Genetics or something going on?


New Member
Hi everyone,

Just curious as to what's going on with one of my seedlings. I've got two going, both random bag seed and both germinated at the same time. I am growing in coco with perlite. The coco was rinsed and flushed of any excess salts. These are currently sitting under 100w LED lights in my tent. I've watered with 3-4 oz of PH 6.0 water whenever the cups feel light.

One seedling sprouted on 1/19/2017, a day before the other. She stretched a bit the first night and so I lowered the lights and she's been fine since, as far as the stretching goes. However, I've noticed her first set of true leaves are light green/yellow and I've never seen this before in a seedling.

The second and smaller seedling looks pretty good to me.

Any ideas on what might be going on? Should I start nutes on the yellowish one already even though the cotyledons are still green or should I just wait it out?


P.S: don't mind the tomato seedlings in the background.



Well-Known Member
proud looking sprouts there sir!

I grow in pro mix and at this stage they're transplanted from their greenhouse/rapid rooter cup
to a cup similar to yours, with organic nutrients mixed in it.
they look good, take it slow, dont over feed. they tell you
when hungry, thirsty even, pay attention.


New Member
proud looking sprouts there sir!

I grow in pro mix and at this stage they're transplanted from their greenhouse/rapid rooter cup
to a cup similar to yours, with organic nutrients mixed in it.
they look good, take it slow, dont over feed. they tell you
when hungry, thirsty even, pay attention.
Thank you for the words of encouragement!

I will follow your advice and see how it does over the next few days.


New Member
then I would give them some nutes

EC 0.5 or roughly 400ppm of bloom nutes
Sorry for the late reply. I started giving nutes the day after this post. I've started giving about 350ppm at 6.0ph and the colour of the one seedling which was yellow has drastically improved, although possibly slightly droopy now? However, the other seedling has been droopy the last 48-72 hours. I originally thought she was over watered but these photos (taken yesterday) were 48 hours after the previous watering. Is it possible she's under watered? The seedlings are now 10 & 11 days from sprouting. Today would mark 3 days since the previous watering. I won't see what they look like until later today.

The tomatoes are receiving the exact same nutes and watering schedule and they seem to be loving it.

Thanks again for all the help.

