea.

YES! Having a male cannabis plant with sterile pollen scares me! Why the fuck would anyone ever want a sterile male cannabis plant? Can you think of ANY good reason? LMAO. Why don't you walk around trying to convince human men that if they sterilize their sperm it will somehow benefit mankind

You just posted two links that don't have any names or authors listed. You know why? because it's not real information lol. Learn how to use google man. I just posted like 5 pages of information from actual scientists and authors that aren't afraid to put their name on their research.

And you also just posted what GMOs are SUPPOSED TO DO.....after I had already posted a bunch of information not only debunking EVERYTHING in your link, but PROVING THAT IT DOESN'T WORK! Lol.

So, I'm not sure what your point is,...

And changing the color of a flower? What are you talking about? We're talking about human beings taking bacteria and dna from "living breathing organisms" and putting it in other organisms, and don't try to tell me that's not what we're talking about, because you just posted two links about it. They took a gene from a fucking starfish because the starfish releases a bacteria to keep pests away...then they put in in a potatoes because it supposedly makes it easier for doesn't...that's what all the info I posted states.

But what it does to cause all kinds of health problems and ruin the land.

Fucking sterile male cannabis plants are you serious? We already learned how to turn a plant into a hermaphrodite to produce feminized seeds, is that not enough for you?

Let's turn all the males sterile so we can't BREED THE PLANT ANYMORE! Good idea.
YES! Having a male cannabis plant with sterile pollen scares me! Why the fuck would anyone ever want a sterile male cannabis plant? Can you think of ANY good reason? LMAO. Why don't you walk around trying to convince human men that if they sterilize their sperm it will somehow benefit mankind

You just posted two links that don't have any names or authors listed. You know why? because it's not real information lol. Learn how to use google man. I just posted like 5 pages of information from actual scientists and authors that aren't afraid to put their name on their research.

And you also just posted what GMOs are SUPPOSED TO DO.....after I had already posted a bunch of information not only debunking EVERYTHING in your link, but PROVING THAT IT DOESN'T WORK! Lol.

So, I'm not sure what your point is,...

And changing the color of a flower? What are you talking about? We're talking about human beings taking bacteria and dna from "living breathing organisms" and putting it in other organisms, and don't try to tell me that's not what we're talking about, because you just posted two links about it. They took a gene from a fucking starfish because the starfish releases a bacteria to keep pests away...then they put in in a potatoes because it supposedly makes it easier for doesn't...that's what all the info I posted states.

But what it does to cause all kinds of health problems and ruin the land.

Fucking sterile male cannabis plants are you serious? We already learned how to turn a plant into a hermaphrodite to produce feminized seeds, is that not enough for you?

Let's turn all the males sterile so we can't BREED THE PLANT ANYMORE! Good idea.

Ummm, you're delusional friend. I KNOW flowers that have been GMO'd for color, genius. I've seen GMO potatoes live while other fields DIED, genius. Look, I get it. Organic farmers are being bullied by corporate america. A lot of companies register GMO's for profit, and to wash out local natural strains. BUT, there are strains, like the examples listed, which are registered with the country, which perform unique to the GMO. Sorry you can't see that. Sorry you've never seen a crop dusting that killed neighboring farms while the GMO strain grows unscathed. But that's reality.

WHY HAVE STERILE MALE PLANTS!? So patients with small gardens don't get seeds in their hermaphed medicine, genius. And to suggest I want ALL cannabis sterile? Are you ok? That's like saying, "I will cross Durban Poison with Kush, because I want all Kush to have Durban Poison traits...WUH! And then you continue to claim that GMO Cannabis would be bad for general health over "Natural" Cannabis...WUH!? I know farmers who buy GMO corn because it's like fucking HYDRO! It grows faster, bigger, and more resistant.

Why do I feel like I'm arguing Mineral nutrients over Organic nutrients, similar waters. The fact is, GMO is a great technology IF USED APPROPRIATELY! Your sources list a lot of bad examples used by profiteers. I challenge you to find GMO's in use in 3rd world countries where growing before was impossible. Did you know that GMO rice is MORE nutritious than standard? No gimmicks. If your starving and suffering from malnutrition, GMO rice starts looking really good.
"A Honda robbed a bank today using 2 Assault rifles. After fleeing the scene, 4 Police interceptors caught up with the Honda. The Police Interceptors brought the Honda to L.A. County Jail."

Again, it's the people using the Technology, not the Technology itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
looking back at this i realize that my comparison of the lowryder strain and genetically modified cannabis has no backing. Ruderalis is a distinct characteristic that was breed with more potent pot strains to get the thc levels back where they should be. I do still think that it's possible for cannabis to be genticaly modified and that it should be looked into... like corn has been for years now. thanx
Organic farmers use Alfalfa meal which contains Triacontanol, a natural growth hormone which stimulates growth of roots, and therefore foliage.

So all my weed is already GMO'd? Sweet.
Ummm, you're delusional friend. I KNOW flowers that have been GMO'd for color, genius. I've seen GMO potatoes live while other fields DIED, genius. Look, I get it. Organic farmers are being bullied by corporate america. A lot of companies register GMO's for profit, and to wash out local natural strains. BUT, there are strains, like the examples listed, which are registered with the country, which perform unique to the GMO. Sorry you can't see that. Sorry you've never seen a crop dusting that killed neighboring farms while the GMO strain grows unscathed. But that's reality.

WHY HAVE STERILE MALE PLANTS!? So patients with small gardens don't get seeds in their hermaphed medicine, genius. And to suggest I want ALL cannabis sterile? Are you ok? That's like saying, "I will cross Durban Poison with Kush, because I want all Kush to have Durban Poison traits...WUH! And then you continue to claim that GMO Cannabis would be bad for general health over "Natural" Cannabis...WUH!? I know farmers who buy GMO corn because it's like fucking HYDRO! It grows faster, bigger, and more resistant.

Why do I feel like I'm arguing Mineral nutrients over Organic nutrients, similar waters. The fact is, GMO is a great technology IF USED APPROPRIATELY! Your sources list a lot of bad examples used by profiteers. I challenge you to find GMO's in use in 3rd world countries where growing before was impossible. Did you know that GMO rice is MORE nutritious than standard? No gimmicks. If your starving and suffering from malnutrition, GMO rice starts looking really good.

I didn't say flowers haven't been gmoed for color buddy. They don't need to put fucking fish genes in them to do it was my point. They have been changing the color of flowers for thousands of years JUST with breeding, a NATURAL process.

This is why you're stupid and don't know what you're talking about. You think that if male seeds were sterile, patients wouldn't get seeds in their hermpaphed medicine? You get seeds in hermaphrodite plants from PLANT STRESS and hermaphrodite plants start off as FEMALES!!

What the fuck does that have to do with a fucking sterile male plants???? Jesus lol, it's like arguing with a little kid. And I'm not gonna sit here and continue to argue with you in different ways that GMO's have NOT worked in any foods yet in a SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE WAY.

If GMO rice is healthier for us than regular white rice then why not post that information for ALL OF US to read? Lol, you can't. Because you don't have any real information besides some crappy GMO link that tells you what they are supposed to do, not what they REALLY DO lol. NO GIMMICKS HAHA.

Here, I'll just post it for you since you don't know how to find it because you don't know what you're talking about.

Rice is the most important crop in the developing world and is eaten by close to four billion people every day. It accounts for around 80 percent of the total calories consumed by 2.7 billion Asians, or half of the world's population.
In 1999, Swiss and German scientists developed a variety of rice engineered to produce beta-carotene, a substance which the body can convert to Vitamin A. In this way, they hope to stave off malnutrition in poorer nations where rice is a staple food.
'Golden rice', named for its yellow hue, is produced by splicing two daffodil genes and a bacterium gene into japonica rice, which is a variety adapted for temperate climates.
However, experts say many more years are needed before the Vitamin A trait can be worked into the thousands of other varieties grown in countries such as India and Bangladesh.
With such an important crop, genetic scientists are also keen to develop rice strains with resistance to insects, which can eat away yields in tropical Asia by more than 30 percent.
Many crops grown in Third World countries are effectively organic as smallholder farmers lack the money to buy pesticides and other chemical treatments -- thus bringing more significance to crops which can resist insects and the usual field diseases.
Other areas under intensive study include ways to improve resistance to drought and flooding, and tolerance to salt and high concentrations of soil metals. But the specific problems involved might prevent ultimate success, some scientists say.
"Most traits of resistance to insects or diseases, or adaptation to drought or salt tolerance, are multigenic traits,"said Barnaby Peacocke, rural livelihood advisor at the British non-profit development organisation ITDG.
"Even with resistance to pests and diseases, you run the risk of introducing monocultures into areas where they can't really take the risk of a monoculture, rather than building up on some good local varieties they may have already,"he said.
Soil toxicity from the presence of metals is also a great problem to farmers in developing countries who cannot always choose where they can grow their crops. Acidic soils, for example, often contain high levels of aluminium which hinders plant growth.
With enough time and money, Peacocke said, some progress might eventually be made -- but not for several years at least.
"I wouldn't be surprised, if billions of dollars are spent on the research, they might be able to get some kind of tolerance to heavy metals,"he told Reuters in an interview.
"But I just haven't seen the evidence. They (GM scientists) are talking about it, saying these will be the answers they can provide. As a plant scientist, I know that they've been looking at this for decades and they've just got nowhere really."
Not everyone agrees that GM food will necessarily become the saviour for the world's hungry and critics insist that there is, as yet, no conclusive evidence of the touted benefits.
The whole GM issue arouses strong emotions on both sides of the divide, particularly among the more militant opponents to the technology who march across fields and rip up fledgling test plants, demanding that governments put a stop to "Frankenstein"foods by banning the import and the commercial use of GM crops.
Apart from their charge that nobody yet knows how safe GM crops are, they also accuse powerful biotech multinationals of using poor countries as a 'dumping ground' for products which have failed to sell to lucrative but sceptical European markets.
While some say increased funding should go into GM research for the staple foods of the developing would such as cassava, sorghum and corn -- as opposed to crops more used in developed countries -- others say the resources would be better used to promote sustainable agriculture in the world's poorer nations.
"I think the developing world would probably be better off putting its research resources somewhere else, other than in biotechnology,"said Jane Rissler, senior scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, a prominent U.S. environmental group.
"There are many sustainable agriculture areas that probably would be much better for them in the long run,"she said. "We're not sure yet that the (GM) benefits are going to be there."
Despite the financial clout of some of the agribusiness giants, research into plant genetics still suffers from a lack of funding, which delays field trials and safety tests.
"The reason why we are not seeing cassava, sorghum or chickpeas being grown in Vietnam, Kenya or Peru is because of lack of funding -- these technologies don't come cheap -- and lack of expertise, and they go together,"said Prakash.
"Ten years from now the problem is not going to go away. But at least we can start thinking about it now."

So as you can see your "healthier" gmo rice just has beta carotene in it, you can get beta carotene from eating a fucking carrot man.

They actualy CAN'T grow GMO food in these third world countries because it builds up too much heavy metals and salt in their soil and KILLS THE LAND.

So you're still just talking out of your ass while regurgitating information from inaccurate sources further embarrassing yourself to the people that read this in the future.

Please just read the information. The only reason I'm arguing with you is because people are going to read this and it might help somebody. I'm not arguing with you to make you feel stupid, I promise.

But hey, apparently I'm delusional.
So when I scroll to the bottom of the page on your and click on the name Michelle Marvier..the only name I've found so far I get this

The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
Please contact the website administrator.

[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD="width: 500, align: left"][h=1]File not found: /cas/biology/staffandfaculty/Michelle-Marvier.cfm[/h]

[TD="bgcolor: #000066"] The following information is meant for the website developer for debugging purposes. [/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: #4646EE"] Error Occurred While Processing Request [/TD]


So there's no information about her whatsoever.

If you want to keep debating this issue please post real links or real information please.
I didn't say flowers haven't been gmoed for color buddy. They don't need to put fucking fish genes in them to do it was my point. They have been changing the color of flowers for thousands of years JUST with breeding, a NATURAL process.

This is why you're stupid and don't know what you're talking about. You think that if male seeds were sterile, patients wouldn't get seeds in their hermpaphed medicine? You get seeds in hermaphrodite plants from PLANT STRESS and hermaphrodite plants start off as FEMALES!!

What the fuck does that have to do with a fucking sterile male plants???? Jesus lol, it's like arguing with a little kid. And I'm not gonna sit here and continue to argue with you in different ways that GMO's have NOT worked in any foods yet in a SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE WAY.

If GMO rice is healthier for us than regular white rice then why not post that information for ALL OF US to read? Lol, you can't. Because you don't have any real information besides some crappy GMO link that tells you what they are supposed to do, not what they REALLY DO lol. NO GIMMICKS HAHA.

Here, I'll just post it for you since you don't know how to find it because you don't know what you're talking about.

Rice is the most important crop in the developing world and is eaten by close to four billion people every day. It accounts for around 80 percent of the total calories consumed by 2.7 billion Asians, or half of the world's population.
In 1999, Swiss and German scientists developed a variety of rice engineered to produce beta-carotene, a substance which the body can convert to Vitamin A. In this way, they hope to stave off malnutrition in poorer nations where rice is a staple food.
'Golden rice', named for its yellow hue, is produced by splicing two daffodil genes and a bacterium gene into japonica rice, which is a variety adapted for temperate climates.
However, experts say many more years are needed before the Vitamin A trait can be worked into the thousands of other varieties grown in countries such as India and Bangladesh.
With such an important crop, genetic scientists are also keen to develop rice strains with resistance to insects, which can eat away yields in tropical Asia by more than 30 percent.
Many crops grown in Third World countries are effectively organic as smallholder farmers lack the money to buy pesticides and other chemical treatments -- thus bringing more significance to crops which can resist insects and the usual field diseases.
Other areas under intensive study include ways to improve resistance to drought and flooding, and tolerance to salt and high concentrations of soil metals. But the specific problems involved might prevent ultimate success, some scientists say.
"Most traits of resistance to insects or diseases, or adaptation to drought or salt tolerance, are multigenic traits,"said Barnaby Peacocke, rural livelihood advisor at the British non-profit development organisation ITDG.
"Even with resistance to pests and diseases, you run the risk of introducing monocultures into areas where they can't really take the risk of a monoculture, rather than building up on some good local varieties they may have already,"he said.
Soil toxicity from the presence of metals is also a great problem to farmers in developing countries who cannot always choose where they can grow their crops. Acidic soils, for example, often contain high levels of aluminium which hinders plant growth.
With enough time and money, Peacocke said, some progress might eventually be made -- but not for several years at least.
"I wouldn't be surprised, if billions of dollars are spent on the research, they might be able to get some kind of tolerance to heavy metals,"he told Reuters in an interview.
"But I just haven't seen the evidence. They (GM scientists) are talking about it, saying these will be the answers they can provide. As a plant scientist, I know that they've been looking at this for decades and they've just got nowhere really."
Not everyone agrees that GM food will necessarily become the saviour for the world's hungry and critics insist that there is, as yet, no conclusive evidence of the touted benefits.
The whole GM issue arouses strong emotions on both sides of the divide, particularly among the more militant opponents to the technology who march across fields and rip up fledgling test plants, demanding that governments put a stop to "Frankenstein"foods by banning the import and the commercial use of GM crops.
Apart from their charge that nobody yet knows how safe GM crops are, they also accuse powerful biotech multinationals of using poor countries as a 'dumping ground' for products which have failed to sell to lucrative but sceptical European markets.
While some say increased funding should go into GM research for the staple foods of the developing would such as cassava, sorghum and corn -- as opposed to crops more used in developed countries -- others say the resources would be better used to promote sustainable agriculture in the world's poorer nations.
"I think the developing world would probably be better off putting its research resources somewhere else, other than in biotechnology,"said Jane Rissler, senior scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, a prominent U.S. environmental group.
"There are many sustainable agriculture areas that probably would be much better for them in the long run,"she said. "We're not sure yet that the (GM) benefits are going to be there."
Despite the financial clout of some of the agribusiness giants, research into plant genetics still suffers from a lack of funding, which delays field trials and safety tests.
"The reason why we are not seeing cassava, sorghum or chickpeas being grown in Vietnam, Kenya or Peru is because of lack of funding -- these technologies don't come cheap -- and lack of expertise, and they go together,"said Prakash.
"Ten years from now the problem is not going to go away. But at least we can start thinking about it now."

So as you can see your "healthier" gmo rice just has beta carotene in it, you can get beta carotene from eating a fucking carrot man.

They actualy CAN'T grow GMO food in these third world countries because it builds up too much heavy metals and salt in their soil and KILLS THE LAND.

So you're still just talking out of your ass while regurgitating information from inaccurate sources further embarrassing yourself to the people that read this in the future.

Please just read the information. The only reason I'm arguing with you is because people are going to read this and it might help somebody. I'm not arguing with you to make you feel stupid, I promise.

But hey, apparently I'm delusional.

I get it, you CAN NOT READ! I said STERILE POLLEN, TOOL! WHO THE FUCK NEEDS STERILE SEEDS! MORON! IT'S THE POLLEN THAT CAUSES THE SEEDS! IF THE POLLEN IS STERILE, YOU WON'T GET SEEDS AT ALL! I'm sorry for the personal attacks, but now your putting words in my mouth, which I take offense to.

YOUR FACTS ARE NOT FACTS! 3rd world countries are using the fuck out of GMO's. Sorry you can't accept that fact.
I didn't say flowers haven't been gmoed for color buddy. They don't need to put fucking fish genes in them to do it was my point. They have been changing the color of flowers for thousands of years JUST with breeding, a NATURAL process.

This is why you're stupid and don't know what you're talking about. You think that if male seeds were sterile, patients wouldn't get seeds in their hermpaphed medicine? You get seeds in hermaphrodite plants from PLANT STRESS and hermaphrodite plants start off as FEMALES!!

What the fuck does that have to do with a fucking sterile male plants???? Jesus lol, it's like arguing with a little kid. And I'm not gonna sit here and continue to argue with you in different ways that GMO's have NOT worked in any foods yet in a SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE WAY.

If GMO rice is healthier for us than regular white rice then why not post that information for ALL OF US to read? Lol, you can't. Because you don't have any real information besides some crappy GMO link that tells you what they are supposed to do, not what they REALLY DO lol. NO GIMMICKS HAHA.

Here, I'll just post it for you since you don't know how to find it because you don't know what you're talking about.

Rice is the most important crop in the developing world and is eaten by close to four billion people every day. It accounts for around 80 percent of the total calories consumed by 2.7 billion Asians, or half of the world's population.
In 1999, Swiss and German scientists developed a variety of rice engineered to produce beta-carotene, a substance which the body can convert to Vitamin A. In this way, they hope to stave off malnutrition in poorer nations where rice is a staple food.
'Golden rice', named for its yellow hue, is produced by splicing two daffodil genes and a bacterium gene into japonica rice, which is a variety adapted for temperate climates.
However, experts say many more years are needed before the Vitamin A trait can be worked into the thousands of other varieties grown in countries such as India and Bangladesh.
With such an important crop, genetic scientists are also keen to develop rice strains with resistance to insects, which can eat away yields in tropical Asia by more than 30 percent.
Many crops grown in Third World countries are effectively organic as smallholder farmers lack the money to buy pesticides and other chemical treatments -- thus bringing more significance to crops which can resist insects and the usual field diseases.
Other areas under intensive study include ways to improve resistance to drought and flooding, and tolerance to salt and high concentrations of soil metals. But the specific problems involved might prevent ultimate success, some scientists say.
"Most traits of resistance to insects or diseases, or adaptation to drought or salt tolerance, are multigenic traits,"said Barnaby Peacocke, rural livelihood advisor at the British non-profit development organisation ITDG.
"Even with resistance to pests and diseases, you run the risk of introducing monocultures into areas where they can't really take the risk of a monoculture, rather than building up on some good local varieties they may have already,"he said.
Soil toxicity from the presence of metals is also a great problem to farmers in developing countries who cannot always choose where they can grow their crops. Acidic soils, for example, often contain high levels of aluminium which hinders plant growth.
With enough time and money, Peacocke said, some progress might eventually be made -- but not for several years at least.
"I wouldn't be surprised, if billions of dollars are spent on the research, they might be able to get some kind of tolerance to heavy metals,"he told Reuters in an interview.
"But I just haven't seen the evidence. They (GM scientists) are talking about it, saying these will be the answers they can provide. As a plant scientist, I know that they've been looking at this for decades and they've just got nowhere really."
Not everyone agrees that GM food will necessarily become the saviour for the world's hungry and critics insist that there is, as yet, no conclusive evidence of the touted benefits.
The whole GM issue arouses strong emotions on both sides of the divide, particularly among the more militant opponents to the technology who march across fields and rip up fledgling test plants, demanding that governments put a stop to "Frankenstein"foods by banning the import and the commercial use of GM crops.
Apart from their charge that nobody yet knows how safe GM crops are, they also accuse powerful biotech multinationals of using poor countries as a 'dumping ground' for products which have failed to sell to lucrative but sceptical European markets.
While some say increased funding should go into GM research for the staple foods of the developing would such as cassava, sorghum and corn -- as opposed to crops more used in developed countries -- others say the resources would be better used to promote sustainable agriculture in the world's poorer nations.
"I think the developing world would probably be better off putting its research resources somewhere else, other than in biotechnology,"said Jane Rissler, senior scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, a prominent U.S. environmental group.
"There are many sustainable agriculture areas that probably would be much better for them in the long run,"she said. "We're not sure yet that the (GM) benefits are going to be there."
Despite the financial clout of some of the agribusiness giants, research into plant genetics still suffers from a lack of funding, which delays field trials and safety tests.
"The reason why we are not seeing cassava, sorghum or chickpeas being grown in Vietnam, Kenya or Peru is because of lack of funding -- these technologies don't come cheap -- and lack of expertise, and they go together,"said Prakash.
"Ten years from now the problem is not going to go away. But at least we can start thinking about it now."

So as you can see your "healthier" gmo rice just has beta carotene in it, you can get beta carotene from eating a fucking carrot man.

They actualy CAN'T grow GMO food in these third world countries because it builds up too much heavy metals and salt in their soil and KILLS THE LAND.

So you're still just talking out of your ass while regurgitating information from inaccurate sources further embarrassing yourself to the people that read this in the future.

Please just read the information. The only reason I'm arguing with you is because people are going to read this and it might help somebody. I'm not arguing with you to make you feel stupid, I promise.

But hey, apparently I'm delusional.

You can't breed glowing pansies. You can't cross an alfalfa with an oak. They won't germinate. This is where GMO comes in. To bridge the gap that evolution has made for new species. But you knew that, cuz I'm an ignorant kid, right.

Who ever reads these posts, will notice your source was 15 years old. :shock:
I didn't say flowers haven't been gmoed for color buddy. They don't need to put fucking fish genes in them to do it was my point. They have been changing the color of flowers for thousands of years JUST with breeding, a NATURAL process.

This is why you're stupid and don't know what you're talking about. You think that if male seeds were sterile, patients wouldn't get seeds in their hermpaphed medicine? You get seeds in hermaphrodite plants from PLANT STRESS and hermaphrodite plants start off as FEMALES!!

What the fuck does that have to do with a fucking sterile male plants???? Jesus lol, it's like arguing with a little kid. And I'm not gonna sit here and continue to argue with you in different ways that GMO's have NOT worked in any foods yet in a SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE WAY.

If GMO rice is healthier for us than regular white rice then why not post that information for ALL OF US to read? Lol, you can't. Because you don't have any real information besides some crappy GMO link that tells you what they are supposed to do, not what they REALLY DO lol. NO GIMMICKS HAHA.

Here, I'll just post it for you since you don't know how to find it because you don't know what you're talking about.

Rice is the most important crop in the developing world and is eaten by close to four billion people every day. It accounts for around 80 percent of the total calories consumed by 2.7 billion Asians, or half of the world's population.
In 1999, Swiss and German scientists developed a variety of rice engineered to produce beta-carotene, a substance which the body can convert to Vitamin A. In this way, they hope to stave off malnutrition in poorer nations where rice is a staple food.
'Golden rice', named for its yellow hue, is produced by splicing two daffodil genes and a bacterium gene into japonica rice, which is a variety adapted for temperate climates.
However, experts say many more years are needed before the Vitamin A trait can be worked into the thousands of other varieties grown in countries such as India and Bangladesh.
With such an important crop, genetic scientists are also keen to develop rice strains with resistance to insects, which can eat away yields in tropical Asia by more than 30 percent.
Many crops grown in Third World countries are effectively organic as smallholder farmers lack the money to buy pesticides and other chemical treatments -- thus bringing more significance to crops which can resist insects and the usual field diseases.
Other areas under intensive study include ways to improve resistance to drought and flooding, and tolerance to salt and high concentrations of soil metals. But the specific problems involved might prevent ultimate success, some scientists say.
"Most traits of resistance to insects or diseases, or adaptation to drought or salt tolerance, are multigenic traits,"said Barnaby Peacocke, rural livelihood advisor at the British non-profit development organisation ITDG.
"Even with resistance to pests and diseases, you run the risk of introducing monocultures into areas where they can't really take the risk of a monoculture, rather than building up on some good local varieties they may have already,"he said.
Soil toxicity from the presence of metals is also a great problem to farmers in developing countries who cannot always choose where they can grow their crops. Acidic soils, for example, often contain high levels of aluminium which hinders plant growth.
With enough time and money, Peacocke said, some progress might eventually be made -- but not for several years at least.
"I wouldn't be surprised, if billions of dollars are spent on the research, they might be able to get some kind of tolerance to heavy metals,"he told Reuters in an interview.
"But I just haven't seen the evidence. They (GM scientists) are talking about it, saying these will be the answers they can provide. As a plant scientist, I know that they've been looking at this for decades and they've just got nowhere really."
Not everyone agrees that GM food will necessarily become the saviour for the world's hungry and critics insist that there is, as yet, no conclusive evidence of the touted benefits.
The whole GM issue arouses strong emotions on both sides of the divide, particularly among the more militant opponents to the technology who march across fields and rip up fledgling test plants, demanding that governments put a stop to "Frankenstein"foods by banning the import and the commercial use of GM crops.
Apart from their charge that nobody yet knows how safe GM crops are, they also accuse powerful biotech multinationals of using poor countries as a 'dumping ground' for products which have failed to sell to lucrative but sceptical European markets.
While some say increased funding should go into GM research for the staple foods of the developing would such as cassava, sorghum and corn -- as opposed to crops more used in developed countries -- others say the resources would be better used to promote sustainable agriculture in the world's poorer nations.
"I think the developing world would probably be better off putting its research resources somewhere else, other than in biotechnology,"said Jane Rissler, senior scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, a prominent U.S. environmental group.
"There are many sustainable agriculture areas that probably would be much better for them in the long run,"she said. "We're not sure yet that the (GM) benefits are going to be there."
Despite the financial clout of some of the agribusiness giants, research into plant genetics still suffers from a lack of funding, which delays field trials and safety tests.
"The reason why we are not seeing cassava, sorghum or chickpeas being grown in Vietnam, Kenya or Peru is because of lack of funding -- these technologies don't come cheap -- and lack of expertise, and they go together,"said Prakash.
"Ten years from now the problem is not going to go away. But at least we can start thinking about it now."

So as you can see your "healthier" gmo rice just has beta carotene in it, you can get beta carotene from eating a fucking carrot man.

They actualy CAN'T grow GMO food in these third world countries because it builds up too much heavy metals and salt in their soil and KILLS THE LAND.

So you're still just talking out of your ass while regurgitating information from inaccurate sources further embarrassing yourself to the people that read this in the future.

Please just read the information. The only reason I'm arguing with you is because people are going to read this and it might help somebody. I'm not arguing with you to make you feel stupid, I promise.

But hey, apparently I'm delusional.

If only there were a plant that pulled metals from the soil. A plant with sustainability, which we could use for everything from fuel to food to clothes to building supplies. Dang. Where would we find such a plant!? Let's ask the third world countries, and the Chernobyl caretakers.